Heart Protection

Chapter 98


 Su Ying didn't want to live anymore. Yan Hui understood her thoughts and actually smiled: "I think it's pretty great that she thinks that way."

Huan Xiao Yan raised her head and looked at Yan Hui. She was silent for a moment before saying: "But there are so many methods if you don't want to leave. Why did she have to link her life with an illusion formation? If she wanted to commit suicide, then that would be fine. If she wanted to fight you two, then there completely wasn't any need for such complex methods like the illusion formation."

Thats right, Su Ying definitely had something up her sleeve.

Yan Hui held out her hand and said to Huan Xiao Yan: "Hide inside the ring."

Huan Xiao Yan said: "You don't want me to help anymore?"

"You've already helped a lot."

Huan Xiao Yan was especially sensitive to illusion formations. Since she said the aura there was strange, then there definitely was something wrong here. And this place, aside from the enormous tree, was only occupied by Su Ying. That's why Tian Yao firstly used the fire dragon to attack Su Ying, and then secondly he personally burned the dead tree. Of the two, one of them was for sure to be tied to the formation's center.

Now that it turns out Su Ying linked her life with the formation, then the formation's center was for sure on her body. However when Tian Yao attacked the enormous tree, Su Ying's expression was clearly more worried than when she herself was attacked. There definitely was something fishy about that tree.

After Huan Xiao Yan hid inside the ring, Yan Hui flew over and landed by the enormous tree. Su Ying had also extinguished the fire dragon at the same time. Yan Hui said: "You deal with her. I'll burn the tree."

Without a word, Tian Yao flew into the sky and started fighting with Su Ying.

Su Ying saw Yan Hui using blood at the intermediary to light the tree on fire. Her gaze immediately stared off into space, jaws clenched. It looked like she was enraged to the max. Su Ying didn't want to fight with Tian Yao, but from the start he continued to interfere with her. He wasn't going to let her stop Yan Hui.

Su Ying was incensed; her aura swelled. The formation filled with an icy atmosphere. The flames on the enormous tree seemed to be bound in ice.

Yan Hui felt cold as if ice needles were piercing her skin. Only the burning heartbeats of her heart kept her body warm.

Yan Hui stuck her hand in the crack that formed in the enormous tree earlier. She breathed out a hot breath, and a dense mist spiraled out. The palm of her hand once again burst with fire magic. She directly set the enormous tree on fire from within the crack. The blaze, like lightening, split the enormous tree in half!

And inside the tree were twisting vines that shaped themselves into a figure of a man standing within. 

Yan Hui was shocked by the facial features the vines twisted themselves into: "Liu Mu Sheng......."

Su Ying actually created a Liu Mu Sheng puppet out of vines and vegetation inside the enormous tree.........Could it be she was trying to bring him back to life?

That's why she staked her life on the formation. She wanted to kill Yan Hui and Tian Yao and use their blood essence as magic to bring the puppet back to life?

Isn't that completely a heretical magic used by heretical cultivators?

Yan Hui was extremely astonished. She also saw a pearl shining brightly in a vine in the chest area.

What was it?

Yan Hui frowned. She started to reach out a hand to touch it when it was like Su Ying, who was still in the are, suddenly seemed to go crazy. The magic around Su Ying's body surged and directly froze Tian Yao in the air. She yelled and raced towards Yan Hui: "Don't touch my spirit pearl!"

She was approaching fast. Yan Hui couldn't avoid Su Ying at all and so simply plucked the spirit pearl out of the puppet's chest. She held it in her palm and looked at Su Ying: "Bring it on." She continued, "I touched it. What are you going to do?"

Su Ying urgently stopped in front of Yan Hui. Her hair was a mess, and her xian aura was gone. The sense of declining power gave a aura of defeat.

"Return the spirit pearl to me." Su Ying held her hand out. "It has no use to you."

Spirit pearl? Yan Hui suddenly remembered when Su Ying captured both her and Liu Mu Sheng. While they were on the road, Su Ying once asked Liu Mu Sheng if he remembered the past. At that time, she did mention the spirit pearl. Was this the thing to let Liu Mu Sheng remember his past life..........

Then after his death, this pearl would contain the slight memories he had regained. Su Ying wanted to create a puppet with this pearl inside, so that the puppet would have the past-life general's memories........

Since it was like that, then the pearl indeed was very important to Su Ying. Because aside from the memories inside that pearl, there was no other trace in the world of her and the general's love for each other.

Yan Hui clutched the pearl in one hand and held out her other hand at Su Ying: "What about the formation center? Let me and Tian Yao out."

Su Ying had a gloomy look but made no move: "Even if I let you go today, one day you still won't be able to hold onto your heart. There will be a person who gouges it out."

Yan Hui smiled bitterly: "Then I'll just wait and see what happens on that day. But today, I don't want to talk to you about this." Her fist tightened, and a crack was heard. A fine line appeared on the spirit pearl's surface.

Su Ying's expression immediately changed: "I'll let you two go." 

Yan Hui unflinchingly added: "Let us go first."

