Heart Protection

Chapter 58


Tian Yao knew where his dragon tendons were, but he wasn't in a hurry to check it out.

On one hand, San Chong Mountain was was guarded by the xian sects. Although there demons came to receive Zhu Li, there wasn't a lot of them. They were enough to hold off the xian cultivators for a short while, but they had volunteered to do so. In this circumstance, Tian Yao was completely unable to closely investigate the mountain.

On the other hand.......Yan Hui was injured. He lost his powerful helper. This was how Tian Yao convinced himself, but deep in his mind, a thought wormed out.

He couldn't let Yan Hui in her current condition to follow him into danger.

That thought was so clear in his head, so clear that Tian Yao didn't dare dwell on it. He skipped over it and also turned his gaze. He steadily sat back down on the fox demon's back.

Yan Hui thought it was strange: "You sensed your body part down there. You're not going to take a look?"

Tian Yao closed his eyes: "There's no rush at the moment. San Chong Mountain is big, so discovering my dragon tendon's whereabouts won't be easy. Since this place is close to Qing Qiu, they might have some information. We'll see if Qing Qiu has any news before planning further."

Yan Hui thought what Tian Yao said was reasonable. Thus, she nodded and also sat down. Since they were free, she teased Tian Yao a little: "It's kinda strange. Before when you discovered something like this, your eyes would light up like fire. Now are you unhappy we are finding things too fast? Going to be all calm and collected now?"

Unhappy they were finding things too fast?

No, he feared they weren't finding things fast enough. He wished with all his heart to return to his former state in a blink of an eye.

He wasn't unhappy they were moving too fast. He just......

Compared to earlier when there was nothing to do, had more misgivings......

Darkness had already swallowed all light. Yan Hui and Tian Yao arrived to Qing Qiu in pitch-black darkness.

When the large, gray fox demon landed, the tranquil forest in front of them was lit up with several points of fire. It was the demon clans lighting torches, quietly waiting for Zhu Li's arrival.

The gray fox demon's body became wreathed in fog. Then after a flash of magic, it turned back into the stooped-back, old servant. He patted his stomach and took several deep breaths. He said to Zhu Li: "You little devil, this servant is getting old. I can't handle this rough treatment anymore! Next time I request you consider my situation!"

Zhu Li curtly dipped his head and turned to look at Yan Hui. He deliberately acted a little arrogant: "Cough.......The miasma here is stronger than at Central Plains. If you have difficulty enduring it, then tell me. I have medicine that can help you bear it."

"I'm not that fragile." Yan Hui waved her hand. "Let's go."

Zhu Li's expression revealed his awkwardness for a split second. He coughed again and then set off.

When the torchbearers saw Zhu Li advance, they all bowed down: "Heir, the Seventh Prince ordered us to escort you back. [1]"

Zhu Li nodded in agreement. He only walked forward a few steps when suddenly 3 black figures flashed into appearance behind Zhu Li. Those figures blocked Tian Yao and didn't allow him to advance into the forest.

Yan Hui found that strange: "We came with your little prince. You're really not letting us through?"

The three figures shot Yan Hui a glance as one: Those whose identity is not clear cannot enter."

So that's why they blocked Tian Yao but not her. Whether or not for good or bad, it was because it was clear she is a xian cultivator. However Tian Yao was still wearing the anosmia sachet. Those people couldn't sense his aura and therefore blocked him.

Yan Hui looked at Zhu Li, who was ahead of them. Zhu Li slightly frowned: "That indeed is Qing Qiu's rule......." He looked at Tian Yao. "Sir, can you remove your anosmia sachet?"

Yan Hui lifted her eyesbrows in shock at Zhu Li's words. But then she thought about it. The demons that had to go to Central Plains naturally didn't have a way to hide their aura. For those with statuses like Zhu Li, they had to find a way to mask their aura to make travel easier.

She just never thought they would also use anosmia sachets too.

"You are guests I invited to Qing Qiu. There is no need to hide your identity."

Yan Hui looked at Tian Yao. She thought there didn't seem to be any harm for Tian Yao to reveal his identity to the demon clans. The only fear was Su Yin would hear of a dragon demon in Qing Qiu. There would be no way that Su Ying wouldn't realize it was Tian Yao reviving. She probably........would come looking for trouble.

Yan Yao became solemn: "How about......"

She had just spoke up when Tian Yao removed the sachet from his waist and handed it to Yan Hui. "You need this more than me here."

Yan Hui accepted it. When the sachet left Tian Yao, an aura quietly wafted through the forest on the night breeze.

The three people blocking Tian Yao were stunned. Zhu Li and his servant behind him were also stunned. When Yan Hui sensed the aura, she was also shocked.

On their journey, Yan Hui never noticed any difference in Tian Yao from the beginning. It was only until now when Tian Yao took off the sachet that Yan Hui suddenly realized Tian Yao's aura had unexpectedly reached this point. Staying by Tian Yao's side, she felt a slight oppression.

Yan Hui knew what she was sensing. Back when she was still cultivating, their xian aura would become stronger as they continued to cultivate. Their auras would increase to the point that others would feel oppression.

For the past few years while Yan Hui was still with Ling Xiao, the oppression was very evident. It was strongest when Ling Xiao would slightly frown due to his increasing anger. His aura would react accordingly, oppressing all the disciples to the point that they couldn't raise their heads.

