Heart Protection

Chapter 70


Late at night, Yan Hui dreamed about Tian Yao again. He silently sat by her, accompanying her through the night. At night in her dreams, Yan Hui was vulnerable: "It hurts so much."

Her words caused Tian Yao's eyebrows to furrow. He remained silent for a long time before responding: "Do you regret coming to Chen Xing Mountain?"

Even though her mind was muddled and in a mess, Yan Hui didn't even hesitate to shake her head: "No regret."

In her entire life, even if she had to experience pain 100x  worse, she had never once regretted it. When she was small, she met that elegant, white-clothed xian cultivator. She held his hand and followed him step by toddling step to Chen Xing Mountain.

He was her savior, her family, and her unspoken dream that she had since small.

Even though the man who gave her everything had already whipped that everything to shreds, the gratefulness and emotions were really still there. It was Ling Xiao who created the current Yan Hui. She would never regret meeting him, never regret coming to Chen Xing Mountain.

The corner of Tian Yao's lips slightly tightened. He didn't talk anymore until Yan Hui fell deep asleep.

Third day. Fourth day. Fifth day. Every day, the whipping continued. Every day, Yan Hui's inner breath grew weaker and weaker. The night of the fifth day when Zi Yue came to send food, Yan Hui didn't even have the strength to raise her head. The food was right in front of her. She could see it, but she couldn't move her hand to get it.

"There's still four more days.......you're going to be beaten to death like this."

Yes, the soul-destroying whipping punishment destroyed the base for cultivation, but no one knew if the person would be beaten to death before the base was destroyed.

"Head Senior Disciple has already knelt in front of shifu for three days now.........his face has already lost all color. But shifu is still unmoved. We........also can't do anything about it."

Yan Hui heard, and the corner of her mouth trembled into a smile. Ling Xiao.........really could harden his heart. When his mind was made up, no one could change it.

Yan Hui closed her eyes and didn't speak. Zi Yue saw she was unable to eat and drew the basket back up: "Before, I always thought that Head Senior Disciple favored you. That's why I really didn't like you. This time, I will help him. I'll plead with him for shifu to change his mind."

Zi Yue liked Zi Chen. Yan Hui had always known this. She listened to Zi Yue's footsteps fade away and couldn't focus on anything anymore. Her mind was in a haze, and she sank into nothingness.

Five days of punishment have already passed. Yan Hui's body was extremely cold, and it was because of that that Yan Hui discovered the heart protection scale was scaldingly hot. It was like her body's last line of defense, giving her a sole bit of warmth.

Yan Hui felt herself sinking into a mix of bitter cold and nothingness when her heart suddenly warmed up. That warmth spread throughout her body.

"Yan Hui."

She heard Tian Yao calling for her. It was different from the previous days of warm silence. What she heard today was more like the Tian Yao she knew.

"Yan Hui, don't give up." His voice floated in her mind. "Endure it a little more."

His voice was like a hand, supporting the sinking Yan Hui. The heart protection scale grew hotter and hotter. It made Yan Hui involuntarily think that if Tian Yao had never suffered those injuries, his arms would probably be this warm........

Yan Hui was suddenly really happy she got to know a person named Tian Yao. In this situation, he not only was able to make her feel mournful, but also was able to make her think about other matters.

Same as before on the morning of the sixth day, Yan Hui was hauled up by the chains. She didn't even open her eyes. She just silently waited for the pain to descend. However this time, the whip hadn't descended yet when she heard a voices both far and close urgently cry out: "Master! Master Ling Xiao!"

The person who came was anxious and panicky. Yan Hui couldn't help opening her eyes at their cry to take a look. Today, no one came to see her be whipped. There was only that disciple who shakily rode the Propelling Sword technique to here and dismounted. He didn't even firmly stand up when he started to report to Ling Xiao: "Master Ling Xiao, many of Qing Qiu's demons attacked San Chong Mountain last night! They passed over it, and today are continuing ahead. The xian sects at the border are doing their best to fight back, but casualties are heavy! The border sects think they are headed toward Guang Han Sect!"

Ling Xiao severely frowned at what he just heard.

The demons had declared war upon Guang Han Sect. A battle would happen sooner or later, but no one thought that it would be this fast. Even more, no one expected the demons to pour their entire clan's strength into assaulting Guang Han Sect.

"Sect Leader Su Ying sent urgent news. Tonight, there will be a meeting to discuss the battle strategy."

Guang Han Sect was far from Chen Xing Mountain. If they wanted to meet tonight, then right now was the best time to leave Chen Xing Mountain via Propelling Sword to arrive on time. Whipping Yan Hui would take a long time. If Ling Xiao left after that, then he would be late.

