Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 105

Chapter 105. Don't Hit Even with Sweets

Not all beggars are the same.

For example, the beggars of the Beggars' Sect beg, but they also practice martial arts and group themselves as a faction.

The headquarters of the Beggars' Sect is in Nanjing, but they have branches in all major cities to control the beggars.

Naturally, Kaifeng also has a branch of the Beggars' Sect.

The head of the Kaifeng branch is Chwi Geol-sin, an elder of the Beggars' Sect.

So Gwang-gae is one of Chwi Geol-sin's disciples, and as his name suggests, he is an eccentric man.

So hitting a child with a gourd shouldn't be a problem for him.

But he was reprimanded by an unknown young man simply for hitting the child on the head with a gourd. And that was something he couldn't accept.

When So Gwang-gae showed his hostility, three burly beggars around him did the same.

Yeon Jeokha looked at So Gwang-gae indifferently and spoke.

"A man with pride hits a child? You have neither money nor pride, and you dare to talk?"

"What... what are you saying? I just pushed him a little with the gourd!"

"You pushed him?"

The young man kept insisting, and So Gwang-gae lost his temper.

"Curse you! Who do you think you are to say I hit the child? Yes, I hit him! So what? Are you his family? Why are you meddling in what doesn't concern you?"

So Gwang-gae was confident in himself as a protector of the beggars.

"You shouldn't hit a defenseless child just because you're responsible for him. Do you call that responsibility?"

Yeon Jeokha stared at him.

Seeing the beggar child reminded him of his own past of being beaten, which only enraged him more.

"So why don't you take care of him? If you can't take care of him, shut your mouth. I hate people who only talk and do nothing. Do you understand?"

So Gwang-gae moved even closer, his face almost touching Yeon Jeokha's.

Usually, at this point, people would back off due to the stench or draw a sword. So Gwang-gae wanted the young man to draw a sword, as that would give him an excuse to extort more money.


The resounding sound of a slap turned So Gwang-gae's head.

In an instant, both So Gwang-gae and the other beggars were petrified. They had never seen So Gwang-gae slapped in broad daylight.

Even the martial artists of Kaifeng avoided messing with So Gwang-gae. Not only because of his skill but also out of fear of Chwi Geol-sin, his master.

So Gwang-gae himself relied on that when he approached.

A curse escaped So Gwang-gae's mouth.

"Curse you!"


Another slap turned So Gwang-gae's head in the opposite direction.

So Gwang-gae, furious at the humiliation, immediately stepped back.

'Damn it, what is this?'

Though he was caught off guard, he couldn't believe he had been slapped twice.

He wasn't just a common noble.

So Gwang-gae realized he would have to forget about his plan to extort money.

"I am So Gwang-gae of the Beggars' Sect. Who are you?"

"Did you wake up now that I slapped you?"

"I asked who you are."

So Gwang-gae gritted his teeth as he stared at the young man.

Who dared to slap him in the face?

Even his master, Chwi Geol-sin, didn't do that.

"What good will it do you to know my name?"

So Gwang-gae shouted to his men.

"All of you, step back!"

He pushed the other beggars aside and slowly raised his staff.

Bzzt, bzzt, bzzt!

The sound of a swarm of wasps buzzed as he began to move his staff.

The staff, called Ta-gu Bong, descended toward Yeon Jeokha's head.


The sound of a sword being unsheathed resonated briefly.

The Ta-gu Bong fell to pieces between So Gwang-gae and Yeon Jeokha.


A cry of despair escaped So Gwang-gae's mouth.

The sword that had cut the staff was already at his throat.

So Gwang-gae couldn't believe what had happened.

How had his black iron staff been cut into four pieces?

"Repeat what you said earlier about talking without doing anything."

"Yo... Young Warrior, everything I said is true. I was the one who hit the child, and I am the one who talks without doing anything. Please, don't kill me."

Yeon Jeokha looked at him with disdain.

"Go fetch the child."

"What? Ah, yes, yes."

So Gwang-gae, who used to be known as a crazy beggar, quickly humbled himself. It was clear that even madmen choose their targets carefully.

