Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 41

C41. In Nokrim, We Don’t Ask for Troublesome Things

Yeon Jeokha did not understand the words of the Great Chaeju, Seok Muhae.

"What could I possibly help with if I stay in Five Peaks Mountain without moving?"

“Don’t worry about that.”

With those words, the Heaven Destroyer Demon Lord, Seok Muhae, took out a silver medallion.

“What is this?”

“It’s the medallion that verifies the status of Great Inspector. Originally, I planned to give it to one of the Twelve Demons, but I think it’s more fitting for you to have it.”

“Great Inspector?”

“It’s no big deal. If the Inspectors cause problems, your job will be to resolve them.”

“But I’ll be in Five Peaks Mountain.”

“You won’t be in Five Peaks Mountain forever, will you? You could come down from the mountain at any time. Simply live peacefully, and if the Inspectors make mistakes and you find out, then you correct them. If you don’t run into them, nothing happens.”

Seok Muhae spoke as if it was nothing important, so Yeon Jeokha accepted the silver medallion without thinking much of it.

“So, I don’t have to be traveling around, right?”

“Exactly. In Nokrim, we don’t ask for troublesome things. Looking for someone for work is the job of officials. The bandits are too busy taking care of themselves to be looking for others.”

“Is the Great Inspector higher than a gang leader?”

“Much higher. Think of it as if you were representing me, the leader.”

“Wow! It’s a good position.”

Yeon Jeokha put the medallion in his chest.

He felt relieved to hear that he wouldn’t have to be traveling and could live peacefully.



Baekse Chamber of Commerce

Four people gathered in the office of Director Lee Sechang before starting their business trip. Present were the General Manager Lee Yeonbok, the leader of the Blue Dragon Division, Yeon Mudo, and the leader of the White Tiger Division, Baek Dojin.

With a smile, Lee Sechang praised the two division leaders.

“Yeon Daeju, Baek Daeju, I have full confidence in both of you. I’ve heard that Yeon Daeju and Baek Daeju are the best masters of the Heavenly Section of Waryong Manor. It’s rumored in Luoyang that the masters of Waryong Manor are as good as the disciples of the Seven Great Sects. I ask that you take good care of our Baekse Chamber of Commerce.”

Yeon Mudo responded with an uncomfortable expression.

“We will do our best. We will not allow the goods to be delivered to bandits as before.”

In reality, Yeon Mudo felt quite hurt by the issue of the monthly salary.

'How can they say we’re as good as the disciples of the Seven Great Sects and then offer us only a monthly pay of one silver coin and five hundred copper coins... Is this a joke...?'

Lee Sechang, noticing Yeon Mudo’s dissatisfied expression, made an additional comment.

“I know the monthly salary may seem low, and for that, I apologize. But once we have completed two or three transactions, the salary will be adjusted to normal. We’ve signed a trade agreement with Taiping Chamber of Commerce from Wuhan. If we maintain this trade relationship, the monthly salary could increase to three silver coins. I ask you to make an effort.”

The comment that the monthly salary could increase to three silver coins made Yeon Mudo’s expression relax.

Then, General Manager Lee Yeonbok began to explain the precautions for the business transaction to Wuhan.

“… And initially, it’s better to go to Tapa passing through Pyeongjeong Mountain instead of the direction of Namyang.”

Yeon Mudo nodded.

“I understand. I’ve heard there’s a notorious gang, Samak Mountain Bandits, causing havoc in Haatangjin.”

Haatangjin is about halfway between Luoyang and Nanyang. The leader of the Samak Mountain Bandits is known for being greedy and cruel, so merchants avoid passing through there.

“It’s difficult to negotiate with the Samak Mountain Bandits, so it’s safer to avoid that route unless you have a large caravan.”

“I’ve heard the leader of the Jeokpung Bandits on the way to Tapa is also difficult.”

“Unlike the Samak Mountain Bandits, the Jeokpung Bandits are only problematic because of their leader’s temper. If you show your strength, there shouldn’t be any major issues.”

