Heavenly Star

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

"Dad, will you be sad if your eyes can't see forever?" Xiaomo suddenly turned his head and asked. Since ye Wuchen was blind, she never dared to touch his eyes. That day, his voice and his eyes throbbed her heart. In those days when she got along with him, her favorite thing was to quietly look into his eyes and listen to him tell all kinds of stories. Now, those eyes are so strange, which makes her worry and faint heartache... She knows that she is sad for him. She didn't hate this sad feeling at all, because in this land that didn't belong to her, she finally found someone who could make her sad. Unconsciously, she regarded him as her own dependence, and unconsciously began to rely on his existence.

The loss of his vision was sealed by terrible power. She was the first to know this, not yantianwei and yanduancang. In the face of the power of seal ye Wuchen's vision, she is equally powerless. And the only thing that can eliminate the terrible power is... The people there.

"Will Xiaomo dislike me?" Ye Wuchen asked softly.

Xiaomo shook his head heavily: "you are my father, how can I dislike... Never."

She always took killing her "father" as fun and said the word "forever". When those two words were involuntarily exported, she was stunned.

"Well! Then why should I be sad? " Ye Wuchen answered her with a smile. Looking up, my mind drifted to the distance again unconsciously.

The scene seems to repeat one by one in the passage of time. Too single world is easy to cause visual fatigue and boredom. Xiaomo carefully judged the location for fear of missing any unusual place.

"It should be around here. Xiaomo, do you see anything different? " After a long time, ye Wuchen said. As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt Xiaomo stop.

Xiaomo doesn't fly high, less than 30 meters. In the distance of sight, a barrier as high as 100 meters appeared. The barrier is an iceberg covered with snow, revealing the body of the ice only where it is not covered by snow. This is obviously not a normal iceberg. Although it is far away, you can still see that it is a circular iceberg with similar height and closely connected, which is surrounded into a standard circle, firmly masking the scene surrounded in the middle.

"Is that it... It's a high mountain, a mountain made of ice. There seems to be something around... "Xiaomo said in a loud voice and said seriously," yes... It's the breath of life. There may be someone in it. Dad, is it there? "

"Mountain?" Ye Wuchen was slightly stunned. After a short meditation, there was a sudden sound in his mind. A few months ago, when Yan's people told him where the snow girl palace was, they heard people in canglan country accidentally mention the words "frozen snow girl Palace"


"Xiaomo, let's go down, that's it."

Their bodies fell from the air. After a short period of time, they had stood in front of the high iceberg. Xiaomo's eyes swept, but he couldn't find any trace that could enter, such as the door. Ye Wuchen took a few steps forward, judged the position according to the rebound airflow, stood in front of the iceberg and reached out to touch the ice wall in front of him.

The cold feeling came from his hands, and his timeless power went straight through the ice wall and extended to it. After a period of time, he took back his arm... This ice wall is not only terrible in density, but also terrible in thickness - tens of meters thick.

"Xiaomo, let's go up." Ye Wuchen took Xiaomo's hand and took a breath. His body broke the wind and rushed up. After a while, he was floating at a height of 100 meters. When he saw the sky above the circular iceberg, Xiaomo gave a light sigh.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wuchen asked. If the snow girl palace is surrounded, you should be able to see it directly over the iceberg.

"Up there, it's all snow." Xiaomo replied. The interior of the circular iceberg is not empty, and there is no palace. At a glance, it is still a vast expanse of white.

Ye Wuchen was silent for a moment, then turned around and flew forward with little foam, and finally landed in the middle of the circular iceberg.

Ye Wuchen followed his feeling and walked a distance on it, then stopped and thought deeply. Normally, whether an iceberg or an earth mountain, the middle of the mountain will be its peak. According to Xiaomo, there are similar tops next to here. It seems that many mountains are connected together and surrounded in a circle, rather than just an iceberg.

Besides, it's too flat here. After walking for some distance, I didn't feel any ups and downs... It's like walking on a flat ice covered with snow.


Ye Wuchen squatted down, put his hand through the snow and pressed it under the cold feet. It was really a layer of ice. His endless power crossed the ice and went all the way down... Immediately, his eyebrows moved fiercely. It should be about 100 meters away from the surface, and after his power penetrates less than 20 meters, it is an empty piece... It is air!

