Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 70

Note: Old Shim will sometimes be called Elder Shim, keep that in mind, that error will be corrected over time. Greetings :)


Chapter 70. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Luoyang, East of the City

Waryong Manor.

A group of twenty people from Murim approached the main entrance of Waryong Manor. Among them were Namgung Cheon, the Blue Cloud Sword, and Namgung Yeon, the Heart-Reading Solitary Flower, accompanied by the warriors of the Azure Sky Division (창천대).

The head of the Namgung Family, the Sword Emperor Namgung Byeok, had sent his children to Luoyang instead of himself. Just as he did twenty years ago, he entrusted them with the mission of traveling through Murim.

One of the warriors from the Azure Sky Division gently knocked on the main door.

After a moment, a servant opened the door and peeked out.

“Where are you from?”

The servant was visibly nervous upon seeing the Murim warriors who had arrived without prior notice.

Namgung Cheon frowned at the servant's attitude.

In the past, they did not behave like this. What had happened to change them so much?

The warrior from the Azure Sky Division responded briefly.

“We are from the Namgung Family. We have come to see Yeon Mubaek.”

Hearing this, the servant opened the door and bowed.

“Oh! You are from the Namgung Family! Please wait a moment while I inform the main residence.”

Shortly after, a crowd emerged from the main residence.

The Waryong Swordsman, Yeon Mubaek, came out with a joyful expression and exclaimed:

“Brother! Sister! It's been so long! If I had known you were coming, I would have gone to Luoyang to greet you. Welcome!”

Namgung Cheon responded with a smile.

“It’s fine. I heard you’ve been busy, so we came instead.”

“Haha! Not so busy! Please, come in.”

Yeon Seungbaek, who was watching the scene, intervened shyly.

“Welcome. I am Yeon Seungbaek.”

“How have you been?”

Namgung Cheon nodded and looked around. He wanted to greet Baek Miju, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Namgung Cheon followed Yeon Mubaek into the residence with a puzzled expression.

Yeon Mubaek led the Namgung siblings to the main hall.

Seated around a table, the Namgung siblings and the Yeon siblings looked at each other.

After observing Yeon Mubaek for a moment, Namgung Cheon asked:

“I’ve heard a lot about Waryong Manor in Luoyang. Are you well?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“I see. I thought you were still recovering because I didn’t see anyone from Waryong Manor at the Murim Tournament in Luoyang.”

“I had just finished some matters and was resting.”

Yeon Mubaek could not tell them that he was recovering after the battle at Gonghyeon-yo.

“I understand. What are your plans for the expedition against the Yoomyung Cult? It seems you will depart for Yeoju tomorrow or the day after.”

“After what happened, I was thinking of not participating this time.”

“It’s a shame, but I understand.”

“Take care of yourselves as well. Don’t underestimate the Yoomyung Cult as we did twenty years ago.”

“The Virtue Swordsman has told us the story. Is the Swordsman of Chaos really that powerful?”

“It’s not just the Swordsman of Chaos. None of his subordinates were weak. The disciples of the Seven Great Sects fell like flies. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it.”

“Are his followers that strong?”

“Ah! You can’t imagine. I was lucky to return alive. Honestly, I don’t want to go back there.”

“But this time there should be good results. The Grandmaster Swordsman is leading the expedition.”

“I hope so. If it weren’t for him, I would have urged you not to go.”

“Tsk! One step forward, two steps back. When did the Yoomyung Cult become so powerful?”

Yeon Seungbaek intervened.

“Yes, who would have thought that the Virtue Swordsman would suffer so much.”

After discussing the Yoomyung Cult, Namgung Cheon changed the topic.

“By the way, I’ve heard there are tensions between Nokrim and Waryong Manor. What happened?”

“To be honest, we don’t know for sure. The Five Peaks Mountain Camp has been harassing us.”


“That’s the question. We don’t know, and that’s what frustrates us.”

“Shouldn’t you organize an expedition against them if they are causing so many problems?”

Namgung Cheon found it hard to believe that a powerful family like Waryong Manor would sit idly by.

“We planned to do so after returning from Yeoju, but we suffered too many losses from the Yoomyung Cult and left them alone for now.”

“The Yoomyung Cult has caused much damage.”

“Let’s hope the expedition ends successfully. With the Grandmaster Swordsman and five hundred warriors participating, it should.”

“If nothing unexpected happens, it will.”

After a brief chat, Namgung Cheon stood up.

“It’s time for me to return to Luoyang.”

“Brother, you can stay here until you go to Yeoju.”

“No, it’s better to be in Luoyang to hear the news. At times like this, it’s better to be well-informed.”

Since Namgung Cheon had a valid point, Yeon Mubaek did not insist further.

Namgung Cheon and Namgung Yeon said their farewells and left Waryong Manor.

On the way back to Luoyang, Namgung Cheon murmured.

“Now that I think about it, I couldn’t greet Aunt. It seemed like she was at home…”

A faint smile appeared on Namgung Yeon’s face.

Namgung Cheon knew that smile was mocking and sighed deeply.

“Yes, yes. I knew Aunt had become very authoritative. But I didn’t expect her to be so arrogant as not to show her face.”

Namgung Cheon felt disappointed, while Namgung Yeon showed no emotion.


Bobong County

Five Peaks Mountain

Yeon Jeokha climbed again to the highest peak of Five Peaks Mountain.

Switching from the saber to the sword was not as simple as he thought. He had lost count of how many times he had failed to handle the sword as if it were a saber.

