Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 113

Chapter 113. Denying Existence

Murim and Nokrim are like neighbors.

Martial artists from Murim who caused problems they couldn’t handle often hid in the mountains or rivers and became part of Nokrim, while those from Nokrim who grew tired of mountain life often descended into the cities.

Seok Muhae, known as the Heaven Destroyer Demon Lord and the Grand Chaeju of the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Nokrim, was an object of reverence for the warriors of Murim. This was because he had surpassed the leaders of the Seven Great Sects, representatives of the righteous faction, with his martial arts.

Most Murim warriors viewed Seok Muhae as a protector of their faction.

However, the reality was completely opposite.

The Heaven Destroyer Demon Lord had spent his life crushing the demonic leaders of Murim. It was impossible to count how many famous demons had died facing him.

Despite this, the warriors of Murim still considered Seok Muhae as their last bastion. They believed that if they ever had to face a master from the righteous faction, Seok Muhae would side with them.

Han Sang, the leader of the Cold Wind Alliance, shared this unfounded belief.

That’s why, upon seeing Seok Muhae, he rushed towards him with excitement and prostrated himself.

It seems that sincerity has its rewards.

Seok Muhae forgot the discomfort he felt due to Im Tae-geun and Cheon Mun-gwang.

“Who are you?”

“I am Han Sang of the Han Family.”

“Are you Han Sang of the Cold Wind Alliance of Zhengzhou?”

“Yes! It is an honor that you remember my name.”

Han Sang looked at Seok Muhae with an expression of total satisfaction.

Seok Muhae pointed to Yeon Jeokha and said.

“This is the Grand Inspector of the Seventy-Two Strongholds of Nokrim. Treat him well.”

Han Sang's eyes widened upon hearing “Grand Inspector.”

Nokrim was full of treacherous people who could stab you in the back at any moment. Without exceptional skills, one couldn’t hold such a title. The warriors of Nokrim obeyed their superiors because they were strong.

‘Is this young man the next after the Heaven Destroyer Demon Lord in Nokrim? Incredible...’

Surprised for a moment, Han Sang prostrated himself on the ground.

“Grand Inspector, I am Han Sang. I will do anything you order. I will do my utmost.”

Using more formal language, Han Sang tried to win the favor of the Grand Inspector.

Yeon Jeokha, with an indifferent expression, glanced at Han Sang and then looked away. He didn’t want to get involved in trouble because of the title of Grand Inspector.

Han Sang felt uncomfortable seeing that the young man avoided him.

At that moment, Seok Muhae stood up from Im Tae-geun’s back.

Im Tae-geun, who had served as a seat, did not dare to move and remained motionless.

“I want to talk to the Grand Inspector, so take all these men away.”

“Yes, thank you!”

Han Sang bowed deeply, grateful that Seok Muhae spared the lives of Im Tae-geun and Cheon Mun-gwang.

He thought he would leave today with two corpses.

The warriors of Nokrim did not hesitate to kill those who annoyed them. Seok Muhae was at the top of those warriors.

Yeon Jeokha also stood up, scratching his head, surprised by Seok Muhae’s statement.

Im Tae-geun and Cheon Mun-gwang crawled out of the place like dogs.

Han Sang bowed repeatedly as he disappeared down the stairs.

The seventh floor, which had been full of Tongcheonbang people, fell silent.

Seok Muhae looked around with sharp eyes before sitting down.

Yeon Jeokha and Old Shim also took seats in front of him.

Seok Muhae spoke first.

“So, what brings you to Zhengzhou?”

“I came to see some acquaintances and, by the way, to get some revenge.”

Yeon Jeokha responded indifferently.

Although revenge was not in his original plans, he didn’t bother to explain.

Seok Muhae’s eyes sparkled with interest.

As a great demon of Nokrim, the word “revenge” intrigued him.

“Ha, ha, ha! Revenge, huh? You can’t keep it to yourself. Tell me.”

“It’s personal.”

“Personal matters are always the most exciting. Right, Old Shim?”

Seok Muhae looked at Old Shim, seeking his support.

Old Shim, aware of who he was facing, nodded quickly.

“That’s right.”

With both of them echoing the sentiment, Yeon Jeokha finally spoke, though reluctantly. After all, Seok Muhae would find out in time.

“I have a score to settle with Waryong Manor.”

“Weren’t they exterminated?”

“I thought so, but they are rebuilding again. Baek Miju and the Yang Family are financing it.”

“Oh! Why are the Baek and Yang Families suddenly involved?”

“Baek Miju is part of the Baek Family, and the Yang Family is related to them by marriage.”

“This is getting more interesting. And then?”

“I warned people not to get involved with Waryong Manor. Baek Miju and the Yang Family ignored that, so I’m going to crush all three.”

“That’s it! It will take less than a day for them all to die. Yang Yihwa, the Gaju of the Yang Family, definitely messed with the wrong person. Hahaha!”

“Kill? Who am I going to kill?”

“Didn’t you say you would take revenge?”

“Ah! There are many ways to take revenge. I’m just going to ruin their lives.”

“You’re going to strip them naked and let the sun dry them slowly?”

Seok Muhae was still obsessed with the idea of death.

“No, I’m going to ruin them financially so they won’t want to live.”

“You mean you’ll just bankrupt them?”


“Oh, right. I almost forgot. You’re a Yeon too.”


Finally, Seok Muhae understood the complicated family situation of Yeon Jeokha.

‘Maybe this can be resolved easily.’

Satisfied with his own idea, Seok Muhae smiled.

Yeon Jeokha then asked.

“Why were you looking for me?”

