Heart Protection

Chapter 74


Gradually, Yan Hui's movements slowed. She no longer kicked Tian Yao, and her teeth slowly loosened from Tian Yao's neck. Blood stained her lips red, making them seem extra bright.

Tian Yao felt Yan Hui's rough breath against his neck. Compared to the pain from Yan Hui's bite, this barely felt sensation made Tian Yao feel even worse. He slightly pushed away Yan Hui. 

"Back to reality?"

Yan Hui didn't reply for a long time. Tian Yao almost thought she had fallen asleep when Yan Hui bitterly laughed. "Why didn't you let me lose myself in the illusion? At least this place didn't have so many sinister plots. Even though I knew it was fake........"

Tian Yao was silent for a brief moment before responding: "Don't you want to avenge your senior disciple?"

Yan Hui's gaze grew a little colder.

That's right. Right now, that was what most motivated her to persevere switching to demon cultivation. 

She wanted Ling Fei to pay for the price of her actions.

"Avenge for what? Nothing's good about that." From somewhere came the sound of a crisp voice: "There's no need to think all day about killing thing. In my illusion, everything is good. It's so nice. Nothing here will hurt you. It'll always be sunny. You'll always be happy. Why are you so determined to leave?"

Tian Yao's expression sobered up. His eyes were cold. With a wave of his hand, he formed a fiery whip and lashed it toward where the voice was coming from.

"Ah!" The flame suddenly hit a black fog. A child's voice yelped, and the illusion broke apart in a split second. It was like the Chen Xing Mountain surroundings were burned away. They crackled into ashes and were carried away in the end.

Outside of the illusion was a secluded palace with blue-lighted pillars. The palace was large and empty. As you looked up, there was only darkness. The ceiling couldn't be seen.

And where Tian Yao's whip struck laid a little girl lying on the stairs. She was clutching her arm, clothes tattered. The little girl looked at Tian Yao and Yan Hui and tried not to cry: "You guys are bad! I made so many illusions for you, and you guys weren't satisfied. And you even hit me! Bad people!"

Tian Yao narrowed his eyes. He heard Yan Hui suddenly speak up: "It's an illusion demon."

Tian Yao looked over. Yan Hui still had traces of undried tears in the corner of her eyes, but the sorrow and despair was gone from her face. Even though her heart still harbored anguish, she was still the clear-heated Yan Hui in the face of danger.

This was probably Yan Hui's strong point. 

"Burn her hair, " told Yan Hui to Tian Yao.

Tian Yao didn't question it. He threw a fireball over. The pitiful little girl, who was still lying on the stairs and clutching her arm, immediately shot up. With a flip, she ran to hide behind the throne.

She ran extremely fast. In almost a flash, her figure disappeared behind the throne. Even though it was Tian Yao's fireball, it still could only strike against the throne.

The little girl behind the throne seat clutched at her own hair and cautiously poked her head out. Then she fiercely glared at Yan Hui: "Old woman, you dare attack my weak point."

Yan Hui ignored her. She only talked to Tian Yao: "An illusion demon's magic is all in their hair. Burn her hair away, she can't do any more evil deeds."

"What evil deeds!" The little illusion demon was furious. "I clearly gave you such a happy illusion! What you saw was once a very happy moment in your life! And you even said I do evil deeds! I clearly let you return back to relive a happy time, alright!"

"So much nonsense," said Yan Hui. "Cut out her tongue too."

The little demon gritted her teeth. She touched some unknown mechanism behind the throne. The stone tile under Yan Hui suddenly disappeared. When Tian Yao saw Yan Hui was about to drop into a dark passage, he reached out and pushed her to the side. Yan Hui was pushed, but she didn't fall over. Tian Yao didn't stop there. With a flick of his hand, he launched another fireball.

The illusion demon once again shrank behind the throne. However, she didn't think that once the fireball struck the throne, it didn't stop there. The fireball didn't disappear. It actually exploded into a field of fire. The throne's surroundings were ablaze.

Even the little demon behind the throne was caught on fire.

Her hair caught on fire. The little demon started to shriek. She ran out like a chicken whose butt caught on fire. She was patting at her hair as she ran. It just so happened the direction the young demon ran was where Yan Hui stood.

Yan Hui watched the little demon on fire run over. Yan Hui dodged to the side but the little demon determinedly threw herself at Yan Hui: "Old woman! Today I'm going to take you back with me!"

Yan Hui already didn't have much cultivation left out. Earlier, she even soaked in Black River. She only had a pitiful amount of cultivation. Even though her wu xing affinity was fire, in this situation, being burned by Tian Yao's fire had no good outcome for her.

When Tian Yao what was happening, he snapped his fingers. The fire on the little demon's body immediately went out.

However, the demon had already leapt onto Yan Hui.

Although the illusion demon was small, she was quite strong. Yan Hui was knocked down onto the ground. "Old woman! I'm going to claw your face off!"

The two of them rolled over. Yan Hui at least became angry at those words: "Call me that once, I'll let it slide. Call me that three times, even the Heavenly God won't save you. Today, I'm going to rip your hair off and teach you how to be a good demon!"