“Does that mean we’ll have to fight at first?”

“The leader of the Jeokpung Bandits usually sends a couple of men to test the travelers. Depending on how you respond, the passage fee will be adjusted. You could pass without paying anything, or it could cost up to fifty silver coins. In the worst case, even a hundred.”

“How much have merchants paid in the past?”

“The warriors of the Changhae Military Academy were underestimated and had to pay up to one hundred and fifty silver coins.”


“That gave us the opportunity in Waryong Manor, so I hope you handle it well. I expect a lot from you. Fifty silver coins would be fine.”

Yeon Mudo smiled slightly.

“Fifty silver coins is also a lot. I’ll try to pass without paying anything.”

“That would be ideal… After passing through Pyeongjeong Mountain, you will encounter the Five Peaks Mountain. I suppose you’ve heard of the Five Peaks Mountain gang. They charge one silver coin per merchant. That’s not much, so it’s better to pay and move on.”

“I’ve heard that several business houses have tried to eradicate them without success.”

“The Mansu Chamber of Commerce has kept this a secret, but even the Sage of Heaven and Earth from Wudang Mountain was defeated. It’s better not to provoke them.”

“Do they only charge merchants and not porters, laborers, or warriors?”


“Then, the merchants could disguise themselves as laborers to save money, right?”

Lee Sechang intervened while observing the conversation.

“These bandits are incredibly good at detecting money. I do not recommend taking unnecessary risks.”

“I’ll talk to the merchants on the spot and handle it appropriately.”

Yeon Mudo had no intention of following the advice of the boss and the general manager. He wanted to show the best performance possible to increase his salary as soon as possible.

Lee Yeonbok shrugged and continued.

“After Tapa, the journey will be easier. There’s only one road to Wuhan. If you’re lucky, you might meet other Chambers of Commerce in Tapa. If so, travel with them to Wuhan. It will be safer in a group. No gang can handle multiple Chambers of Commerce together.”

“Understood. I won’t disappoint you.”

“A round trip should take about two and a half months. If you hurry, you could do it in two months, but don’t push too hard with so much load. The Blue Dragon Division of Yeon Daeju will depart tomorrow, and the White Tiger Division of Baek Daeju will depart a month later. Although that could change by a few days depending on the circumstances.”

Baek Dojin nodded indifferently.


After a long meeting, Yeon Mudo and Baek Dojin left the office.

As they headed to their lodgings, Yeon Mudo glanced sideways at Baek Dojin.

He was from the Baek Clan, a close confidant of Baek Miju, making it difficult to deal with him. If it weren’t for Baek Miju’s intervention, he would have already replaced him.

“Baek Daeju, would you like to have a drink with me today?”

“Haha, no. I shouldn’t hold back someone who’s going on a journey tomorrow. Dame Baek has high expectations, doesn’t she? I don’t want to ruin it before we start.”

“As you wish.”

Yeon Mudo turned his gaze away with a bitter expression.

Again, Dame Baek has priority. The position of leader of Waryong Manor is still vacant. Everyone believes that Yeon Mubaek will inherit it, but what does that really mean?

Currently, Baek Miju handles the affairs of Waryong Manor. Just look at the contract with Baekse Chamber of Commerce. Yeon Mubaek is solely dedicated to teaching the disciples of the three levels of Heaven, Earth, and Man. Even if Waryong Manor grows, his role will not change.

“Ah, right. I’ve heard Dame Baek plans to accept fifty more disciples.”

“We left Waryong Manor, right? Gaps need to be filled.”

“Hmm. That means there will be around a hundred disciples... Will that be okay?”

“Don’t worry. She said she would do it once we settle in the Chambers of Commerce.”

“Ah, then that’s fine.”

It’s a bit sad that Baek Dojin, younger than me, knows more about these matters. But what can you do? That’s the reality of Waryong Manor.