Su Ying dropped her gaze: "Okay." Her hand went back into her sleeve. Yan Hui quietly waited for her to take out the formation's center when suddenly an ice-shattering sound rang out in the sky. It was closely followed by Tian Yao's shout: "Move!" 

Yan Hui and Tian Yao always had a tacit understanding. He wanted her to dodge, so she threw herself to the side without a second thought. Su Ying's eyes had an ominous glint. In her hand was a long jian that was stabbing towards where Yan Hui was standing. And at that spot, a long thorn also pierced out. If Yan Hui hadn't dodged, that thorn would have skewered her through.

Yan Hui was stunned, but when she saw Su Ying looking at her with hatred, Yan Hui slapped the hand holding the spirit pearl onto the ground: "This is what you wanted."

Su Ying was startled.

It sounded like the pearl shattered. The spirit pearl's inner glow spilled out. Countless images floated through Yan Hui's mind. 

All the images were unfamiliar to Yan Hui, but she did recognize the woman in them. The woman was the Zhenren Su Ying right in front of her. The man in the images also looked familiar. He looked like Liu Mu Sheng but also not like Liu Mu Sheng.

The man wore black iron armor. He cut a bloody, lonesome figure in the middle of a wasteland. Then after seeing Su Ying.........

These were the memories of Su Ying and Liu Mu Sheng's past life........

The light from the pearl illuminated Su Ying. It was clear she was also seeing the images. She was completely stunned. As the images rotated through, spring passed to autumn, and all of Su Ying's life with the past-life general was revealed. Together, they stood tall and took the long view. Together, they boated around the jianghu. Together, they played chess in their leisure.

Each image was so real like that they occured just yesterday.

Su Ying's lips trembled: "He actually already remembered it all." She continued, "He actually already remembered it all.......He clearly remembers everything! He lied to me! He clearly remembers everything from his past life! It wasn't just a little bit from his dreams. It wasn't just a few fragments. It was everything........"

It seemed like Su Ying had received a huge blow: "He remembered it all, but in the end he still wanted to be with that fox demon. He......." Su Ying fell silent for a moment, lips trembling. She bit her lip until it dripped with blood. 

Liu Mu Sheng remembered all of his previous life's memories. However even though he remembered, he still pursued Princess Yun Xi, still resented Su Ying, and still wasn't willing to be with her again.

For Su Ying, this undoubtedly ripped apart her last shred of delusion towards Liu Mu Sheng.

It wasn't that Liu Mu Sheng didn't remember. It was that he didn't love her.

He just became another person after reincarnation. Then........

He fell in love with another person.

Tears gathered in Su Ying's eyes. The tears slowly started to become turbid until finally taking on a bloody color. She gnashed her teeth in anger and stared at Yan Hui with eyes that looked split. The bloody tears overflowed and made her look like a monster from the underworld:

"Why did you make me see that?" Su Ying seethed at Yan Hui. "Why did you smash his memories?!"

An enormous murderous aura and xian power pressed down. Yan Hui felt her body become numb. She couldn't even budge an inch.

"Die!" cried Su Ying. Her five fingers immediately turned into sharp ice talons. Her hair turned snow white in split second. Her pupils also became very pale. Her entire appearance looked like an ice monster.

She ferociously swiped at Yan Hui. It looked like she wanted to slice Yan Hui into slivers.

At this moment, from her back came a sharp, brittle sound.

Su Ying's movements paused. She looked down. A long jian pierced through her chest.

 Her body already wasn't a normal body. Her entire body had turned into into ice. After the jian pierced her chest, her body even more quickly started to become ice. Even her face started to form ice thorns. She herself couldn't move anymore.

Only her eyes in her eye sockets moved. In the end, they settled down on the shattered spirit pearl pieces.

At the very last moment of her life, Su Ying had a sudden thought. Back then at the snowy wasteland, perhaps she shouldn't have saved Liu Mu Sheng. If she didn't save him, then she would still be the lofty and aloof xian cultivator, indifferently looking down at the world with a cold eye. There would be nothing in the world that would disturb her xian pathway.


Now looking back, the happiest times of her life was when she was with the general. If those times never happened, even if she cultivated up to the 100th level, she still wouldn't be able to escape the dullness of life.

In this life, she did so many things. She thought she loved Liu Mu Sheng. But it turns out, she did it all to return to the happiest times of her life. However in the end........

In the end, the heavens didn't give what was desired.

Tian Yao, standing behind her, pulled out the jian. Su Ying's body shattered as a result. It completely became ice chunks littered on the ground.

The ground shook. The scenery of their surroundings started to blur. The snow on the ground retreated, and the vegetation remained as before. The enormous tree by them was still there. As the for the atmosphere of the area, it no longer had the formation's aura. They finally exited from Su Ying's formation.

And on this earth, there was no more Zhenren Su Ying of Guang Han Sect.

The numbness in Yan Hui's body was still there. She escaped by the skin of her teeth and was still a bit shocked. Right on time, Tian Yao stood in front of her and held out a hand. Yan Hui dazedly looked at it for awhile before holding his hand.

The warmth from his hand made her realized what just happened really was real.

Zhenren Su Ying was dead.

Gone from this world.

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