Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Doesn't It Seem Familiar?

However, instead of the expected Heart-Reading Solitary Flower, Namgung Yeon, it was her elder brother, Namgung Cheon, who intervened.

"Clan Master, I believe my sister would be interested in knowing the name of the missing disciple."

"Ah, his name is Gwahakgeom Eomcho."

"So it was Gwahakgeom Eomcho. You mentioned he left three days ago, could you tell me the exact time?"

"I heard he left after lunch."

"I see. And one more thing, from whom did you hear the rumor about the Ascending Dragon Clan?"

"One of my disciples who frequents the Phoenix Escort Group heard it there."

The face of the Ascension Clan Master, Ma Gon, began to show signs of frustration.

He had come seeking the advice of Namgung Yeon, renowned for her omniscience and her epithet, yet she remained silent. Moreover, why did her brother keep asking questions instead of letting her speak? Namgung Yeon was right there, not somewhere far away.

Even Namgung Byeok, the Sword Emperor, seemed to observe this strange dynamic in silence. It appeared that this kind of conversation was natural in the Namgung Family.

For quite some time, Ma Gon responded to Namgung Cheon's questions.

Finally, after asking a series of detailed questions, Namgung Cheon leaned back in his chair with satisfaction.

Throughout that time, Ma Gon did not hear a single word from Namgung Yeon.

Was this really enough?

As he looked at Namgung Yeon with doubt, he heard Namgung Cheon's voice.

"My sister is a bit reserved and doesn't like talking to strangers. That's why I took the liberty to ask on her behalf. I've asked all the necessary questions, so we should have results soon."

"Ah, I see."

Ma Gon nodded resignedly.

It wasn't that Namgung Yeon was a bit reserved; she was practically mute!

At that moment, Namgung Yeon stood up, bowed to Ma Gon and Namgung Byeok, and left the hall. Namgung Cheon quickly followed her as if he were her shadow.

Suddenly, the two disappeared, leaving Ma Gon staring at Namgung Byeok with bewildered eyes.

Namgung Byeok spoke naturally.

"As you can see, my daughter is a bit quiet."

"Ah, yes..."

Ma Gon sighed internally.

Suddenly, the thought that he had come to the wrong place struck him.


The same day Ma Gon visited the Namgung Family residence, Namgung Yeon sent several family members to investigate. She herself visited Eomcho's house the next day.

It's true that Namgung Yeon didn't speak much to others, but that didn't mean she was mute. She asked a few questions to Eomcho's mother before examining his room.

Then, she slowly walked from Eomcho's house to the Ascension Clan.

Namgung Cheon followed closely behind but didn't speak to avoid interrupting her thoughts.

Namgung Yeon carefully observed each intersection and occasionally conversed with street vendors.

Whenever she did this, Namgung Cheon's face lit up with a smile. Seeing his only sister interact with the world seemed to make him very happy.

Namgung Yeon's path eventually led her out of the alleys to Lake Soho.

As she walked along the lake, she suddenly stopped.

Her expression hardened as if she had seen something terrible.

"What is it?"

To Namgung Cheon's question, Namgung Yeon responded by walking cautiously, observing the ground.

She seemed to be following something.

Although her face seemed lost, Namgung Cheon knew she was deep in her own world.

Namgung Cheon let out a sigh.

Behind the fame of the Heart-Reading Solitary Flower was an aura of mysticism. Some even believed his sister was a born seer. Seeing her like this reinforced that belief.

"Ah, Yeon, couldn't you be a bit more normal?"

While Namgung Yeon was absorbed in her investigation, Namgung Cheon could only worry about his sister.

Namgung Yeon made her way through the forest until she finally stopped.

Namgung Cheon took a moment to realize she was pointing at something on the ground.

Though it was covered by branches, what lay beneath was clearly a corpse.

It was probably Eumcho.

Namgung Yeon had found the missing person, but determining the cause of death was another matter.

Namgung Cheon brushed aside the branches and examined Eumcho's body.

"Hmm, the cut on the neck was fatal."

There were no other signs of struggle or wounds on the body.

He held a sword in his hand, indicating he had fought before dying.

She found an identity plaque in his pocket, confirming it was Eumcho.

Since neither his money nor his plaque had been stolen, it didn't seem like a bandit attack. Moreover, someone of Eumcho's level wouldn't have fallen victim to simple thieves.

Namgung Yeon observed for about fifteen minutes before stepping back.

Only then did Namgung Cheon stop his examination and stand up.

"The cut on the neck suggests it was a sword. The lack of other wounds indicates he didn't resist much. It was probably a master who killed him."

"It was Paesando Hwang Yeomdong."

Namgung Cheon accepted his sister's words.

"Why did he kill him?"


Namgung Yeon did not answer.

She couldn't understand why Hwang Yeomdong would kill Eumcho either.

Would he answer if asked directly?

Namgung Cheon clicked his tongue.

"This could turn into a conflict between the Heavenly Path Clan and the Ascension Clan."

Hwang Yeomdong was from the Heavenly Path Clan, and Eumcho was from the Ascension Clan.

The Ascension Clan wouldn't ignore the death of their disciple. If they planned to, they wouldn't have visited the Namgung Family in the first place.

"But how did the Ascending Dragon Clan know something would happen in the Ascension Clan?"

Namgung Yeon did not answer. No matter how much she thought, she couldn't predict the identity of the Ascending Dragon Clan.




