Heavenly Star

Chapter 354

Chapter 354

Ye Wuchen, whose nerve broke into a string, rushed to the sky when her hand just moved, like a bunch of silver arrows, which narrowly avoided the attack of Xiaomo. The dark wind swept under his feet and brought him a deep chill like an ice cave.

Chi... Bursts of chaotic cracking sound sounded, and the cabin behind ye Wuchen was swallowed up with an extremely terrible degree in the sweep of dark energy. After the Yin wind, there was a piece of ruins. Xiaomo was stunned for a moment, raised his head and looked at ye Wuchen in the air. She snorted angrily, took back her outstretched hands, stretched out upward, and pulled at ye Wuchen in the air.

A heavy tear force came from ye Wuchen's chest, almost without any resistance. Ye Wuchen fell from the air obliquely in the direction of Xiaomo like a doll with a thread. The corner of Xiaomo's mouth was lifted up again. While looking at him near, he smiled and said, "big brother, you can die now..."

Ye Wuchen was pulled closer and closer. He didn't struggle. Under the power of Xiaomo, even his struggle was futile. And his eyes, not what Xiaomo thought should be panic, but a sharp and heavy that she couldn't understand.

"Xiangxiang, go!" Ye Wuchen shouted in his heart.

The Dragon fox just woke up jumped up from ye Wuchen's arms and rushed to Xiaomo. The degree of dragon fox is very fast. When it first fought with Tong Xin, it was even faster than Tong Xin. At this time, the degree is fully open, just like a flash of white light. Xiaomo, who was too close and unprepared, was just stunned and hit by Xiangxiang. A circle of white light spread from Xiangxiang and wrapped ye Wuchen and Xiaomo.



With a sound of "Chi La", Ping'er tore off some old clothes neatly, and then grabbed lengya's feet without scruples. She wrapped them around his feet in lengya's turbulent eyes. Her movements were very skilled. After a while, she tore her clothes several times and wrapped lengya's feet tightly“ The whole soles of your feet have been penetrated. I don't know if you hurt your tendons, but don't worry. I'll ask them to ask for some good medicine from the ghost woman later. With my soul burning power, you can recover in a few days. Hum, it's lucky that you met me, otherwise you will not be caught. Even if you can escape, your foot will be useless. You should thank me well. "

Ping'er finished bandaging lengya, clapped his hands, and then said, "well, if you tie it up, you don't have to worry about touching the wound. Don't move your foot... Don't even touch the ground. I managed to stabilize the wound there. If the wound cracks again, I'll waste a lot of effort."

Lengya: "

"Hello! You are wood! If you don't want to talk, at least promise. " Ping'er threw lengya's foot away and pulled it to the wound. The corner of lengya's mouth twitched in pain. Since he came to this place, he has avoided the crisis under her cover. Now, he takes care of him so carefully and carefully. This kind of kindness that makes him still ignorant makes him feel grateful. Therefore, he gave a light "Oh" according to her words.

Ping Er: "... It's really a piece of wood. Did ye Wuchen really ask you to come? " The boring screen had to change the topic. She has been locked up here for three years and has no freedom at all. It is difficult to find someone who can talk freely. At this time, in the face of lengya, she rarely stops talking when her heart is surging. The cold cliff in front of her is completely opposite to her.


"It's strange that you seem a little powerful, but you can't sneak in... How did you get through the burning soul sand? Can you fly? No, no, flying will bring strong power fluctuations, which have long been shown... How did you get in? By the way, did that powerful ye Wuchen bring you here? Has he also come... WOW! Yes, yes, yes, yes. Did he make the sound? Was he... "

Ping'er stared and smelled the cold cliff, talked to himself, and looked forward to it. Lengya didn't know how to answer. She simply didn't say a word and silently thought about what to do next. In front of the screen, from her actions and language from the beginning to the present, he could see what purpose she had for him.

The vibration of the ground has subsided for a long time. I can't hear any noise in this particularly quiet prison, but I can't hear the chattering words of Ping'er. She spoke without lowering her voice. Obviously, she was the only one in this not small prison.

"Why did you help me?" Lengya stared into her eyes and asked quietly.

"Ha, you are willing to say a few more words at last... Well, why do you want to help you... Because, first, you are looking for a young lady. I guessed at once that you are so powerful and looking for a young lady. What if it is the young lady's favorite ye Wuchen. Second, since you have a way to break in, I think you can get out. I want you to take me out... Hum, unexpectedly, you are only a little powerful. If others don't help you, you can't come in or go out. "

Lengya: "

"Hee, I took care of you and protected you well. Ye Wuchen will thank me very much. Then he'll take me out when he takes you. I've been locked up here for so long. I really want to go out to find the young lady. I don't know whether her baby has been born... Ah, no, it must have been born. I really want to see if it's cute... "

There are three black lines on the forehead of lengya. I dare say that she is so kind to herself, which has nothing to do with him.

