Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 90

C90. Because I am in the mud

The leader of the Iron Blood Sect was Swayakdobu Jwayangsun.

After seizing the position of sect leader from Georyeokshindo Ju Yeonshin, he had been indiscriminately absorbing minor sects.

He either threatened with knives or bribed them into signing false contracts. It was daylight robbery, but no one opposed him.

Because he was one of the Ten Heroes of the Five Peaks of the Yoomyung Cult.

With growing power, Jwayangsun finally extended his influence to orthodox sects. The first victim was the Changhae Military Academy, known in Luoyang for its lack of resistance. Everything progressed smoothly until the first report of a stranger's intervention at the Changhae Military Academy.

But what was this?

Jwayangsun, who had been furious at first, backed down after hearing the intruder's description. Although he spoke of preserving his dignity as a leader, no one believed him. That's when the second-in-command, Ju Yeonshin, left with his subordinates.

Ju Yeonshin observed with curious eyes the old man who appeared in front of the carriage. The face seemed vaguely familiar to him.

"Ah! Is it the Immortal Sword Demon?"

Although he had only seen him briefly more than a decade ago, he was sure it was Shim Yanggak. However, Shim Yanggak was a master of the evil faction, so why was he with these people?

Although he knew who his opponent was, Ju Yeonshin did not consider him a serious threat. Both Shim Yanggak and he were on par in skills. Additionally, he had more than twenty subordinates from the Iron Blood Sect, so losing was not an option.

Although his opponent was a friend of Jwayangsun, friendship did not mean much in the evil sects unless they were sworn brothers.

'If things get complicated, even sworn brothers stab each other. What value does a simple relationship have?'

He decided to give Shim Yanggak a chance, out of respect for his leader. To relax, Ju Yeonshin turned his neck, listening to the creaks. Satisfied, he approached confidently.

"Oh, my! Who would have thought I would find Brother Shim here? How long has it been? Ten years?"

Shim Tong responded coldly, not recognizing him.

"Who are you to speak to me?"

"Me? I am Ju Yeonshin. Georyeokshindo Ju Yeonshin. Why are you acting like this when we have known each other for a long time?"

"I don't know you."

Ju Yeonshin smiled sarcastically.

"Hmph! Immortal Sword Demon, Shim Yanggak. Have you already got dementia? I'll let you live due to your connection with our leader, but leave those useless ones and get lost."

"Tch! It seems there is a misunderstanding. I am the Old Dao of Nine Heavens, Shim Tong. If you want to live, I advise you to watch your words."

The murderous intent of Shim Tong radiated, making Ju Yeonshin involuntarily tremble. Embarrassed by his own reaction, he angrily shouted.

"If you wish to die, I'll grant your wish! Kill them all!"

The first to launch was Lee Cheolsan, the Death Sword, along with his subordinates. Shim Tong faced six members of the Iron Blood Sect with his curved blade.

Sshk. Sshk. Sshk.

In three swift moves, he cut the inside of the elbows of three enemies.




Screaming in pain, three men abandoned the fight. Lee Cheolsan and his two remaining subordinates began to retreat slowly.

"Do not retreat!"

Ju Yeonshin encouraged them, unsheathing his great sword. Although reluctantly, Lee Cheolsan returned to the attack. In the fight, the members of the Iron Blood Sect fell one after another under the skill of Shim Tong.

Just as Shim Tong was cutting an enemy's wrist, Ju Yeonshin attacked from behind. But Shim Tong, with his vast experience in the evil faction, would not fall for such a simple trap. His curved blade spun in the air, deflecting Ju Yeonshin's great sword, which broke with a clear sound.

Ju Yeonshin tried to retreat, but Shim Tong was faster. With a swift movement, he pierced Ju Yeonshin's right shoulder.


Ju Yeonshin groaned in pain, retreating without being able to use his right arm. With their leader wounded, the members of the Iron Blood Sect also retreated.

Ju Yeonshin looked at his bleeding shoulder and sighed deeply. It was all over. He and ten of his subordinates were out of combat, while the enemy showed no signs of fatigue.

'Damn it, Shim Yanggak should not be this strong...'

If he had been, he would not have been called one of the Two Evils of Henan.

Shim Tong hung his curved blade over his shoulder, imitating a pose that Yeon Jeokha often used.

"Jeje, do you want to continue?"

The members of the Iron Blood Sect looked at Ju Yeonshin for instructions. Ju Yeonshin, seeing their scared faces, shook his head.

"No, we retreat for today. Shim Yanggak, do not think you will sleep peacefully after messing with the Iron Blood Sect."

"I told you, I am Shim Tong."

"Whether Shim Tong or Shim Yanggak, you..."

Ju Yeonshin stared at Shim Tong before abruptly turning away. There was no point in staying any longer after losing.

When Shim Tong returned to the shadow, Jeong Mujin's group quickly moved aside. They had witnessed the incredible skill of Shim Tong, far beyond the level of their small sect.