Namjikrye Province


After finishing the Nokrim Tournament, the faces of the Ten Heroes of Five Peaks Mountain were radiant as they returned. Everyone thought they could relax a bit on the return journey.

Walking through a bustling street, Han Chaeyeon exclaimed in amazement.

“Wow! There are so many people!”

“Yes, it seems there are more people than the last time we passed through here. Could it be a special day today?”

Ha Sobaek looked around her with curiosity, her eyes wide open.

In particular, there was a place where a crowd of people was heading.

The Ten Heroes of Five Peaks Mountain were swept along by the flow of people. After all, they had plenty of time, so they decided to see what it was about.

In a clearing outside the city gate, two men were facing each other.

Both, in their late twenties, seemed ready to draw their swords at any moment.

A handsome man spoke in a low, deep voice.

“Hwang Yeomdong, make sure you remember that all misfortune comes from the mouth. Don’t speak about what you don’t know regarding the disappearance in Gwangbulsa.”

The man with a sharp expression responded with a mocking smile.

“Bah! What does it matter if a monk disappears from a temple? If you exaggerate something insignificant, it becomes a big deal. If you want to make a name for yourself, why don’t you go destroy a bandit gang?”

“You...! Do you think I’m trying to gain fame? Do you know how many monks and Taoists have disappeared?”

“Then, tell me, how many?”

“I don’t know the exact number, but it’s a fact that many have disappeared.”

“Tsk! You say many have disappeared without knowing how many. Why don’t you go destroy a bandit gang?”

The crowd around laughed uproariously at Hwang Yeomdong’s comment.

The handsome man, Eomcho, ground his teeth and shouted.

“Hwang Yeomdong! I cannot forgive you for insulting me. Draw your sword.”

“Eomcho, if I draw my sword, there will be no turning back. Do you really want that?”

“Enough talking, draw!”

Eomcho drew his long sword.

Finally, Hwang Yeomdong slowly drew his sword.

It seemed the fight was serious, and the spectators took a few steps back.

Someone in the crowd made a comment.

“Gwahakgeom has gained some fame lately, but he’s still no match for Paesando.” (Note: These are the titles or nicknames of these two people)

“I bet in fifty seconds Paesando will win.”

“Fifty seconds is too much. I think he’ll defeat him in thirty seconds.”

Lee Cheolsan, who was watching, intervened.

“Hey, what’s the case of the disappearance in Gwangbulsa about?”

“Oh, about fifteen days ago, a monk disappeared from the Gwangbulsa Temple. Gwahakgeom and Paesando argued in a bar and ended up fighting. Gwahakgeom says a monk disappears from Gwangbulsa every few years, but he doesn’t know if they went to another region or if something bad happened to them.”

Lee Cheolsan nodded.

In reality, many people die while traveling and begging, so the disappearance of a monk was not a big deal.

Another man nearby explained.

“Gwahakgeom’s brother became a monk in Gwangbulsa, so he takes it very seriously.”

Then, Han Chaeyeon asked.

“I understand about Gwahakgeom. But why is Paesando so intent on fighting? Whether he left or disappeared, why can’t he let it go?”

“It seems Paesando is annoyed that Gwahakgeom’s name is on everyone’s lips. As they say, a thief thinks everyone is like him. If he wants to make a name for himself, he should destroy a bandit gang.”

Someone else added.

“There’s also some rivalry between the two.”

“Rivalry? Gwahakgeom is a young warrior, isn’t he?”

“Yes, but sometimes veterans feel threatened by talented young people.”

“That could be.”

Amid the murmurs, the fight between Gwahakgeom and Paesando reached its climax.

Watching the fight, Yeon Jeokha asked a man nearby.

“Sir, can they kill each other over something like this?”

“Both are warriors of the Righteous Faction, so they shouldn’t go that far. Unless they have very bad luck, the worst would be one of them getting seriously injured.”

“I don’t think so...”

Yeon Jeokha tilted his head in doubt.

From what he saw, Paesando’s sword was imbued with murderous intent. He seemed determined to kill his opponent.

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