"If he is stingy and doesn't take me out, hum... I won't tell him where the lady is. I am miss's best sister, the only one who knows where Miss is. " Screen son's face full of small pride, cunningly said.

A sense of weakness surged up all over lengya. When she said this, she was also telling him... She wanted to know where the young lady was from me. No way! Unless you take her out.

In the face of the girl who just helped him and took care of him, he couldn't make coercion under this situation. And Ping'er was so good to him before that he was deliberately bringing him into this situation. The girl's mental intelligence is extraordinary.

He turned his head to the north and listened to the voice there. He doesn't know whether ye Wuchen has gained. From the sound just now, he knows that he has been found, but lengya doesn't worry about his safety. With his ability to teleport thousands of miles, no difficulties can trap him. At least now, he can only wait for ye Wuchen to find him and take him away. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to escape because his right foot is injured. Even if he is not injured, he cannot leave beidizong alone. If you bring a screen, it's even more impossible.

"They're back." Listening to the subtle footsteps in the distance, lengya whispered.

When Ping'er heard the speech, he quickly stood up from the ground, helped lengya up, helped him to sit down in the corner of the hut, and seriously said to him, "when they come over later, they must not make a sound, okay... Don't worry, they won't come in."

She just let lengya sit in that corner without any shelter. Obviously, outsiders will not walk in, and she has considerable confidence. Lengya didn't say much and nodded slightly. Ping'er immediately walked away quickly, went to the wooden door first, turned over the blood stained grass and covered it completely with the hay next to it. Then he picked up the bloody sword, bit his teeth, closed his eyes and fiercely scratched it on his arm.

"You!" Lengya was surprised. Just about to make a subconscious move, the sharp sword had scratched and scratched a long wound on Ping'er's arm. In an instant, blood flowed and dropped to the ground.

"All said don't make a sound!" Screen Er sucked the cold air in pain, and didn't forget to stare at lengya angrily. Then he walked out quickly and took the wooden door with him

"Help! You two come here quickly... Come on, help! "

The sharp cry of Ping'er sounded loudly at the moment when the wooden door was closed. The pain and grievance in the voice were not pretended. The two guards who had just returned and had not yet stood firm heard the voice, immediately stopped the discussion of the great event that had just happened, and hurried over. Although Ping'er is only a maid and has been locked up for three years, the patriarch's wife has repeatedly ordered her not to be wronged. How dare they neglect her.

As soon as they turned the corner, they saw Ping'er standing outside the door. The long sword with blood was at her feet, and the clothes on one arm of her had been dyed red by blood. They were shocked and shouted, "miss Ping'er, what's the matter!"

"Hello! How did you two come here... Woo, when I was practicing your broken sword, I accidentally scratched myself... You go to find the ghost woman to get the best healing medicine for both external and internal use. Hurry up, go, the more the better! "

"Ah? Oh! " Both of them were obviously stupid. They wanted to laugh at the reason for her injury, but they couldn't laugh. They were extremely uncomfortable. They couldn't understand why Ping Er, who can be regarded as an expert, could play the sword and hurt himself... Is it because she was too dull, didn't touch the sword for too long, excited and unfamiliar?

But anyway, her injury was real, and the long sword lay on the ground with blood. They looked at each other. One of them hurried away, and the other said helplessly, "miss Ping'er, are you really hurt by yourself? Are you okay? "

"Hello! You don't wear eyes. You're the only one here except me. I didn't hurt you myself. Didn't you hurt it? Hum... It hurts. You said it's okay. Can it be okay? " Screen Er covered his wound with pain on his face.

The man shrunk his neck and said, "with the power of miss Ping'er, this little injury is really nothing... Cough, just think I didn't say anything. Ghost woman's medicine will come right away. Miss Ping'er, Jin Gui's skin must not leave a scar or something. "

"Hum... By the way, Xiao Ba, what happened just now? Did something big happen? " Ping'er kept in pain and changed the topic.

As soon as he talked about it, Xiao Ba immediately changed into a dignified face. He nodded and said seriously, "it's a big event. Someone broke into our beidizong. No one showed him before."

"Ah? Who is who? " Although he tried his best to hide it, Ping'er still couldn't suppress the twinkling stars in his eyes. Fortunately, Xiao Ba didn't notice{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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