Heavenly Star

Chapter 409

Chapter 409

. beidizong.

The destruction of the root of the southern emperor sect has made Yan duanhun restless all the time, and with their ability, they still can't find the reason. At this time, he stood in front of the window, frowning and thinking hard, and suddenly heard a burst of chaos outside the window.

When the door was opened, a hurried in, Yan duanhun frowned, turned around and shouted, "what's the matter?"

"Lord, Yunchang is dead... His body is outside..."

"What!" Yan Duan's soul was surprised, turned over directly from the window and went straight to the direction of the chaotic sound.

On an open space, a cold old body was lying there in a twisted posture. His expression was a kind of strange panic, as if he saw something incredible before he died. His body was cold and terrible, and he could feel the slightest air conditioning in the space. This corpse is undoubtedly burning clouds.

"Lord, elder Yun's body suddenly fell from the sky." A man said in an extremely strange tone, as if he didn't believe what he saw. Several people next to him also nodded in agreement. The body of the scorching clouds did suddenly fall from the sky and hit the ground.

Yan Duan soul looked up at the empty sky, and his eyebrows tightened more and more. Falling from the sky... He couldn't help thinking of the evil emperor who suddenly appeared in his northern emperor Zong and suddenly disappeared... But what bothered him most was that Yan Tianyun protected Yan Ximing to assassinate ye Wuchen and the daughter of heaven's punishment. With Yan Tianyun's strength, he ended up like this. What about Yan Ximing!?

What's going on... If they are really evil emperors, why do they encounter evil emperors! If not... Is the news that the daughter of heaven's punishment is unconscious false at all, or even a cover to attract people?

Yan Duan's soul turned solemnly, and his eyes swept around like a sharp sword, mixed with uncontrollable anger and surprise.

"Lord, Lord! No! "

A middle-aged man walked quickly, folded his body and came to Yan duanhun. Before Yan duanhun asked, he gasped and said, "little Lord... Little Lord, he..."

His gesture was clearly that he had just gone through a long-distance high-speed trek. With a fierce look in his eyes, he stepped forward and shouted, "what's the matter with ming'er?"

"Young master, he... Was hanged on the gate of Tianshui City... And..." the man bit his teeth, but he didn't dare to say the second half of the sentence, but hurriedly turned his voice and said: "it's the people of evil sect, and all of them are experts. We people nearby can't save young master, sect master..."

Pop pop

The bones of Yan Duan soul's hands were clenched, and the originally calm eyes almost spewed out a violent flame. Sure enough, he is a member of the evil sect. Obviously, there are only a few forces in the Tianchen mainland that can kill Yan Tianyun. However, nanhuangzong is too busy now. The daughter of heavenly punishment is likely to be in a coma, and the only possibility is that it will only be the evil sect.

Hanging in Tianshui City... This is undoubtedly a great humiliation and provocation to his northern emperor Zong.

"Let's go!" The burning soul gnawed its teeth, and the swelling anger almost burned his reason.

"Lord, the evil sect is clearly luring us to go. We'd better think about it in the long run..."

Yan Duan's soul was fierce on one side, and his cold eyes made the man swallow his words directly back to his throat: "when did my northern emperor sect become a shrinking turtle who was slapped in the face and had to swallow it? Are we still afraid of a mere evil sect! Call my seventh uncle right away and tell him that ming'er is in great trouble. We must let the evil sect pay the price of provoking my northern emperor sect. Let's go! "



Tianshui City, the capital of kuishui state, is located in the south of the center of kuishui state. As the capital of kuishui, it is naturally the most prosperous city in kuishui, and today is destined to be an unsettled day for Tianshui city.

When Yan duanhun and Yan Tianxiong went to Tianshui city at the fastest speed, the two God level strong men who were rarely angry almost burst their lungs.

The gate of Tianshui city is covered with large ice sculptures. Several of them can see at a glance that they are the people of the North emperor sect, while others are mostly kuishui * * men with knives and guns. Their deaths were completely the same. They were completely frozen by ice from beginning to end. Those soldiers who still kept running showed that they were frozen for a moment and had no time to struggle.

Farther away, a large group of kuishui city guards formed a circle and looked at it tremblingly, but no one dared to come forward. Among them, there are more people watching the excitement. Most of their eyes stay in the sky and talk with each other.

On the high gate of kuishui state, a thin rope tied a man's hands and hung him high on the gate. This is a young man who can tell at a glance that he will not be more than 30. His scattered hair covers most of his face. The exposed half of his face shows a pale without blood color. Although his eyes are half open, he has no half look like dementia. The striking thing is that the man was naked from head to foot, and his naked body was exposed in everyone's sight. More striking, seven bright red characters were written on his chest and back:

North emperor Shaozhu Yan Xi Ming.