Jeon Yeongji approached timidly.

"Senior Shim, thank you."

Shim Tong briefly looked at her before addressing Yeon Jeokha.

"Do you have a face of having chewed shit?"

"It's not that I chewed it, it's that I am in a field of shit. Let's take them quickly and continue our way."

Shim Tong tilted his head, confused by Yeon Jeokha's somber expression.

Had something happened in that brief confrontation with the members of the Iron Blood Sect?

Yeon Jeokha stood up, shaking off the dust.

"Let's go!"

With those words, Yeon Jeokha quickly headed towards the carriage. In his mind, he only thought of going to the Sangjo Chamber of Commerce to meet Namgung Yeon.



Changhae Military Academy

Around noon, the two-horse carriage stopped in front of the Changhae Military Academy. Shortly after, the Jeong Mujin and Jeong Yeongji siblings, along with Yeon Jeokha and Shim Tong, descended from the carriage.

Jeong Mujin, heading towards the main gate, looked up at the Changhae Military Academy sign with a melancholic gaze.

Although only a few days had passed since his last visit, he felt as if years had passed.

Surely, it was due to having faced death.

When Yeon Jeokha and Shim Tong approached, Jeong Mujin quickly knocked on the closed gate.

Tok, tok, tok.

A faint sigh escaped Jeong Mujin's lips. Hearing the dull sound reverberating in his ears oppressed his chest.

Before the Iron Blood Sect attacked, the gate was always open.

Now, the firmly closed gate reflected the current situation of the Changhae Military Academy, filling him with sadness.

If the Changhae Military Academy had the strength of the Seven Great Sects, this would not have happened.

Or, at least, if they had the strength of sects like Palseon, Daeyeon, or Chilyang...

While he was lost in these thoughts, a hoarse voice was heard from inside.

"Who is outside?"

It was Yang Cheongu, the instructor of the Changhae Military Academy.

"Instructor Yang, it is Mujin."

After a moment, a sliding sound was heard, and the gate opened slightly.

Jeong Mujin, his group, and Yeon Jeokha and Shim Tong quickly entered.

Yang Cheongu, observing the strange guests with curiosity, stealthily approached Jeong Mujin and whispered to him.

"What happened with Cheongpung Manor?"

"The Iron Blood Sect followed us, so we could not reach it. We were on the brink of death."

"And who are these people?"

"They are the ones who saved us from the hands of the Iron Blood Sect. I brought them to thank them."

"Do you know which sect they are from?"

"They are from Waryong Manor."


Yang Cheongu looked at Yeon Jeokha and Shim Tong with compassion.

To be honest, Waryong Manor was in a worse situation than the Changhae Military Academy. At least the Changhae Military Academy still had its sign, but Waryong Manor had been completely destroyed.

"Oh, let's see the leader. Is he inside?"

"Yes, go ahead. He will be happy to know that you returned safely. Hyo, come with me."

When Lim Hyo followed Yang Cheongu, the Jeong Mujin and Jeong Yeongji siblings led Yeon Jeokha and Shim Tong inside.


"Excuse me, could we talk in private for a moment?"

After hearing what had happened in the reception room, Jeong Socheon took his son's hand, Jeong Mujin, and led him to an adjoining room.

Although they were grateful for the help received, the conditions imposed were too excessive, and he wanted to clarify.

"A thousand taels?"


Jeong Mujin lowered his head, embarrassed.

Yesterday, in the urgency of the moment, he had offered a thousand taels, but seeing his father's face, he realized he had made a mistake.

"A thousand taels for a single day?"

"It's that the members of the Iron Blood Sect were right in front of us... That's how it happened."

"With a thousand, you can hire a thousand wanderers. Do you know that?"

"It's a bit excessive, I admit... but I promised them that amount."

Jeong Mujin felt as if his mouth was dry and burning.

Listening to his father only confirmed that a thousand taels of silver was an outrageous amount.

But what could he do?

He had already made the promise, and they were here.

If Shim Tong were an ordinary warrior of the Murim, he could break the promise without further ado. But he had handled the members of the Iron Blood Sect as if they were children, proving to be a great master.

"I will talk to them. They understand the value of money in the warrior market, they will accept."

"Father, please don't."

Jeong Mujin explained to his father how Shim Tong had defeated the members of the Iron Blood Sect.

Jeong Socheon, surprised, opened his eyes wide and asked.

"Did that old man defeat Ju Yeonshin and his men?"

"Yes, Ju Yeonshin couldn't resist a single blow. He is a supreme master like I've never seen before."


Listening to his son, Jeong Socheon reflected.

If that old man was so powerful, perhaps they could hire him to fight against the Iron Blood Sect.

"I understand. From now on, I will take care of this."

Assuring his son not to worry, Jeong Socheon returned to the reception room.

He made a new proposal to the old man.

"Sir, if you kill Jwayangsun, I will give you an additional thousand taels of silver."

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