Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 25

Chapter 25. Stop Showing Off!

Ten people remained in the Pavilion of Harmony and Peace.

Pung Yeoncho, the boss, his six sworn brothers, Han Chaeyeon, Ha Sobaek, and Lee Cheolsan.

Pung Yeoncho scratched his head and spoke with an embarrassed expression.

"I regret being so stubborn, and thank you for staying."

Moved, Pung Yeoncho looked each one in the eye and nodded.

While it was understandable that the women learning martial arts from his sworn brothers and Yeon Jeokha stayed, Lee Cheolsan's decision was unexpected. He couldn't understand why Cheolsan stayed by his side, so he was even more grateful.

"Cheolsan... you are a loyal guy."

Under Pung Yeoncho's grateful gaze, Lee Cheolsan just smiled awkwardly.

Soon after, Pung Yeoncho gathered the people and left. As they had done before in Namyang, they blocked the entrance to the camp.

Having previous experience, the task was not difficult.

Before the sun set, Pung Yeoncho and the remaining bandits not only blocked the entrance but also built a second wall. The camp still had construction materials, which sped up the process.

When night fell, Five Peaks Mountain was in complete darkness.

In the morning, the camp was full of people, but now it was as quiet as a cemetery. Even the cooks and children had been sent away, leaving the camp in total stillness.

Pung Yeoncho lit a bonfire in the courtyard.

Perhaps due to unease, people started gathering around the fire one by one.

When everyone was gathered, Pung Yeoncho shared his thoughts.

"It would be best if we stood guard in shifts from tonight. They could arrive tomorrow, but they might surprise us with an attack."

The bandits nodded at his words.

It usually took two days to reach Suju, but if they hurried, they could do it in one day.

"If we see the old Taoist, we will escape through the back route, so be mentally prepared."

"Yes, boss."

"We'll be alert."

Pung Yeoncho looked at his brothers with a melancholic gaze.

Tak Gomyung, the ex-monk, Ma Hyeongdo, the fugitive bandit, Heo Imdal, the thief, and the farmers Gok Sancheong and Jang Sobong. They had spent five years together.

Although they initially formed a brotherhood to use Yeon Jeokha, now he realized it had been a great decision. He hadn't expected everyone to stay with him until the end.

"I feel like a fortunate person."

The bandits, understanding Pung Yeoncho's feelings, smiled.

Han Chaeyeon, who was stirring the embers with a branch, suddenly stood up.

"Big brother."

"What is it?"

"Don't discriminate against us. Let us join the brotherhood. After all, we're in this together, right?"

Pung Yeoncho thought for a moment and then looked at the other two people.

"Do you want the same as Chaeyeon?"



Ha Sobaek had always wanted to join, but Lee Cheolsan only responded influenced by the situation. In that context, it was hard for anyone to say no.

"Hmm! Really? I don't mind, but what do you think, brothers?"

The six sworn brothers did not object.

The simple fact that they stayed in the camp was enough to consider them brothers.

"Alright then. Cheolsan will be the eighth, Chaeyeon the ninth, and Sobaek the youngest."

Thus, the brotherhood grew to ten members.

Although there was no grand ceremony, Han Chaeyeon was delighted. Pung Yeoncho and the six brothers knew they themselves had joined in a simple manner.

If there had been a bandit familiar with formal rituals, they might have imitated the Peach Garden Oath of the Three Kingdoms. But both Pung Yeoncho and the other bandits lacked such knowledge.

Yeon Jeokha was also happy to have more brothers.

To him, sworn brothers were not "valuable people to share joys and sorrows with," but simply close friends. They were a step beyond what bandits commonly called brothers and family.


At dusk the next day, the punitive expedition from Suju arrived at Haga Village.

The first thing Sang Mucheon, the leader of the group, did was look for accommodation. The inn in Haga Village could not accommodate the seventy men of the expedition.

He first allocated the inn's empty rooms to the Sage of Heaven and Earth and the other leaders. Then, along with the village chief, he sought accommodation for the rest of the men.

Late at night, when everyone was asleep, Sang Mucheon and two other leaders finally finished arranging the accommodation and gathered in the inn's dining room for dinner.

Although the inn's chef had been called back, he did not lose his smile, as the Suju punitive expedition was an important client.

While dining, Kang Mudok, leader of the Baekrang Group, spoke.

"Did you see the village chief's face earlier? It looked like he had bitten into something nasty."

Dong Haksoo, leader of the Heukwoong Group, nodded in agreement.

"That's true. We came to eliminate bandits; why was he so grumpy?"

As the two complained, Sang Mucheon smiled.

"It's understandable. We arrived late and asked to borrow their homes. Also, the village chief stayed up late to help us, so don't be too hard on him."

"Who said we would do it for free? We gave him enough money..."

"Yes, they are too self-satisfied."

Despite Sang Mucheon's warning, the two leaders continued to complain about the village chief. They had never been treated like this before, which affected them deeply.

As they were about to finish dinner, someone approached them.

Sang Mucheon, who was glancing sideways, recognized him.

"Leader Baek? A pleasure to see you."

Baek Anki, the leader of the Baekhwa Chamber of Commerce in the nearby Dongbaek County, greeted the three men.

"Long time no see. I wondered who it would be at this hour, and it turned out to be people from Mansu."

The four exchanged awkward glances.

The oldest, Sang Mucheon, was the first to speak.

"I didn't hear that the company was here. What brings you here?"

Sang Mucheon thought that Baekhwa Chamber of Commerce had come to spy, just as they had done when Namyang sent an expedition to Haga Village.

But that was a misunderstanding on Sang Mucheon's part.