The adult beggars brought the beggar child before Yeon Jeokha.

Yeon Jeokha asked the child.

"Do you want to keep living here getting beaten, or come with me?"

The child, frightened, could only stare blankly.

"You don't have to fear these beggars. Do whatever you want."

"I want to stay here."

Yeon Jeokha examined the child from head to toe.

Though dirty, he didn't seem to be in poor health.

"Very well. You can go."

Even though Yeon Jeokha gestured for him to leave, the child didn't move.

Finally, the child whispered.

"Can you give me some money?"

Yeon Jeokha took a silver coin from his pocket and gave it to the child.

"Thank you!"

The child bowed deeply and ran towards the other beggars.

So Gwang-gae approached Yeon Jeokha, who was watching the child with a lost expression.

"Sir, may I leave now?"

"Your name is So Gwang-gae, right?"


"Don't hit children, not even with sweets."

"Yes, yes. I'll remember that."

Yeon Jeokha gave him a piercing look before leaving.

Shim Tong quickly followed.

So Gwang-gae picked up the pieces of the broken staff.

One of the beggars approached and asked in a low voice.

"What should we do about them?"

"What do you think? Follow them and find out who they are."


Several beggars slipped away.

So Gwang-gae, looking at the pieces of the staff, frowned.

'Who are you...?'


A temple on the outskirts of Kaifeng.

An elderly beggar, who appeared to be in his sixties, was examining the pieces of the broken staff. He was Chwi Geol-sin, the head of the Kaifeng branch of the Beggars' Sect.

"Wow! I don't understand. You say he cut the staff into four pieces with a single strike?"

"Yes. I'm not lying, master."

"You say a child did this?"

"Yes. He looked much younger than me."

Chwi Geol-sin let out a sigh.

"How could a child accomplish that?"

"That's what I'm saying, master. He looked like a child."

Chwi Geol-sin scratched his head.

"Power has no age. Even among the young, there are those who are exceptionally strong."

"But that child was special. You had to see him."

Chwi Geol-sin sighed again.

It was hard to understand.

To cut a black iron staff like that, it would take a master of the Uicheon Sect.

"If you're so concerned, use all the beggars in Kaifeng to investigate it."

"All of them?"

"Yes, all of them."

Chwi Geol-sin looked at the pieces of the broken staff.

The fact that they were cut evenly gave him goosebumps.

'Could it be someone from the Yoomyung Cult?'

He couldn't think of any other explanation.

'If the Yoomyung Cult has produced such a young master...'

This could be the darkest era of Murim.

The Beggars' Sect was formed to prevent beggars from starving to death or being beaten to death. Sometimes they caused trouble to get money, but they didn't commit evil deeds.

Although they were looked down upon by the orthodox sects, they lived justly.

That's why Chwi Geol-sin hoped the young man wasn't related to the Yoomyung Cult.

"And stop hitting children. Did I teach you by hitting you? Why do you hit children?"

"I didn't hit them! I just pushed a little with the gourd."

"You're an idiot! You shouldn't hit children, not even with sweets! Next time I catch you, I'll break your legs."

"That's unfair! It was just a little push..."

"Idiot! If that young man said not to hit even with sweets, it means you shouldn't hit. If he finds you again, you might lose your legs."

Chwi Geol-sin, truly angry, made So Gwang-gae lower his head.

He didn't want to admit it, but he knew the young man could be dangerous.


To the east of Luoyang, at the headquarters of the Fairy Cult.

On a silent night, two middle-aged women were sitting across from each other. One was Lunar Fairy, the leader of the Fairy Cult, and the other was Baek Miju, who had come secretly.

Lunar Fairy alternated her gaze between Baek Miju and the Sacred Artifact on the table with curious eyes. Never before had a member of an orthodox sect offered such an object to the Yoomyung Cult.

"Did you say your name is Baek Miju?"


"Do you know what this object is for?"

"No. I was only told that if I brought it, I could ask for money or a wish."

Lunar Fairy smiled strangely.

"Hahaha. I will teach you the purpose of this object. If after hearing me you still want to offer it, I will fulfill your wish."

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