“Well, I have something to ask you. I didn’t come all the way here just to drink.”

“To ask for something?”

“You told me you needed help. That’s why I’m here.”

“Isn’t it something troublesome?”

“It might be a bit troublesome, but I think you’ll like it.”

“Then tell me.”

Yeon Jeokha spoke to Seok Muhae as if he were talking to his grandfather.

It was partly due to his ignorance of Murim customs and partly because he didn’t fully understand the true nature of Seok Muhae.

However, Seok Muhae showed no signs of annoyance. In fact, he seemed to enjoy the conversation with Yeon Jeokha.

“Do you remember the Great Nokrim Meeting three years ago?”


“Five people defeated my disciples, the Twelve Demons. They all became Inspectors. But there’s something strange about them.”


“Yes. The reason I tested your skills was because of them.”

“What do they have to do with me?”

“Their martial arts skills are nothing special, but their internal energy is comparable to the leaders of the Seven Great Sects. That’s why the Twelve Demons were defeated.”


Yeon Jeokha suspected something, but he didn’t show it.

“After they returned, the clans in the mountains and rivers stirred. The bosses were replaced by those five. And now there are strange rumors.”

“What rumors?”

“They say they capture people indiscriminately to sell them or that they practice cannibalism…”

“Wow, how evil!”

“Yes. They’re making Nokrim look like a group of deranged killers. I want you to find out why. And if you can kill them, even better.”

“Me? And what will you do?”

“Haha! I have to maintain my dignity. I can’t go around asking ‘why do you keep doing bad things?’ They would think I’m crazy.”

That made sense.

The great demon of Nokrim would be ridiculed if he behaved like a hero of justice.

“So you want me to do the dirty work?”

“Exactly. In return, I’ll help you with your revenge. I guarantee it will be faster and more effective than doing it alone.”

“How will you do it?”

“With a strategy called Samjangbulip, which means the denial of the three great families.”

“What does that mean?”

“In short, we will deny the existence of Baek Miju, the Yang Family, and Waryong Manor. First, any Chamber of Commerce that hires disciples from those families will be unable to operate. Second, we will take all their commercial rights and give them to the Murim factions in Zhengzhou. This way, they will be completely ruined. Later, we will prohibit any dealings with them. In the end, they will be begging on the streets. And all of this will be done in your name, Yeon Jeokha.”

“Wow! I like the idea. Let’s do it!”

Yeon Jeokha accepted without a second thought. Just hearing the plan already filled him with satisfaction.

Thus, with little life experience, Yeon Jeokha took the bait that Seok Muhae had laid out for him.


The next morning.

Yeon Jeokha and Old Shim, after a relaxed breakfast, set out in search of the Daeyeon Chamber of Commerce, where the members of the Namgung Family were staying.

Although the January weather was cold, both walked leisurely, unconcerned by the climate.

Asking people along the way, they finally arrived at the main gate of the Daeyeon Chamber of Commerce.

Since it was early in the new year, the chamber’s doors were firmly closed.

Old Shim, willing to knock on the door, was stopped by Yeon Jeokha.

“Wait a moment.”

“Why, Young Master?”

“Don’t rush. I want to organize my thoughts first.”

“What do you need to organize?”

“You’re a simple person, so you don’t need much. But I’m a detailed person.”

“What are you thinking about?”

“I need to greet Cheon Hyungnim and ask Yeon Nuna about a few things.” (Note: Hyungnim = Older Brother; Nuna = Older Sister)

“From what you’re saying, it seems like you’ve already made up your mind. Should I knock on the door?”

“Wait. I haven’t seen anyone who makes hasty decisions and comes out well.”

“Now that you mention it, going after the Nokrim clans won’t be easy.”

Old Shim was worried because Yeon Jeokha had accepted Seok Muhae’s proposal without much thought. It was a clear example of a rash decision.

“How hard can it be? It’s just five places.”

“Yes, it’s just five places. But they are far apart from each other.”


“Young Master, you’ll have to sleep outdoors for at least a year.”

“What? A year?”

“Yes, didn’t you know? I thought you already knew and still accepted.”

“Of course, I knew. I was just surprised to hear it again.”

“Then, if you’re okay with that, I’ll knock on the door.”

“Ah, yes, go ahead.”

With a melancholic tone, Yeon Jeokha nodded. Old Shim stopped mentioning the topic and headed towards the door.


Once seated, Namgung Cheon asked.

“I thought you would come soon. How long will you stay in Zhengzhou?”

“I have to investigate some Nokrim clans, so I won’t stay long.”

“What? Are you going to investigate the Nokrim clans? Why? And why you?”

“Somehow, I’ve been tasked with it. I’m the Grand Inspector of Nokrim.”

Namgung Cheon looked at Yeon Jeokha with astonishment. He knew he was a great warrior, but not that he was the Grand Inspector of Nokrim.

“There are clans acting strangely. I think they are related to the Yoomyung Cult. If that’s true, I have to deal with them.”

That was the main reason Yeon Jeokha accepted Seok Muhae’s proposal.

At that moment, Namgung Yeon spoke for the first time.

“I will go with you.”

“You will go with me? Why?”

“I will help you with your mission.”

“But it’s dangerous.”

“I know. But I can’t just stand by while you do all the work.”

Yeon Jeokha looked at Namgung Yeon, surprised by her determination.

“All right. Let’s go together.”

Namgung Cheon sighed but said nothing more. He knew he couldn’t stop his sister.

Thus, the fate of Yeon Jeokha and Namgung Yeon was sealed, and both prepared to embark on a dangerous mission that would change the course of their lives and the future of Nokrim.

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