Yan Hui grabbed a fistful of the illusion demon's hair. Not to be outdone, the demon also grabbed Yan Hui's hair. The two rolled around on the ground, going at each other with their bare hands. No magic was used. There was nothing civilized in their manner. It was like a wild fight between two children rolling around on the ground.

Tian Yao just blankly stared at the sight. He watched for a long time with clasped hands, just waiting for the outcome.

In the end, Yan Hui probably realize fighting with a bratty kid was too embarrassing. She pushed at the demon's chest, wanting to push the demon away. Who would've thought with that push, the little demon would suddenly become indignant: "Old Woman dares touch my chest!"

Yan Hui was so mad she could spit blood: "You don't have a chest! It's flat like a back! I can't even tell the difference!"

The illusion demon was infuriated by those words. She reached out to choke Yan Hui.

Tian Yao narrowed his eyes when he saw the illusion demon was going to endanger Yan Hui's life. He was just about to move when Yan Hui used her superiority of a longer reach. At once, she gripped the little demon's neck. In that moment, Yan Hui's pinkie accidentally slipped through the ring hung around the little demon's neck.


The little demon cried out in fear.

 Yan Hui didn't think much about it. She just noticed the illusion demon's strength lessened, and so Yan Hui tossed the demon aside. Her throw was so strong that the necklace the demon was wearing broke. However, the ring stayed on Yan Hui's finger.

Yan Hui had just fought the world's most classless fight. Her heart was still filled with fire. She crawled back up and rearranged her clothes.

The little demon that was tossed way flipped in mid-air and landed steadily back on her feet. She glared at Yan Hui and spoke through gnashing teeth: "You shameful thing! How dare you touch my ring!" She didn't even get all the words out when her expression became extremely strange. Her entire body started to tremble like it was cramping all over.

Yan Hui looked at the ring on her little finger: "I'll return it." She was just about to raise her hand to take it off when the little illusion demon's expression suddenly changed. "Stop!" The little demon screeched. Her voice could raise the ceiling. "Don't move!"

Yan Hui flinched: "What are you yelling for?!"

The illusion demon gritted her teeth: "The ring......can't be taken off."

"Why not?" Yan Hui looked at the plain ring on her finger. "I don't want your things. I'll return it."

"Don't give it back!" The little demon immediately stopped Yan Hui. She hesitated and thought it over several times before gritting her teeth: "That ring recognizes my master. Us illusion demons only recognize one master in our lifetime. If our master abandons us, then there is only death......."

Yan Hui was stunned. She turned her head to look at Tian Yao. Then she responded: "So I'm your master?"

The little illusion demon clenched her teeth and didn't respond.

Yan Hui said: "Knew down and call me Beautiful Master."

The little demon stuck out her lip and didn't say a word.

Yan Hui went to take off the ring.

The little demon immediately knelt down and practically prostrated herself: "I offended you just now. Beautiful Master, I was wrong."

Upon see that, Yan Hui's mouth curved, and a smile broke out. She looked back at Tian Yao. At first, she wanted him to see the little demon admitting defeat. However, she didn't expect to see him watching her smiling expression.

It was like he was always watching her, gazing at her. Letting her have fun, letting her vent, a face full of........


Yan Hui's heart sped up. It felt like she had some kind of disease. Tian Yao was a demon who experienced so much hurt and felt so much hurt. How was he able to look at her with that kind of expression?

They were, at best, just allies. That's all.

Yan Hui tossed the thought aside and didn't think about it anymore. She just walked two steps forward towards the still kneeling illusion demon: "What place is this? Why are you here? And why did you want to harm us? Is there some scheme?"

It seemed like the little demon was acting out a corpse. She didn't even lift her head and just laid there. Her voice was muffled: "What schemes would an illusion demon have? We illusion demons eat emotions. We kindly create illusions for people to lose themselves in. Then we eat the emotions people feel from being in our illusions. That's how we get full."

"This place is our palace. Above us, there was a battle 50 years ago between the demons and xian. An abyss was ripped into San Chong Mountain, and the earth shook. The tremor went southwest all the way until it reached Black River. We illusion demons clan lived under Black River year-round. The quake shrank Black River, and that shrank our livelihood. Problems came one right after another. In the end, the entire clan left. I didn't want to leave, so I stayed behind. I've been here up till now."

"50 years ago?" Yan Hui frowned. "Even though demons grow slowly, it's not that slow like how you are right now. 50 years and you still have a child's body........"

"So what?" The illusion demon cut Yan Hui off. "When there's a lot to eat, us illusion demons grow fast. When there's less to eat, we grow slow. I didn't have anything to eat these past few decades. Of course I grew slowly."

Yan Hui frowned: "So when you finally caught me, you started to prepare to use me for food?"

"Ya, but I absolutely treat everyone fairly. That guy there is so strong, but I also planned to eat from him. It's just that us illusion demons have our own particular tastes. Some illusion demons make them feel fear. Some feed off of fear. Every illusion demon has there own preferred emotion, so every illusion we cast is different. I like to eat happy and cheerful emotions. It was such a pity that his happiness was so little that I couldn't trap him."

Tian Yao also had an illusion spell cast on him?

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