Although only half of his face was exposed, Yan duanhun still saw at a glance that he was Yan Ximing. How could his son admit his mistake. For a moment, he and Yan Tianao's face turned into the color of pig liver, which was extremely ugly. Besides the two of them, there was no one around. Other beidizong experts who came here had already been far behind by their shocking flying speed. They are confident that with their strength, if they work together, there is no incomparable person at all.

Yan Duan's soul trembled all over. It was obvious that he was extremely angry. He rose to the sky and flew to the direction of Yan Xi Ming in the subconscious exclamation of the crowd in the distance.


Without warning, a wide ice wall suddenly stabbed out vertically from the ground, just in front of the Yan Duan soul. Although the Yan Duan soul was surprised, he didn't look at it, and hit the ice wall in front of him. Just listening to the "bang" sound, the blow that even steel can smash and explode did not directly penetrate the ice wall in front of him. A huge anti shock force was uploaded from the fist, which made his whole right arm extremely painful. His body also slipped for tens of meters under the post shock force before it stopped in the air.

The cracked ice wall was broken into irregular pieces and scattered. Behind the ice wall, there was a silver figure who didn't know what to appear. He floated at the same height as Yan duanhun, with a sneer that he couldn't see, but felt, staring at him. Less than two meters behind him was Yan Ximing who was hanging there motionless.

The appearance of the evil emperor made the city guards who were afraid to move forward in the distance chaotic, and subconsciously tried their best to move backward. Because it was he who waved before, a large number of soldiers turned into ice sculptures as if they had encountered a terrible spell. Yan Ximing was hung here for nearly a day. No one could get close to him except the evil emperor, let alone save him. An evil emperor, just a person, makes the whole Tianshui City frightened and helpless. He can only hope that he can leave early. The farther away he is, the better. He will never come back. Once they only heard the name of the evil emperor, they finally realized the horror of the evil emperor, and they would never dare to experience it again.

That * * suddenly rushed out of the Beidi sect who wanted to save Yan Ximing, which also confirmed that he was really the little Lord of the Beidi sect. This is an amazing story... It is also the quietly disseminator of the Tianda scandal of beidizong. It is estimated that in a few days, it will become another big talk for people in the whole Tianchen mainland.

An inviolable behemoth was so humiliated that even the southern emperor did not dare to make an amazing move.

"Oh, Lord of the northern emperor, wait for a long time. You came much later than I thought. It seems that you don't care so much about this son. " The evil emperor smiled.

Yan duanhun glanced at Yan Ximing who was half dead behind the evil emperor. In addition to the shock brought by the ice wall, the suppressed anger almost exploded. He said with a gloomy face, "evil emperor, it seems that you sincerely want to tear your face with my beidizong."

"I don't understand what the leader of the northern emperor said. My evil sect and your northern emperor sect have never had anything like 'face'. Why tear it apart." The evil emperor casually pointed back and said, "well, your son doesn't wait for a good nest, but he has to run to the Tianlong kingdom to make trouble. He is also responsible for falling into the hands of the emperor. Northern emperor, what would you like to exchange for your son? "

"Take your life!!"

With a big drink in his rage, the burning soul with angry eyebrows turned up and grabbed his hands, and suddenly approached the evil emperor. The majestic power of the burning soul was immediately raised to the extreme he could achieve, which shows the prosperity of anger in his heart. The evil emperor smiled coldly, and his hand seemed to stretch out slowly.

Kaka, Kaka

Time without any condensate elements. Four layers of solid ice appeared in front of Yanduan soul in an instant. Yanduan soul's eyes were like blood and went away with a fierce bombardment. Only a sound was heard. Yanduan soul's almost all-out blow made the first layer of ice break countless, but the second layer was intact and just shook. In the center of Yan Duan's soul's anger, he couldn't help being shocked. Just as he was about to fold around the hard and incredible ice wall, suddenly countless dense and fast wind blades cut into his body.

The wind blades were so strange that they flew directly from the thick ice wall in front of Yan duanhun. This attack completely contrary to the common sense of nature made Yan duanhun unable to respond at all. There was a sharp pain in front of him. He quickly turned back and threw his arms to offset the remaining wind blades with the power of Yan soul.

The clothes on the arms and chest have been cut into dozens of cracks, and the cracks on each layer of clothes mean that the skin under the clothes is also full of cracks. With a fierce lift of Qi, Yan Duan's soul has sealed all the small wounds with strength. There are no blood beads exposed in any place, but when it can't be erased, the cutting pain and incomparable shock in his heart.

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