Heavenly Star

Chapter 363

Chapter 363


A long roar soared into the sky and cut through the night sky, like an eagle roaring into the sky, straight into people's hearts. All people, including Yan Cang, felt that their hearts vibrated violently in the long roar. This roar is not unwilling, angry or desolate, but shocking and inexplicable murderous spirit and war intention.

Another group of people came around, their faces were as heavy as water, and the whole body was rippling with a thick spirit of inflammation. Two of them are by no means weaker than Yancang. They all stared at lengya, and their hearts were also moved by his long roar. In their hearts, they couldn't help but have a little admiration. This is a trapped beast. There is no chance to escape tonight. But when the beast is indifferent to life and death, his struggle at all costs, regardless of his life and knowing that he will die is undoubtedly too terrible.

The hearts of the people became heavy. In their territory, many experts surrounded one person, but they felt heavy depression from lengya.

After the long roar, lengya moved, and a bloody light appeared in the eyes like a sword. He crossed his body, stabbed on his side, and stabbed the heart of the man who said his identity on his right hand. He moved, and those who locked his breath moved at the same time. For a time, the chaotic air field swept through the surrounding space, and the stirred air carried a howling wind and scattered in all directions.

"Cold cliff!!" Ping'er was taken further under the impact of the gas field. Looking at lengya's body being submerged under the attack of a more terrible expert, she shouted out in panic as if she suddenly woke up from a nightmare. Lengya had been holding on to her before, but when Yancang said the words "don't hurt pinger unless you have to", he didn't hesitate to push her away from him and keep her away from him and danger.


The middle-aged man who was stabbed by lengya gave a cold hum, took a step backward, grabbed it with his right hand and took it to lengya's wrist. But just as his palm was about to touch lengya's wrist, lengya's body in the air, like being pushed by someone from behind, soared again and stabbed forward suddenly... The middle-aged man's hand pressed on his arm, and the green wind blade also stabbed into his left chest, penetrated his heart, and the bloody blade tip was exposed from behind him, Under the night sky, there was a little green light.

The middle-aged man stared round, and the left hand that caught lengya's arm hung down powerlessly. This strong man with spirit level high-level strength was killed by lengya. Lengya, who only asked for the other party's death and completely ignored the attack of the crisis behind him, also exposed his empty back, and several heavy palm winds pressed down from his back like boulders.

Several muffled sounds, three pairs of palms hit at the same time, but the hit was not lengya's body, but the middle-aged man who had just died under lengya's blade and had not had time to fall. Those efforts directly cracked the middle-aged man's body and flew out from a distance. The cold Cliff... The cold wind blew from their downwind in their consternation, and a cold faint green light flashed through the bottom of their eyes. The cold light passed through their lower limbs and then passed to their hearts under the cold light of green lightning.

The overlapping sad cry took the convulsion of the heart. The six sections were neat. The lower limbs cut into different lengths spilled blood and flew out in the same direction. The three people were also sinking in the terrible picture of their lower limbs being detached... Like falling into an endless abyss.

Lengya knew that he would die. He didn't panic, frenzy or lose his mind. Instead, he was surprisingly calm, as if this was not his night of death, but his free killing game. He calmly sensed the trend of any air flow around him, calmly guessed their action direction, and calmly looked for every fleeting opportunity. The first blow he just stabbed suddenly increased in an unexpected situation. Then he sank down at the first time without looking at the rear. He rolled around on the ground and cut off the limbs of three spirit level masters at the same time.

The terrible thing is not the hungry wolf, but the wolf who is forced into a desperate situation and forgets to die!

In a short breath, lengya shot twice in a row. There was almost no gap in the middle. Unexpectedly, one person died and three people were abandoned. The move was extremely fierce without any hesitation. It was like waiting for them to take the initiative to deliver it to the door. The light flashed in Yan Cang's calm eyes. At this time, he had an impulse to cheer. Such ruthlessness, such reflex nerve and such sharp awn can not be owned only by strength. At least, although he has the strength of yuanleng cliff, he is absolutely unable to make the two strikes of that wonderful gorgeous performance.