Eleven men and women walked along the official road. They were the Ten Heroes of the Five Peaks Mountain, returning to the Five Peaks Mountain.

They say travels mature people.

The Ten Heroes of the Five Peaks Mountain, although their clothes were worn and dirty, had an intense light in their eyes. Their movements were no longer those of mere beginners but of true seasoned warriors.

Despite being in a group, they didn't cause trouble. No one, whether from the Righteous or Evil Faction, dared to underestimate them.

"Brothers, I'm hungry, why don't we eat something before continuing?" said Heo Imdal, the fourth member, pointing to a restaurant called Samhongbanjeom.

Pung Yeoncho and Tak Gomyung nodded almost simultaneously. They were already hungry, and hearing the suggestion to eat intensified their hunger quickly.

Samhongbanjeom was crowded with customers, but the waiter hurried to make space for them.

Sitting at two tables, the Ten Heroes of the Five Peaks Mountain quenched their thirst with cold water. Unlike before, they didn't look around curiously but behaved with the calmness of true warriors.

Shim Yanggak, the Immortal Sword Demon, looked at the young ones who had changed rapidly and wondered what they had learned to transform so much.

'What have they learned to change so much in such a short time?'

In just three months, the Ten Heroes of the Five Peaks Mountain had changed immensely. They previously had no inner power, but now their eyes shone with intense energy.

Although they were not yet at his level, the speed at which they had progressed was astounding. Even if it were dark techniques, they wouldn't have advanced so quickly.

'It seems they have learned some energy absorption technique...'

Shim Yanggak knew this didn't make sense. The young ones had changed thanks to the principles of Baekja Gugyeol taught by Yeon Jeokha.

'Maybe I should ask to be taught too...'

Shim Yanggak looked at Yeon Jeokha, sitting next to him, but soon shook his head. He had already learned an internal power technique and though Baekja Gugyeol was excellent, it didn't seem compatible with what he had learned.

He had learned a dark technique. Being close to the Ten Heroes of the Five Peaks Mountain made him feel uncomfortable, as if their energies were opposed.

'There's no sense in being greedy and risking losing my internal power.'

After all, he couldn't destroy fifty years of practice on a whim.

Soon after, a variety of dishes filled the two tables.

The Ten Heroes of the Five Peaks Mountain abandoned their composure and eagerly dove into the food.

While they ate enthusiastically, a group of Murim warriors entered the restaurant.

The waiter guided them to an empty table.

After ordering food, they looked around out of habit.

One of them saw Shim Yanggak and whispered to an older man beside him.

"Sir Go, doesn't that old man look familiar?"


Go Cheok, the Righteous Heaven Swordsman, put his teacup down and looked at the man.

The man, Lee Sangmun, pointed to Shim Yanggak.

Go Cheok looked at the old man with an ambiguous expression.

The old man resembled Shim Yanggak, but the Shim Yanggak he had known five years ago in Hanan was a famous demon with dark energy.

However, the old man he saw now seemed quite peaceful. Though he had the sharpness characteristic of Murim warriors, he didn't radiate the same evil.

Could it really be Shim Yanggak?

After hesitating, Go Cheok told Lee Sangmun:

"Go check. It seems he's with a group, so don't cause trouble."


Lee Sangmun got up and walked towards Shim Yanggak.

Shim Yanggak, who had been listening discreetly, shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He knew the Righteous Alliance warriors had recognized him.

Unable to bear it any longer, the fifth member, Gok Sancheong, asked:

"Master Shim, why are you acting so strange? Are you okay?"

"I feel a bit unwell..."

"Then stop eating and rest. It seems you haven't endured well being outdoors for so long. Tsk!"

'Fool! You'd be nervous too if the Righteous Alliance was after you. Let's see if you can eat calmly then.'

Shim Yanggak lamented internally while sipping his tea.

At that moment, Lee Sangmun approached and spoke politely:

"Excuse me. I'm Lee Sangmun from the Righteous Alliance."

Hearing "Righteous Alliance," the Ten Heroes of the Five Peaks Mountain stopped their actions.

Nokrim considered the Righteous Alliance their greatest enemy. While they could negotiate with the Chamber of Commerce, with the Righteous Alliance, there was no such option. They seemed to have been born to destroy Nokrim.

The fourth member, Heo Imdal, responded calmly:

"Ah, a member of the Righteous Alliance. Thank you for your work. What brings you here?"

"Five years ago, in Hanan, we let the Immortal Sword Demon, Shim Yanggak, escape. This old man looks a lot like him. If he really is Shim Yanggak, we would like you to hand him over."

Heo Imdal looked at Shim Yanggak with an awkward expression.

Shim Yanggak had a bitter expression and avoided eye contact.

After hesitating, Heo Imdal licked his lips before speaking:

"I think there's a misunderstanding. He is not this Shim Yanggak. His name is Bang Tong, and he works for our Ascending Dragon Clan. Brother Bang, why don't you introduce yourself properly?"

Shim Yanggak stood up awkwardly and bowed slightly.

"My name is Bang Tong."

Lee Sangmun looked at Shim Yanggak with critical eyes.

'Wow! He looks a lot like Shim Yanggak...'

But something didn't add up.

The man called him Bang Tong and gave him orders naturally.

Moreover, Shim Yanggak was not someone who obeyed orders from another.

The real Shim Yanggak wouldn't submit to someone inferior.

Lee Sangmun withdrew, still doubting the old man's identity.

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