Heavenly Star

Chapter 345

Chapter 345

Ye Wuchen flew into the air with lengya, speechless all the way. Lengya seldom speaks, and it is even more difficult to ask him to speak on his own initiative. Ye Wuchen is thinking about his mind while flying, and keenly distinguishes the direction at the same time. After flying for a long distance, all you can see around you is mud without any color. It's like floating in the middle of the endless sea, with no reference to judge the direction at all. Ye Wuchen is now moving forward. With his feeling, he flies close to the target.

The distance of more than ten miles, with his flying degree at the moment, is only a few minutes. Along the way, there is no wave. When he flew to the middle of the swamp sea, there was a sudden change. Under him, a thin black line suddenly shot out of the mire, like a line of black lightning, attacking ye Wuchen with an unresponsive degree.

This is a thick and thin black line, but little finger. When it rushed out, the mud all over the body was completely thrown away because it was too fast, revealing a dark body less than half a meter long. Ye Wuchen's floating height is ten meters, and it shoots out at such an incredible height in this extremely uncomfortable swamp, biting on ye Wuchen's arm just woke up from thinking. When its shining black teeth bit on his arm, ye Wuchen saw its shape at the same time, and explored its information with the "eye of soul". His flight also stopped at this moment and floated in the air. One hand extended like lightning and clamped its seven inch part.

Compared with ordinary snakes, its body is too small, but its seven inch position is still its fatal weakness.

Front line soul grabbing: the sky level high-level snake shaped Warcraft is good at hiding breath and extremely poisonous. Once bitten, those with strength below God level will immediately lose consciousness and die within one minute. Because its speed is as fast as lightning, few people can avoid its attack or attack its body. Those who know its name will avoid it once they meet it. The weakness is that the body is extremely fragile. At present, there is only one in Tianchen mainland, which is extremely terrible.

A line grabs the soul

This is the terrible Warcraft ye Wuchen encountered when he first stepped into the lost place. Its body is extremely fragile and can be easily destroyed without any strength. However, because of its highly toxic and extremely rapid degree, its level is determined to be sky high. Ye Wuchen still remembers that after a spirit level Warcraft was bitten by it, it turned into a black body in ten seconds.


Accompanied by a sharp wind, lengya, who had just reacted, stabbed the little black snake. As soon as he stabbed half of his broken wind blade, he was suddenly resisted by a strong force. Ye Wuchen whispered, "don't hurt it."

A person who is bitten by a front-line soul snatcher will turn black and die in a very short time unless he has divine strength. There is no exception in his life. The first line of soul grabbing caught the key didn't panic at first. As time passed, it finally began to struggle in a panic when it noticed that there was no change in ye Wuchen's skin color.

The force of Wuchen surged up and instantly healed the two wounds on the arm. Ye Wuchen held it up, and a sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth. It was really fate. When he first came here, he met and was attacked by it, but he nearly died and fled under the eyes of his pupil. Three years later, when he came to the lost land again, he was still attacked by only one line of soul grabbing left in the sky continent. The difference is that it didn't attack it last time. This time it succeeded, but it also fell into his hands.

Characteristics of the first-line soul grabbing: extremely poisonous, fast as lightning... Plus, bullying the soft and fearing the hard, timid as a mouse.

Since this line of soul snatching appeared in the lost place, few of the targets it attacked can escape its attack, and once bitten by its teeth, it must die miserably in an extremely terrible way. Therefore, although this line of soul grabbing is fragile and small, wherever it goes, those heavenly beasts and spirit beasts all retreat, or even flee. This time, it is the first time that it has been controlled by its own goal. The intelligence of the heavenly beast is extraordinary. It understands the fragility of its body. It also knows that he is extraordinary from the fact that the people in front of him are not afraid of poison. Now, as long as he makes a little effort, he can crush its body and kill it.

There was panic in the eyes that were so small that they could hardly see, and the "hissing" sound came from the constantly opening snake mouth. Ye Wuchen looked at it without saying a word, and the hand that clamped it tightened bit by bit with an extremely slow degree. He can kill it immediately, but what he chooses is to bring the fear of death to it bit by bit, gradually destroying its already fragile psychological defense line.

The snake struggled more violently. Every part of the whole body shook disorderly. Ye Wuchen didn't move. Only that hand was slowly tightening and tightening again.

Death is getting closer and closer, and the struggle to seize the soul begins to become weak. The snake's mouth is open and difficult to close. The original black eyes began to dim. Gradually, its body softened all of a sudden, only its short tail was still swinging slightly, and its snake eyes showed a deep cry and humble color of begging for mercy.