Baek Anki, who had been hesitating, spoke with an ambiguous expression.

"I am exploring new trade routes on the Bangju's orders. Ah, I heard about the Mansu Chamber of Commerce matter here."

In other words, he did not come to spy.

Sang Mucheon smiled as if he didn't mind at all.

"So, was Baekhwa Chamber of Commerce considering the Five Peaks Mountain route? I hope we have good news tomorrow."

"I hope all goes well. I will take my leave now."

Baek Anki bowed and turned away.

His expression as he walked back to his lodging seemed somber. He came to confirm a good trade route and encountered the punitive expedition, so it was not surprising.

Unaware of this, Kang Mudok clicked his tongue lightly.

"Tch! We do the work, and Baekhwa Chamber of Commerce might end up taking the money."

Sang Mucheon spoke in a calm tone.

"Don't worry. Anyway, we are only responsible for escorting the caravan. The trade is the merchants' business. The Bangju will resolve the trade route issues."

Dong Haksoo, who had been drinking tea silently, spoke to Kang Mudok.

"By the way, Great Daeju Tak, that young bandit from Five Peaks Mountain."


"How long do you think he could last against the Sage of Heaven and Earth?"

Sang Mucheon also watched Kang Mudok with curiosity.

He was curious about the evaluation of someone who had faced the young bandit of Five Peaks Mountain directly.

Surprisingly, however, Kang Mudok did not respond easily.

"I don't know. Five seconds? Ten seconds? Twenty seconds?"

He answered after a while, and he wasn't even sure.

That meant it was impossible to determine how long he could last.

Sang Mucheon frowned.

Even so, Kang Mudok's attitude did not change. The frustration gradually turned into discomfort. This was not a show of respect towards their revered master.

The atmosphere became tense.

However, Kang Mudok did not give the answer Sang Mucheon desired.

When he lay down, Kang Mudok recalled what had happened in the dining room and could not fall asleep.

Of course, he perfectly understood the Great Daeju's feelings.

But he needed to know the young bandit's skill to estimate something, right?


Finally, the fateful day dawned.

The Mansu expedition climbed Five Peaks Mountain with formation and an imposing attitude.

Had about an hour passed?

Although they had long since passed the halfway point of the mountain, there were no signs of the bandits.

Dong Haksoo, the leader of the Heukwoong Group, laughed.

"Puhaha! It seems the bandits have already fled."

"It seems so."

Kang Mudok, the leader of the Baekrang Group, agreed.

It was not uncommon for bandits to abandon their hideout when facing such an imposing punitive expedition.

Even the warriors began to whisper among themselves.

When the atmosphere seemed relaxed, Sang Mucheon reprimanded them gently.

"Do not let your guard down. Until now, the bandits of Nokrim have never abandoned their hideout without a fight."

Dong Haksoo and Kang Mudok looked around with uncomfortable expressions.

He was right. That was the difference between the Nokrim bandits and common bandits. The bosses of Nokrim valued their honor as much as martial arts masters of the Murim.

The long line of the punitive expedition stopped.

Soon after, one of the warriors at the front came running hastily.

"The path is blocked by logs."

Sang Mucheon, who exchanged meaningful glances with the two leaders, advanced.

Indeed, the narrow path was completely blocked by logs.

There was no need to see to know what was behind.

Five sharp spears glinted in the sun over the log barricade.

Ridiculously, the bandits of Five Peaks Mountain had decided to fight instead of fleeing.

Sang Mucheon took a few steps forward.

"I am Sang Mucheon, the Great Daeju of Mansu Chamber of Commerce. It is admirable that you did not flee, but you must understand that today you have no choice but to face death."

As a secular disciple of the Wudang Sect, Sang Mucheon spoke sternly but courteously.

Soon after, Pung Yeoncho's head appeared over the barricade.

"I am Boss Pung of Five Peaks Mountain! Sang Mucheon, you son of a b*tch! Is it true that you cried and begged for the Sage of Heaven and Earth to come with you?"

Despite his big words, Pung Yeoncho's eyes quickly scanned the expedition.

But no matter how many times he looked, there was no trace of any Taoist master.

Thinking he had been deceived by Mansu Chamber of Commerce, Pung Yeoncho began to hurl insults.

"Damn bastards! Do you really think we would be scared and run away from an old senile man?! Please! Idiots! Even if someone worse than the Sage of Heaven and Earth comes, we wouldn't care!"

Believing that the Sage of Heaven and Earth was not there, Pung Yeoncho even laughed towards the expedition.

Surprised by Pung Yeoncho's insolence, Sang Mucheon quickly turned. His hands trembled with anger, thinking that his master's reputation was being ruined.

Even the fiercest of Nokrim would not dare to do such a thing. How could this guy say such things when he should be crying and begging for his life?

'What?! He's not here?'

The master, who had been by his side a moment ago, was gone.

The two leaders were also bewildered.

The Sage of Heaven and Earth had vanished like a ghost, and the leaders quickly looked around.

Then it happened.

"Kal (喝)!"

With a thunderous shout that shook the heavens and the earth, someone descended onto the log barricade. It was the Elder Wudang, the Sage of Heaven and Earth, who had flown about fifteen meters in an instant.

With a slight movement of his hand, the five spears split and fell.

Soon, the feet of the Sage of Heaven and Earth touched the barricade.


With overwhelming energy, the logs exploded, and the barrier collapsed.

All this happened in the time it took Pung Yeoncho to take a single breath.

When Pung Yeoncho's eyes met those of the Sage of Heaven and Earth, he froze like a frog before a snake.

They were doomed.

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