Later as they continued to practice, xian cultivators' auras will slowly disappear. Finally, they will reach the same stage as Zhenren Qing Guang. Wherever Zhenren Qing Guang went, there wasn't the slightest bit of oppression. Rather, people felt a fresh and clean warmth. This was when a xian cultivator reached the peak and regained their natural state.

Although Tian Yao's aura was currently not as imposing as Ling Xiao's aura was a few years ago, Tian Yao regained a lot in such a short amount of time. He only found two body parts, which already lead to this result.

Yan Hui couldn't help feel astonished.

"Dragon aura......." murmured Zhu Li. "You actually are......."

Tian Yao looked at the three figures in front of him: "I am the dragon demon, Tian Yao. Now may I enter Qing Qiu?"

The three looked at each other in dismay. Immediately they disappeared into the darkness, leaving no trace behind. All that was left was the occasional crackling of the torches. Tian Yao was the first to speak: "We're not proceedings?"

Zhu Li was snapped back to his sense by Tian Yao's words. He acknowledged and allowed the torchbearers to lead the way again.

In the darkness, the party walked on in silence under Tian Yao's oppression despite the fact Tian Yao deliberately stayed back several steps of distance.

Yan Hui lightly tugged at Tian Yao's wrist: "Since we've entered Qing Qiu, how about I give the anosmia sachet back for you to wear? Look how hard it is for people to walk."

Tian Yao looked at the sachet in Yan Hui's hand: "No. Let them get used to it."

Yan Hui took the sachet back. She thought for a little bit, and then she frowned again in concern: "You've just announced your identity. You're not worried Su Ying will come for you later?"

Tan Yao became grave: "She already knew awhile ago."

Yan Hui was shocked: "When?"

"When we got back my dragon horns." Tian Yao fell silent after speaking. He thought back to the message Su Ying left behind. Su Yin didn't care at all what he was doing. She only cared about what was in Yan Hui's heart. His heart protection scale.......

"She knew that early on?!" Yan Hui was greatly shocked. "Then isn't she set on killing you now?"

Tian Yao coldly laughed: "I told her I did not fear her." His slightly narrowed his eyes. "She doesn't care where I am, what I look like, nor whether or not I'm going to get revenge on her. What she wants is still only the heart protection scale." He sneered. "Just like twenty years ago."

Twenty years ago, she wanted to dig out his heart. Twenty years later, what she wants to dig out is Yan Hui's heart. Not because Su Ying was targeting Yan Hui, but only for the heart protection scale to create a set of dragon scale armor. To save the person tied in her own heart.

Tian Yao was resigned to what happened last time. But this time, he absolutely would not let Yan Hui be subjected to what he faced back then........

"Tian Yao." After Yan Hui was silent for awhile, she suddenly grimly spoke up: "If Zhenren Su Ying is like what you said, doesn't have a conscious and isn't scared, then why did she leave in such a hurry? And also leave her mount with the dragon horns?"

Tian Yao was silent.

"Her mount isn't easily beaten. There were also a lot of xian disciples guarding Heavenly Fragrance. If you were alone, there would be no way for you to get your horns back."

Tian Yao looked at Yan Hui deep eyes and twisting emotions in his heart.

"She's scared of you," said Yan Hui. "Scared of your revenge."

Tian Yao was silent. Then, he suddenly smiled, sneering and cold. More emotions were also mixed in. It was hard to tell what was implied: "When I hear your words, it's surprisingly hard to hide my happiness."

Let Su Ying be uneasy. Let her fear. Let her live in suspicion and jealousy. Thinking like that let Tian Yao find a shameful comfort. Just wait, this was only the beginning.

He was going to demand back those twenty years of debt, stroke by stroke.

While they were talking, the forest suddenly brightened.

A large house suddenly appeared in front of them. This was where Zhu Li lived.

"It's late. You all go back to rest," said Zhu Li. "When meal is really, I'll send people to deliver it to you. Yan Hui, I'll call some to do a simple examination today. Tomorrow, I'll bring a doctor to have a close look. I take my leave first." Turning, Zhu Li followed another person rapidly into the hall. Uncle Zhao by his side could be heard faintly chattering on: "Oh you little devil, now you've brought back a xian cultivator and a dragon demon. How are you going to explain this to Seventh Prince?"

"So what if there's a dragon demon......."

Zhu Li and Uncle Zhao walked further in. Probably to report back to his father what he did while in Central Plains.

Actually thinking about, Tian Yao's identity made a pretty awkward situation.

It was because of the strength of the nine-tailed fox demon that the demon clans in Qing Qiu were united. It became the current power structure, but now such a strong person was brought in. If Tian Yao had no demands, that would be the best. They could just leave him be. But if Tian Yao wanted a place in the power hierarchy, then how would that be arranged? Who would Tian Yao support with his power.......

Where in the jianghu is there no fighting for benefits? Humans are like that. Demons are naturally also like that. With everything based on a strength, a slight difference could have a huge effect.

Yan Hui wasn't interested in understanding what overly complicated thoughts those people would be over thinking. She glanced at Tian Yao and saw he wasn't that interested either. The two followed a servant into a small courtyard.

[1] Heir, the Seventh Prince ordered us to escort you back

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