At this time, ye Wuchen gave a cold hum in his mouth, and his clenched right hand loosened. Although he still grasped its body so that it could not escape, he had no such binding force that almost killed it.

The only way to attack front-line soul snatching is poison. In addition, another specialty is escape. But its poison had no effect on ye Wuchen. At this time, he caught it in his hand and ran away. After struggling on the death line for a long time, he finally looked forward to the dawn of life. He wisely chose to hang the snake in front of him and made a gesture of begging for mercy. Although the intelligence of heavenly beasts cannot match that of human beings, they are not far apart. Ye Wuchen raised his left hand. An iron box called out from the sword God ring appeared in his hand. When his hand shook, the cover bounced up. Ye Wuchen grabbed a line to seize the soul, put it over the box, loosened his hand and whispered, "go in." A line of soul snatching suddenly understood ye Wuchen's intention and shivered all over his body. It's dignified that the king of poison, who has no beast to provoke and runs rampant in the lost land, should be locked in an iron box and become a enslaved beast of mankind... His mind can't help but think of the terrible feeling of almost falling into death just now. He's so timid that he finally put away the idea of running away, Curled up and lay in the iron box. Its body is thin and short, coiled into a ball, but also the size of a fist. It is more than enough to lie in it. Ye Wuchen covered the box, put back the sword God ring and said to lengya, "let's go." His Wuchen formula can automatically dissolve any foreign substances harmful to his body, and its resolving ability is very different from the water jade skill of the southern emperor. No matter how strong the poison is, don't try to hurt him. Lengya has been quietly watching him finish all this. His face is as cold as before, and there is only turbulence in his heart. A few minutes later, ye Wuchen stopped flying again. He quietly looked at the front for a while. Suddenly, he took a deep breath, grabbed lengya's arm and soared into the sky. He flew straight into the sky like a rising rocket, flying higher and higher, with a great tendency to rush into the sky. After a while, when ye Wuchen stopped flying upward, they had floated at a terrible height in the eyes of ordinary people. Above the high altitude, they had a panoramic view of the broad scenery under their feet. In front of the line of sight, a huge manor has been reflected. Under visual inspection, the manor spread from hundreds of meters in front of them to the distance“ In front of you is beidizong. " Looking ahead, ye Wuchen said quietly. At first glance, the location of the northern emperor sect is slightly larger than that of the southern emperor sect, but its layout and architectural style are surprisingly similar, both ancient and simple, with a kind of dignified dignity. Looking closely, except for the swamp direction they came all the way, there was a thick red ring around the huge manor of beidizong. The reddish zone should be what yangongluo called "yanhunsha". And regardless of other mechanisms that can only be opened by the burning soul formula, with this burning soul sand, no matter people or animals dare not step half a step. Compared with the water jade poison fog around the South emperor sect, the North emperor sect's defense and lethality are much stronger, but an obvious defect is that there is no coverage of water jade poison fog, and those with floating ability can directly cross over from the sky. But how many people can float in the sky? Who among these people would unreasonably provoke the northern emperor? In short, the defense of North emperor Zong and South emperor Zong is more like mutual defense. Otherwise, with their power, there is no great difference between these magical defenses“ Do you know why I brought you here this time? " Ye Wuchen asked. Lengya shook his head, which was what he didn't understand all the way. But he never asked. Ye Wuchen's explanation of Chu Jingtian is not a perfect reason. Ye Wuchen turned his face and said solemnly and seriously, "I originally wanted to enter beidizong alone. Although I have made up my mind, I actually didn't think I would succeed and return. Beidizong, after all, is not an ordinary demon warrior family. But... "Ye Wuchen's eyes became solid:" my power tells you that I can't succeed, but you can. At the same time, this is also an experience for you. I believe you won't let me down. " When ye Wuchen woke up from ten years of sleep, he had the power of seven elements: water, fire, wind, thunder, earth, death and soul. With the help of Jiyan Tianlong and wind killing pearl, his power of fire and wind were fully awakened, and the other five elements were still in a semi open state. But even so, the power of the soul, which was only half opened, gave him great help again and again. He began to expect from a long time ago what kind of magical ability it would be if the power of the soul was fully awakened... At least, the ability of fuzzy prediction that has always existed is an ability against heaven. Facing ye Wuchen's illusory words, lengya was not surprised or confused, but nodded seriously{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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