Ling Xiao muttered to himself and then came to a decision: "Get Zhang Peak's shifu, Ling Lei, to carry out today's and tomorrow's punishment. Also get Xin Peak's Ling Fei to supervise. If I haven't returned by the day after tomorrow, then Ling Fei will finish the remaining punishment."

The disciple bowed in acceptance of the order. Ling Xiao looked at Yan Hui.

In the end, he said nothing. He gathered his sleeves and stepped into the wind and away.

A short while later, Ling Lei and Ling Fei arrived. Aside from Ling Xiao, Ling Lei was Chen Xing Mountain's most powerful master. Him carrying out the soul-destroying whipping was fitting except that Ling Fei's personality was forgiving. He very rarely was harsh towards his disciples. That's why Ling Xiao wanted Ling Fei to supervise.

There was hatred between Ling Fei and Yan Hui. There was no way Ling Xiao didn't know. Anyone in Chen Xing Mountain could go easy on Yan Hui, but Ling Fei wouldn't.

In a time like this, Ling Xiao could consider all of this so clean and clearly...........

Ling Lei help the whip and looked at the dying Yan Hui. Sure enough, he couldn't bear it, and for a long while, he didn't commence the punishment. Ling Fei, who was still wearing the veiled hat, coldly stood and observed. When she saw Ling Lei hesitate and not move, she coldly spoke out: "Brother Ling Lei, if you don't start, then the time will pass."

Ling Lei could only sigh in the end. He chanted the spell and raised the whip up.

Yan Hui no longer had to grit her teeth in pain to keep herself from making a sound. Now, even if her mouth was open, she didn't have the strength to make a sound.

When the sixth day of whipping ended, Yan Hui was once again lowered into her prison. It felt like all her muscles and bones were torn. Her body was like minced meat. She couldn't even move a finger.

She closed her eyes and sunk back into the haze.

All sensations had disappeared. Only the never faltering warmth of the heart protection scale warming her body remained. Tian Yao's voice in her head continued to call her name: "Yan Hui, Yan Hui........"

It let her be aware that at this very moment, she was still alive.

How nice........

The bright moon shone overhead late at night. By chance, its moonlight shone into Yan Hui's prison. The moonlight at night was too dazzling. Yan Hui's eyelids' trembled, and she opened her eyes. In the dazzling light, Yan Hui saw a fuzzy figure standing by her.

She blinked. Her mind cleared up some: "Tian Yao?"

Her voice was extremely hoarse and raspy. It was like her throat had been ripped.

The figure slightly paused, and then it clarified: "It's me."

When Yan Hui heard that voice, she was a little shocked: "Head Senior Disciple......."

Zi Chen was by Yan Hui. He was using something in his hand to draw a seal on the chain on one of Yan Hui's feet.

Yan Hui with great difficulty craned her neck to see what was in Zi Chen's hand. It was then that she saw he was holding the soul-destroying whip that lashed her daily. Yan Hui was astounded: "How........"

"Shifu isn't here. Master Ling Lei doesn't guard the whip as closely. I stole it." Zi Chen didn't wait for Yan Hui to finish before continuing: "The chains on you need a seal drawn with the whip for you to be released. I told Zi Yue to open the doors at mountain's doors. When I get the chains off you, you'll get out of here."

He was focused on drawing the seals. He didn't even glance at Yan Hui.

But Yan Hui knew how much Zi Chen followed the rules, valued discipline, and stayed virtuous. He was the good disciple who always listened to shifu. He was always upright and honest, never straying even a hairsbreadth away from shifu's orders. He was shifu's Head Disciple. He always set the example and never slacked off.

But now, he actually stole the whip and planned to free Yan Hui.

"Head Senior Disciple........" Yan Hui started to tear up.

She had never feared challenge and danger, never feared judging gazes and malicious slander. She only feared that people treated her well, that she fell short of such treatment.

Ling Xiao was determined for Yan Hui's cultivation base to be shattered. Even if he had important matters to attend to, he didn't forget to hand the punishment off for someone else to completed. And now Zi Chen was freeing her. When Ling Xiao returned, Yan Hui couldn't imagine what kind of punishment Zi Chen would face.

The chains at her feet were unbound by Zi Chen. However, Yan Hui still couldn't move her legs. Six days of the soul-destroying whip was enough to cause serious damage.

