Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 82

Chapter 82: A Person with Reliable Skills

Hwang Dongyeop, the leader of the Five Heroes of Luoyang, gritted his teeth internally.

'This lunatic! How can he talk about a "warrior's journey" so lightly? That is a sacred tradition reserved only for heroes of the righteous sects!'

However, he did not dare to say it out loud.

Last year, after being freed from the Five Peaks Mountain Camp, the Five Heroes of Luoyang, except Yeon Seolju, met frequently.

The topic of conversation was, of course, revenge.

Every time they met, Lee Somin, who used to be reluctant, revealed a shocking secret one day.

The conversation of that day still resonated in Hwang Dongyeop's mind as if it had happened yesterday.


In a teahouse in Luoyang, four people sat in a corner with serious faces.

Hwang Dongyeop, Oh Joongsan, Son Sanggeuk, and Lee Somin, the Five Heroes of Luoyang, were there.

The usual conversation about revenge plans abruptly stopped.

Lee Somin had said something unexpected.

Hwang Dongyeop thought he had misheard.

"What did you just say?"

"I said we should forget the Ten Heroes of Five Peaks Mountain."

"What?! Why?"

Forget the humiliation of being taken hostage by bandits?

"I just think it's for the best."

The three men frowned.

Lee Somin, who always spoke with logic, was being evasive. Moreover, she seemed frustrated, which suggested that she was hiding something.

Hwang Dongyeop was desperate to know what she was hiding.

"Come on, tell us the reason. Aren't we sworn brothers? Even though we were born on different days, we swore to live and die together on our path of justice."

Moved by her elder brother's words, Lee Somin revealed a shocking secret.

"…Even with my grandfather's sword control technique, he couldn't catch him. Not even the ten best masters in the land could. Now you know why we must forget the Ten Heroes of Five Peaks Mountain."

From that day on, Hwang Dongyeop erased the Ten Heroes of Five Peaks Mountain from his memory.

And he prayed not to encounter them even in his dreams.

Fortunately, his clan's interest had shifted from the bandits to the Yoomyung Cult.

Thus, the embarrassing story was forgotten.

But today, in an inn in Namyang, he met the protagonist of that day again.


The woman from the Cheongun Military Academy watched Yeon Jeokha and the three men with curiosity.

The young Yeon Jeokha led the conversation with the authority of an experienced leader.

What was surprising was the reaction of the three men.

They all accepted the situation as normal, even avoiding eye contact with Yeon Jeokha, as if they were afraid to face him.

"Do you know each other?"

Yeon Jeokha responded to the young woman's question.

"Of course. We met last year."

"Oh! So you know each other. Master Hwang, this is the person I told you about. This is Yeon Jeokha, son of the great Moon-Splitting Swordsman, Yeon Muryong."

Immediately, the three men's gazes turned to Yeon Jeokha.

Yeon Jeokha spoke with his usual carefree air.

"Oh! Didn't you know? I am Seolju's younger brother. Although our mothers are different, we have the same father, so we are siblings. It seems Seolju-Noona hid it out of shame."

Although surprised by the claim that he was Yeon Seolju's half-brother, the three men thought it was possible.

Looking at him again, they noticed a slight resemblance to the Yeon siblings.

Hwang Dongyeop cautiously asked.

"Are you really Seolju's brother?"


"Then why did you do what you did that day?"

He referred to when Yeon Jeokha took Yeon Seolju hostage and extorted money from Waryong Manor.

"I didn't get along with the other clan members. In fact, I was just trying to ruin their lives, but I decided to leave them alone. Although in the end, everything went to hell thanks to that crazy Lunar Fairy."

The young woman from the Military Academy tried to understand what Yeon Jeokha was saying.

'Ah! He didn't get along with his half-siblings. Still, it seems he has something against the Lunar Fairy for what she did to his father.'

Since the Five Heroes of Luoyang didn't know Yeon Jeokha, he must have been hiding in Waryong Manor.

Then, Son Sanggeuk, the third, made a casual comment.

"If you're Seolju's younger brother, you should be much younger than us. Your way of speaking is a bit…"

Yeon Jeokha immediately responded.

"Ah, thanks for reminding me. I have a grudge against the Yeon family, so, can I consider their sworn brothers responsible as well?"

Hwang Dongyeop quickly waved his hands.

"No, no. Justice is justice and personal matters are personal. Although Yeon Seolju is our sworn sister, we believe that any bad behavior should be punished. We have no intention of replacing it."

"And you? You don't have to hold back."

Yeon Jeokha stared at Son Sanggeuk.

Frightened by Yeon Jeokha's gaze, Son Sanggeuk quickly shook his head.

"No, I agree with the elder brother. Justice is justice and personal matters are personal. I believe family matters should not be influenced by outsiders."

"Then why did you talk about treating me better just because I'm Seolju-Noona's younger brother?"

Yeon Jeokha's voice rose slightly.

People nearby began to look curiously.

Son Sanggeuk swallowed nervously.

He realized that mentioning Yeon Seolju to seem important had been a mistake. If Yeon Jeokha caused trouble here, the Military Academy could suffer.

'Ah! Why did I say something so stupid in front of this demon!'

What importance did being treated as an elder brother have?

With a sigh, Son Sanggeuk bowed his head.

"Yeon Jeokha, I'm sorry. I think I made a mistake in speaking."

"It's okay. Just be careful next time. Don't mention the Yeon family in front of me."


The three men responded in unison.

The young woman from the Military Academy couldn't understand the conversation between the four men at all.

She could clearly see how the Five Heroes of Luoyang were trying to please Yeon Jeokha, who was much younger than them.

Was Yeon Jeokha really that skilled?

However, despite his appearance, Yeon Jeokha seemed weaker than other young men his age.