Lengya's body shook the dark shadow, shuttling back and forth among the crowd approaching him. He avoided falling into a siege, because it would make his death come too soon. He has no intention to live tonight. His only purpose is to pull more northern emperors to cushion his back!

A shrill cry tearing the air, which had been covered by the night, came back to the shuttle lengya for the third time. A beidizong expert who had just waved his palm had his neck cut in half, and his eyes protruded, like a ghost. The dark figure of lengya disappeared mysteriously from sight with an incredible degree into the chaotic crowd in the night

He either hides, once he shoots, he will hit. He is not the kind of warrior who is good at fighting, but hidden in the dark and ready to wait. Once he finds a chance, he will explode in an instant, hit and die! What he has is not the skill of fighting, but the skill of killing.

With the sound of "bang", lengya's shoulder was hit with two records, which made his consciousness appear a short gap. However, he suddenly shot from an incredible angle along the inclination of his body, crossed their chest and abdomen one after another, and brought two tents of blood mist and successive screams. Then, his body was low and he didn't know where to go under the cover of darkness again. Chi... Another blood mist flew up and splashed on several people's clothes. In addition to Yan Cang, the other three sky level masters could not keep silent anymore. They looked at each other, floated up and rushed to the cold cliff. In a short time, they already know the price of belittling this person. Seeing the three people join, Ping'er's panic was magnified. Her eyes were looking for the wandering shadow in the chaotic crowd, the shadow that made the people of the northern emperor confused. She could always see his location at once. It was a subtle feeling that guided her attention to him firmly. The three Heaven level masters joined in, like three mountains pressing on lengya at the same time. They did underestimate lengya before... At the beginning, Yanzheng defeated lengya with only one move. When they saw him, they would inevitably have a "but so" evaluation in their hearts. At the moment, they couldn't help but deeply doubt that elder Yanzheng really defeated him with one move? If lengya was alone against the three sky level masters, the pressure would be much heavier than his current situation, and the dozens of people besieging him became the best cover for his hidden body. His figure shuttled through the crowd like a ghost, and suddenly burst at an unacceptable time, bringing a flying blood rain. He didn't stop moving for a second. When he fought with people, he walked away as soon as he touched them. He never entangled with them. Once he hit, he would hit every hit, and then appeared like a ghost in the passing shadow. The three sky strong men approached him again and again, but they didn't touch his clothes from the beginning to the end. Yan Cang's eyes were like eagles, staring at the constantly shaking figure of lengya. Behind him, I don't know when there were four old people in their 60s, all with calm faces, turning a blind eye to the dead body lying on the ground in a bloody fog, and there was no intention of intervening. In their eyes, they glittered with sincere admiration“ Was Yan really a move to defeat him? " An old man said with a low eyebrow“ Hehe, the rumor is true. So does the little Lord. It can only be said that Yan Zheng was very lucky to defeat him. " Another old man laughed“ I really can't bear to destroy such a person. If he can join our northern emperor sect, hehe... "He is a member of the evil sect. Moreover, once he is loyal to a master, he will swear to follow him to the death and will not betray him all his life." Yan Cang turned around and said to the four old men, "in terms of power, this son barely reached the lower level of heaven, which is far from us, but his amazing degree and explosive power, fierce hand and sharp reflex nerve are the only things I have seen in my life. Under these combinations... This is a unique murder weapon for killing."“ Unfortunately, this murder weapon has its owner and will never belong to others. " An old man regretted“ In that case, even if we deplore it, we can only destroy it. "“ Although he still seems to be able at the moment, his attention and spirit are always highly nervous. In addition, his strength background is relatively shallow, so he is not suitable for long-term battle. His physical strength and energy are consuming quickly, so he should not last long. " The five people looked at lengya at the same time. Although it was not obvious, his movements did show a slight block compared with the previous ones, and the frequency of his shots was slightly lower, but his fighting spirit did not subside at all. His eyes were still as cold and silent as at the beginning, without half a ripple. In their hearts, they couldn't help but exclaim again“ It's the best of benevolence and righteousness to let him survive here. After all, he is a man of the evil family. Do it. " The old man in the middle said{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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