Zi Chen concentrated on releasing the chains on Yan Hui's hands. This time, he was closer to Yan Hui's head and quietly said: "This time when you leave Chen Xing Mountain, go to the demon clans. Don't stay in Central Plains. Go to Qing Qiu and live well."

When she heard those words, Yan Hui slightly tilted her head, so the tears wouldn't fall.

Zi Chen wanted her to live. That's why he abandoned the concepts about demons that he had learned. He didn't have the slightest bit of discrimination when he wanted her to go there. He just wanted her to live.

The seal was halfway drawn on the chain on her left hand when suddenly a figure appeared at the opening of the prison. Zi Chen and Yan Hui were startled.

Zi Chen raised his head and saw Ling Fei standing there. Her white clothes reflected the cold moonlight. She sneered: "Ling Xiao isn't here, and I feared someone might have a secret plot. I came to patrol. Who would've thought that there really would be so reckless a person."

Zi Chen was silent.

"Zi Chen, you are Ling Xiao's first disciple, yet you go against your shifu's order?" She continued. "Chain Yan Hui's legs back up and come out. I'll pretend like I didn't see anything tonight."

Zi Chen dropped his head and continued to draw the seal.

Yan Hui heart trembled: "Head Senior Discple."

"Her strength was damaged at San Chong Mountain. Now, she might not be a strong opponent," said Zi Chen quietly. "When all the chains are loosened, I'll take you out by force."

Ling Fei didn't hear what Zi Chen said, but she could see that Zi Chen didn't plan on listening to her order. Ling Fei's expression hardened; she coldly laughed: "Alright, then don't blame me for being harsh." With that, her figure flickered, and she flashed away.

Ever since her face was injured, Ling Fei's vicious tendencies became even stronger. No one knew what she was going to do. Yan Hui sensed that something was going to go wrong. She pushed Zi Chen: "Quickly, go."

Right at the time, Zi Chen had already released the chains on Yan Hui's left hand. All that was left were the chains around her neck and right hand. Of course Zi Chen wasn't willing to leave.

Yan Hui's pushes were of no use. She was going to beg him when suddenly their surroundings were lit with a blood-red light. The entire prison was filled with a murderous aura.

Ling Fei activated the prison's killing spell! Yan Hui was stunned. Ling Fei really wanted to kill them!

Ling Fei originally did want to kill her back at San Chong Mountain.........

"She wants to kill me. Head Senior Disciple, leave before the spell fully activates."

Zi Chen ignored her. He finished drawing the seal on the chains on Yan Hui's hand. They dropped with a clatter. All that was left was the chain around Yan Hui's neck.

In just these few, short moments, the red light brightened even more. The spell beneath them started to rotate. The powerful bright lights streamed out of the entrance above them.

Yan Hui felt like every inch of her body was being sucked dry by the spell. It was extremely uncomfortable. She didn't think that the spell would be so strong. On second thought, this prison was for those who did great wrong against Chen Xing Mountain. Zhenren Qi Guang set down this spell. Of course it would be powerful.

Ling Fei, who was outside the prison, was also stunned. She saw the red rays of light shoot out and illuminate the sky blood-red. She originally only wanted to kill Yan Hui. Normally there would be some time before a spell activates. She wanted Zi Chen to leave the prison in that period of time.

But who would've though this spell actually.........

As Yan Hui and Zi Chen were in the prison, they didn't know the situation outside. Zi Chen's eyes were bloodshot. He hugged Yan Hui, the whip still in his hands. It was hard to draw the seal on the chains around Yan Hui's neck. He formed a boundary spell around the two of them to protect themselves.

But his boundary spell was already failing under the assault of the killing spell. It was clear he couldn't maintain it for long.

Zi Chen's heart didn't have a heart protection scale. He was just an ordinary commoner who cultivated the xian way. His magic was only stronger than his fellow disciples. It wasn't enough to contend against the killing spell's strength!

Yan Hui's worries accelerated: "Get out." She hoarsely screamed. "Leave!"

Those words had just left Yan Hui's mouth when Zi Chen's barrier spell broke in response. Immediately, the murderous aura enveloped them. Blood started to flow out of Zi Chen's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

Yet Yan Hui was unharmed. The heart protection scale was warm. For a moment, she thought it was the scale that was protecting her. Then she noticed small puffs of wind revolving around her. They dispelled the murderous aura approaching her.

This gentle wind was Zi Chen's magic........

There were two strokes left to draw to complete the seal on the chains around Yan Hui's neck, but Zi Chen already couldn't support his own body. His head fell against Yan Hui's shoulder.