Ye Wuchen stood up and said, "Xiaomo, let's break the ice under our feet... Just break it a little. Don't break it too far."

Xiaomo looked at his feet and looked surprised on his face. She raised her hand and a growing black light began to condense. How could she not notice that the ice under her feet was by no means normal ice. Its terrible cold degree and density make it many times harder than normal steel.

With enough destructive dark power, Xiaomo controls the range of power impact and is about to strike down, but suddenly listens to ye Wuchen shouting: "Xiaomo!"

Where did Xiaomo's hand stop and looked at him incomprehensibly, but he found that there was an expression on his face that she couldn't understand.

The power of the soul was in violent turbulence, and his heart beat suddenly became very fast. An unprecedented emotion hit his heart. This feeling suddenly came in a moment just now, because just when he tried to explore the bottom of the ice with his strength, he vaguely felt an extremely weak breath. It was strange, but it brought him a very familiar feeling... Silently, he raised his hand and pressed it on his heart, feeling the frenzied throbbing there.

He will never forget the sudden spiritual turmoil at this moment.



The floor made of ice, the wall made of ice, the ceiling made of ice, the table, the bed... Everything here is made of ice, not too much space, reflecting the gorgeous brilliance of crystal. If you come here for the first time, you will be dazzled by the ice here.

Small rows of coral like ice flowers protrude from the wall, emitting colorful and gorgeous ice light. Under the ice coral flowers, on a small bed with a thick cushion, lay an elf like child. She closed her eyes tightly, her small nose went up and down with even breathing, and the two delicate and small lips closed together. This is a sleeping baby. It looks only about two years old, but it can still be seen that it is a little girl. The two-year-old girl showed her beauty too early. Her body was covered with a thin blanket. Just looking at the quiet tender face, you can feel a suffocating beauty.

She really shouldn't belong to the world.

It's quiet here. There's no one else except her. She is everyone's baby here. In order that she can sleep safely, she will never be disturbed by any noise when she sleeps.

Today, she woke up too early.

The cicada wing like eyelashes gently swept a few times, and the closed eyes slowly opened, revealing the shining light of two stars. The little blanket on her body was lifted by her hand, revealing her tender body in thin clothes. She didn't make any sound. She walked out of bed carefully, and then followed her feeling and walked in one direction... She didn't walk so smoothly. Only a few steps away, she walked to the door not far away, and her little body fell on the soft snow in front of the door. She didn't get up. She put her hands on the snow and crawled in the snow towards where she wanted to go.

The snow on the ground was very cold, but it didn't make the little girl who was only two years old feel any discomfort. In the crawling, the small lips kept opening and closing. It seemed that they were trying to make a sound, but there was no overflow of any sound. Her eyes are as bright as the stars in the dark night. However, if you look carefully, you will find that these eyes have no focal length, just like... Ye Wuchen's eyes at the moment.



Xiaomo's hand completely wrapped by the dark power fell. This is Xiaomo's dark blow with all his strength, which compresses the distance. How powerful it is. Listening to the dull sound of life, the thick ice under my feet vibrated violently, and a standard circular cavity with a diameter of about one meter appeared below.

From the sound, ye Wuchen knew that Xiaomo's blow had directly penetrated the ice cold with a thickness of more than 20 meters. At this time, the violent palpitation in his heart has been getting stronger and stronger. Because, since he was touched, the root of the palpitation has been slowly approaching him, getting closer and closer... Suddenly, he felt that the breath was right under him.

"Daddy?" From that hole, Xiaomo suddenly saw the world below, turned to ye Wuchen, and shook him up from his absence. Ye Wuchen took a small foam in one hand and jumped down from it.

Feet, soon fell on the ground, the soft feeling is still snow. Also at the moment of landing, every part of Ye Wuchen's whole body was filled with a special emotion. He had never shed tears. At the moment, there was a strong sour feeling in his nose

It was a kind of emotional impact closely connected with blood, soul and even life. It was a kind of spiritual turbulence that returned to himself after the loss of the most important thing in life. Involuntarily, he took a step forward, he couldn't see it, but that feeling was close at hand.

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