Once the conversation ended, Yeon Jeokha sat by the window with a slightly light step. It was approaching mealtime, and the best spot had been reserved.

After an awkward silence, Hwang Dongyeop spoke.

"Miss, with Yeon Jeokha helping us, things will work out well. He is a person with reliable skills."

Although he hinted that there was more than just skill, the young woman didn't ask further. Considering the ruined mood of the Five Heroes of Luoyang, she pretended not to notice.


About three days passed after the three clans of Luoyang gathered.

After a late breakfast, the young woman from the Military Academy personally visited Yeon Jeokha and Old Shim, who were resting in their rooms. This was mainly due to the influence of the Five Heroes of Luoyang.

"You've waited a long time, haven't you? Today at noon we will go to the Namyang Chamber of Commerce."

Old Shim asked.

"Girl, has anyone from the Yoomyung Cult arrived in Namyang?"

"Well... The Bangju (Leader) is receiving a stranger with great dedication. It might be someone from the Yoomyung Cult."

"Wow, it seems that person is not very lucky."

The young woman from the Cheongun Military Academy couldn't help but feel surprised.

Her father, as well as the leaders of the three clans, were worried about the news. But the mercenary, who should be at the forefront, seemed so relaxed that he was even joking.

"Please take care."

After reminding them, the young woman left.

She thought it was pure arrogance, but remembering the reaction of the Five Heroes of Luoyang, she was not so sure.

'Soon we will know.'

In the world of warriors, only the strong survive.

That's why martial artists sweat blood in training fields.

She sincerely hoped that the two were strong.

For them and for the Cheongun Military Academy.


In front of the Yangil Inn, eighty martial artists had gathered.

Thirty disciples of the Cheongun Military Academy, thirty masters from the three clans, and twenty mercenaries.

The Leader of the Cheongun Military Academy, So Woojin, and the leaders of the three clans led the group.

So Woojin and the clan leaders stopped about fifty steps from the Namyang Chamber of Commerce.

Both merchants and passersby quickly folded their stalls and withdrew.

Some passing soldiers, frightened by the atmosphere of the martial artists, also quickly withdrew. They would only return at dusk.

When they reached the Chamber of Commerce, So Woojin and the clan leaders stepped back.

Twenty mercenaries silently advanced.

The mercenaries had to impose themselves from the beginning, taking their place.

The young woman from the Cheongun Military Academy watched the mercenaries.

So Woojin, seeing her unease, spoke.

"I told you not to come, but you insisted. Why are you so nervous?"

"Is the Nine Heavens Swordsmanship of the Waryong Manor really as bad as they say?"

"Although it is despised due to the sad end of the Moon-Splitting Swordsman, I don't know for sure. I have never crossed swords with them."

Hwang Jangik, the leader of the Palseon Clan, intervened.

"I've seen it by chance, and it's a decent sword technique. If it were really that bad, do you think the Namgung Family would have kept Yeon Mubaek for ten years?"

"Are you satisfied now?"

At her father's question, the young woman nodded.

Just then, the main gates of the Namyang Chamber of Commerce slowly opened.

And about fifty martial artists came out.

Although they were fewer in number, the warriors of the Chamber of Commerce looked imposing.

Where would they have gathered twenty mercenaries?

Faced with their opponents' confidence, So Woojin felt uneasy.

They must have something to rely on to act like this.

And wasn't he right?

The Bangju of the Namyang Chamber of Commerce, Im Wonyeong, pointed his finger and shouted.

"So Clan Leader! Do you know what happens when a dog bites its owner? They eat it! Have you prepared to die by facing me?"

A disciple of the Cheongun Military Academy couldn't hold back and responded.

"You're the dog! The Luoyang clans have come because they can't stand the injustice. Prepare to die!"

Then, So Gunpyeong, the leader of the Gyeongcheon Clan, intervened.

"Fool! What injustice are you talking about? Are you crazy? So Clan Leader! Are you really going to sacrifice your disciples for a little money? There's still time to apologize and withdraw!"

Then, Wang Ingeol, the leader of the Wind and Cloud Division, intervened.

"Leader So, they say that even if the mouth is crooked, words must be straight. Was it fair to use the Hong Clan to insult and expel our Wind and Cloud Division? If you have a conscience, don't say those things!"

When So Gunpyeong was about to respond, a man in his fifties, standing next to Im Wonyeong, spoke.


Immediately, So Gunpyeong fell silent.

The man spoke slowly.

"I am General Dae Ryeok-gwi from Yeoju Temple. Have you gone mad not wanting to live, oppressing a member of the Yoomyung Cult? So Clan Leader and the leaders of the three clans must cut off an arm and apologize. If they refuse, everyone will die."

The Yeoju Temple was where Eunha Manor was located.

Dae Ryeok-gwi was one of the Four Generals who followed the Master of Eunha Manor, one of the Demon Warriors.

So Woojin and the leaders of the three clans looked at each other with pale faces.

They never imagined that a General from Eunha Manor would be here!

When So Woojin and the clan leaders hesitated, Dae Ryeok-gwi, using his inner power, shouted.

"Cut off your arms immediately!"

Dae Ryeok-gwi's voice resonated, making the leaders' insides vibrate, and So Woojin's face turned black.

He knew he couldn't face him with his skill.

The leader of the Palseon Clan, Hwang Jangik, gritted his teeth and drew his sword.

"So Clan Leader, we must... cut our arms. We cannot sacrifice our disciples."

The new leaders of the Daeyeon and Chilyang clans also had pale faces.

They came seeking revenge against the Yoomyung Cult for the death of their leaders, but now they were about to lose their arms.

They couldn't fight, nor could they cut their arms. It was a desperate situation.

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