Yan Hui mustered up all her strength to support themselves. She could feel the blood flowing from Zi Chen run from her shoulder to her collarbone. Then drop by drop, it soaked into her clothes. "Head Senior Disciple......." Yan Hui was extremely shocked. Her voice trembled for the first time. "Don't activate the spell!"

Yan Hui used all her strength to hoarse scream toward the prison's entrance hole: "Don't activate the spell! Let him out! Let him go!"

Ling Fei was standing by the entrance. She saw the core of the spell throw off gleaming red light. If she used magic right now to forcefully disrupt the core of the spell, it might stop the spell. However.........it might use up half of her cultivation.

She hesitated. At this moment, Zi Chen couldn't hold onto the whip any longer. He limply fell over.

The seal on the chains only need half a stroke to be complete.

"Yan Hui........" Zi Chen's voice was weak. "I couldn't........"

Yan Hui shook her head. She was choked with sobs.

Because the winds were still revolving around her body, Yan Hui didn't feel the full force of the killing spell, but her body wouldn't stop shuddering. It was like her soul was shaking.

"......I couldn't save you."

"Don't save me, don't save me. I was wrong!" cried Yan Hui. Her face was covered in tears. "I was wrong, It's all my fault. Ling Fei! I'm willing to die for it! Don't punish Zi Chen! I'm begging you! Let him go!"

Ling Fei heard Yan Hui crying out like a trapped animal. She slightly gritted her teeth and looked at her hand. Then she looked at the spell. At that moment, she heard Ling Lei's rough voice from the sky: "What is going on?!"

Other people would discover her.

Discover she activated the killing spell and killed Zi Chen........

Ling Fei panicked. She used the Escape Earth technique and disappeared. 

Ling Lei landed. There was no one else around. He looked down into the prison. His eyes were immediately seared by the red light emitted within. It was like being blinded by pain.

Cultivators from other peaks also rushed over. All they heard was Yan Hui crying out in pain like a wounded animal.

Zi Chen's body in Yan Hui's arms was already turning cold. Yan Hui's voice was was completely hoarse. Although she screamed out with her entire body, only she could hear her raspy cries.

Her voice was hoarse. Her eyes seemed nearly blind. She couldn't see anything aside from the red surroundings.

She was filled with despair. No one came to help. She couldn't even help herself. She could only hold Zi Chen in her arms and watch as his magic slowly disappeared. Then the killing spell sucked dry his body, turning it to ash.

Yan Hui's arms held nothing.

Zi Chen..........didn't even leave behind a skeleton.

But Yan Hui felt the last spell Zi Chen had cast on her. In his last moment, he was protecting her.

Then, the winds revolving around her slowly stopped. Yan Hui knew that with her body in its current condition, without the winds protecting her, she would also become like Zi Chen in an instant. Nothing but ash.

No one came to save Zi Chen, and no one would come to save her........

So be it. No more fighting.........Yan Hui's eyes immediately lost its spark.

"Yan Hui." The heart protection scale slowly started to heat up, hotter and hotter. It was like a red-hot iron brand in her heart letting her know she was still alive.

A dragon's roar was heard off in the distance.

It sounded quiet and distant, but it started to bring back the life in Yan Hui's eyes.

In a split second, the dragon's roar reverberated through the air. Yan Hui was in the middle of the killing spell at the bottom of the prison pit, but she could feel the strength of that earth-shaking roar. It was like the entire continent trembled.

"Dragon demon!"

"It's a dragon demon!"

Outsides, the cultivators cried out in alarm, but to Yan Hui it was all static to be ignored. She only heard the third roar and felt an enormous pressure pressing in the prison.

There was a cracking spell. The blood-red spell was split, and its red light faded away.

A dragon suddenly swooped over the horizon, accompanied by a rush of wind and fire. It suppressed the spell's power and cleansed the murderous aura.

With the spell core cracked and the red light gone, the prison was plunged back into darkness. The moon shined overhead like earlier.

Bleak moonlight shone into the prison. Tian Yao, clothed in black, stood alone in front of Yan Hui.

Four eyes met. Yan Hui was in pitiful condition. Tian Yao looked handsome and sharp, like a god from the heavens or devil from the underworld. It was the same situation as the first time they had met. However, no matter what, it had all changed so much.

He was no longer frail and uneasy. It seemed like he recovered that earth-shaking strength. He had become that type of person. But that type of person, upon seeing the beaten down Yan Hui, couldn't completely hide how heart-broken he felt.

Tian Yao bent over and placed his hands under her arms. He cradled her like a child: "I'll take you out of here."

She was always saving him.

This time, Tian Yao would be doing the saving.

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