The differences between the sword and the saber were significant. Not only was there the difference between a double-edged blade and a single-edged one, but also the center of gravity was different.

Even though he tried to handle it smoothly, he always felt something was off. It was like wearing clothes that didn’t fit well.

He couldn’t stop thinking: “Should I go back to the saber?”

After half a day of practicing the Nine Heavens Swordsmanship, Yeon Jeokha sighed.

“Haa! This isn’t working.”

Body and mind were uncoordinated.

Yeon Jeokha stepped into the shade and distractedly watched the passing clouds.

When he knew nothing, practicing the True Classic of the Nine Heavens was easier.

When he practiced with a simple stick, he didn’t feel this disharmony.

Not even when he used the saber did he experience something similar.

Why is it so difficult to perform Swordsmanship with a sword?

‘Tsk! If the Sage of Heaven and Earth were here, I could ask him and feel relieved.’

It seemed like he could understand why he was so lost.

While Yeon Jeokha was sitting idly, he heard the voice of the Immortal Sword Demon Shim Yanggak.

“Young Master, how are you doing?”

“Not well.”

“Hehe, I expected that.”

Shim Yanggak’s response piqued Yeon Jeokha’s interest.

“You expected it?”

“For someone accustomed to the saber, even an axe feels strange. And switching to a sword would be even harder.”

“Is it because I’m not used to it?”

“I heard that the first weapon the Young Master took up was the saber. Is that true?”


“Then it will be even more difficult. Your body is used to the saber.”

“So that’s why? It’s more uncomfortable to use the sword for Swordsmanship than the saber.”

“Because of your high martial level, the gap between the sword and the saber feels wider. Your movements with the sword don’t satisfy you. In those moments, how about going back to basics?”

“The basics?”

“If you practice the Nine Heavens Technique with the sword, won’t you get used to it? They say everyone at Waryong Manor uses the sword for the Nine Heavens Technique.”

“Oh! That’s a good idea. As expected of Elder Shim. You think differently.”

Yeon Jeokha felt he had found the way.

It seemed better to start again with the Nine Heavens Technique instead of forcing the Nine Heavens Supreme Swordsmanship. After all, in the future, he would have to perform the Nine Heavens Technique with the sword, so he would kill two birds with one stone.

“By the way, how are you, Elder Shim? Is your breathing and energy circulation improving?”

“Yes, although minimally, it is definitely improving.”

Shim Yanggak seemed to be in better shape.

“Did you climb up here just to tell me that?”

“Hehe, it seemed like you were in a bad mood these days, so I came to see you.”

“Wow! Someone with his own problems cares about me. Thank you.”

“If the Young Master does well, I will be well too.”

“I know. I’ll try. I don’t know if Elder Shim will be well.”

“Hehe, it’s easy to talk to you, Young Master, because you always speak your mind.”

“Was that a compliment? Or an insult?”

“Take it positively. Well, I’m leaving.”

Shim Yanggak descended the mountain with long strides.

He stepped aside so as not to interrupt Yeon Jeokha’s practice.

When Shim Yanggak disappeared from view, Yeon Jeokha stood up and began to practice.

Although there were differences, they were not as significant as when he practiced the Nine Heavens Supreme Swordsmanship.

Yeon Jeokha returned to basics and moved calmly, step by step.

Repeating the Nine Heavens Technique until sunset, the sense of discomfort greatly diminished.


Soho Lake in Nanjing Province.

About 400 meters from the vast freshwater lake south of Hefei, there was an estate with a sign that read Musansocho (楚山小縮).

It was late at night.

In front of the largest pavilion of the estate, about a hundred warriors gathered.

Shortly after, two women who seemed to be in their forties appeared.

The gathered warriors did not dare look directly at them, as if they feared them. Both women were Great Demon Generals. Although they appeared to be in their forties, they were actually over sixty.

One of them, Lunar Fairy, spoke to the woman beside her, Lee Maehwa.

“Maehwa, just watch today. I have an unsettled debt with the Namgung Family and Waryong Manor.”

“Hehe, I’ve heard stories about the Sword Emperor and the Moon-Splitting Swordsman. It seems what happened in the days of the Demon Warrior left a deep scar.”

“Everything they are, they owe to me. I want to forget those old times, but the world keeps reminding me of them.”

“Today, when we destroy the Namgung Family, you will feel a little better.”

“I hope so.”

“When the Namgung Family is gone, the Mugeuk Sect will have no strength in Nanjing. Thanks to the chaos created by the Swordsman of Chaos, this is perfect. Ah, and you should establish your temple again, right?”

“Since we have the Musansocho here, I was thinking of setting up the temple in Waryong Manor. It would be a perfect revenge, don’t you think? We could also dig up and execute the Moon-Splitting Swordsman.”

“That sounds good. If you establish that teaching, no one will dare challenge the Yoomyung Cult.”

The two women conversed cheerfully, showing no fear toward the Sword Emperor Namgung Byeok.



Namgung Family.

The Sword Emperor Namgung Byeok could not sleep until late.

The heat and humidity of the night kept him awake, but more than that, it was the unease in his heart.

As the top martial arts masters, when one reaches an advanced level in internal and external practice, they can perceive the flows of destiny.

That night, Namgung Byeok felt a clear and definite premonition, beyond any intuition.

He got out of bed and went to the great hall to look at the night sky.

Two red stars were meeting.

That was definitely a bad omen known as 'Hyeonghok Sushim,' where Mars threatens the emperor’s star.

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