Heavenly Star

Chapter 434

Chapter 434

A scuffle that almost destroyed Yunhua city made Yunhua City lose nearly 10000 yuan again, but finally the reinforcements rushed to make Yunhua City secure in the time of crisis. The city gate was soon repaired again. After everything settled down, it was the beginning of night. Ye Hui led several generals of Yunhua city to Zhuge Xiaoyu and said, "see general Pingyun at the end of general Ye Hui."

Zhuge Xiaoyu listens to Ye Nu's words and has no longer deliberately disguised himself as a man. Her daughter's body made Ye Hui and several generals around him look different. What are they thinking? Zhuge Xiaoyu knows that his daughter is a general. It's amazing and so young. It's hard to convince people. Now she has been named Pingyun general, which will suppress them for decades. How can they be convinced. It was awkward and uncomfortable for them to worship a woman who was old enough to be their daughter.

Zhuge Xiaoyu didn't say anything, so he simply responded to them. Before long, Ye Hui proposed that the war was complicated and left. After he and other generals left, Zhuge Xiaoyu's show eyebrows tightened quietly. Ye Hui's performance did not hide his own emotions, which was a kind of contempt and dissatisfaction.

How capable can a woman who has just turned 20? Why should he be a leader and put pressure on their heads. Is it because her father is Zhuge?

The long-awaited reinforcements turned out to be a female child. How could he not be disappointed.

The news that Zhuge Xiaoyu has been on an expedition with his father for the past three years is not a secret in the Tianlong Dynasty, but few people know it outside.

A faint sigh came from Zhuge Xiaoyu's mouth. Once carefree and spontaneous, she never knew what sorrow was. She never sighed like this. Since she met ye Wuchen, she often looked at the moon silently and sighed.

It is much more difficult for a daughter to be a general than a man to be a general.

She is a daughter, so she is doomed to have no one to say intimate words during the expedition, and because of too many inconveniences, she has no one to accompany, either in the account or in the temporary living hall.

Come to the window, open the window, above the night sky, a bright moon hangs obliquely in the sky. The night wind blew, and a thin dark cloud quietly covered half of the curved moon in the floating room. Zhuge Xiaoyu looked at the night sky and wondered what he was thinking

When can I go home

One year, two years, or ten years... Still, I can never go back



Another place.

Under the cover of the night sky, a * * man showed his body to shuttle through the night, like ghosts. In a moment, a large number of people either pushed or pulled long iron carts to. The body was heavy, but it was flying in their hands, and there was no obvious sound.

After confirming the location, the crowd began to fish in, moving fast and fiercely, disappearing one by one under a high mountain wall. Under rough calculation, the number of people added up to as many as 1000. And so many people travel long distances with all kinds of cumbersome props, but they don't attract anyone's attention, just because they are rare experts.

The only strange thing is that in several nearby towns, all iron or wooden cars were bought out at a high price for unknown reasons.

Everything was quiet again. After a long silence, an iron plate car was pushed out one by one from under the mountain wall. There were three big boxes piled on it. Under the weak moonlight, the box actually reflected the light of gold. After the first, the second and third also follow. Pushing such a heavy thing, they were still as fast as flying, but in the blink of an eye, they hurried to the depths of the night and disappeared.

Night after night, they come from the lost place and return to the lost place after a long journey. Before dawn, it is the bottom line of time that they must return. They didn't have to be so careful. There is only one evil sect that needs to be prevented. The evil emperor alone defeated Yan Tianxiong, Yan duanhun and Yan Tianao, and mutilated the Shaozhu Yan Ximing, which made the fear and hatred of the North emperor sect to the evil sect rise unprecedentedly.

On the distant night sky, a little silver light that was too far away did not attract anyone's attention. No one found that in the silver light, a pair of eyes looked coldly below.

What beidizong would not have thought was that what they brought back was not boxes of great wealth, but boxes of

Yama post!

West of the lost land, beidizong.

The fish belly is white in the East. At this time, beidizong, which should have been in the quietest time, is noisy. All the people who went to yunbao have returned without omission. In the middle of beidizong, the mountain of gold treasures made the whole beidizong shocked and excited without sleep.

Countless kinds of jewelry and ancient coins are scattered. The most eye-catching thing is that thousands of gold boxes have piled up into a mountain. People can't believe their eyes. Several of them have been opened and released coveted gorgeous light. It is said that the treasure left by Emperor Tianlong Taizu is rich, but the wealth in front of him is more than "rich". If you really want to use one word to describe it, it can only be "incredible". They even wondered if emperor Taizu had ransacked the whole world.

"Lord, with this huge wealth, we have nothing to worry about. Within three years, no, within a year, we will no longer need to manipulate secretly and sweep the world with our own power. " A young man shouted excitedly around Yan duanhun. Without an answer, he turned his head and found that there was a layer of dignity on Yan duanhun's face. He suddenly felt uneasy. It was so smooth, from getting the iron sword, to getting the treasure map, to finding the treasure and transporting it back to Zongzhong, but it was all completed in a few days. Everything was without waves, but it was not subject to any twists and turns and obstacles. It was a little abnormal. There is also... There is too much wealth in front of him, many times more than he expected“ Open all the boxes! " Yan Duan's soul suddenly shouted in a deep voice. His command and tone of voice immediately stunned the excited Beidi Zongren“ Hehe hehe, do you want the emperor to open it for you! " The people around Yanduan's soul had not had time to respond, and suddenly an evil answer came from the sky. When they looked up in surprise, the silver figure had fallen from high altitude and landed in the gold box piled up high. On the highest gold box, the cold eyes fixed on the burning soul with ridicule“ Evil emperor! " The burning soul suddenly sank its eyebrows. The deep hatred and heavy depression hit at the same time, and there was a sudden expansion of uneasiness. The sudden appearance of the evil emperor made him feel that he really fell into something. The northern emperor's clan was like a great enemy. They quickly focused on gathering Qi to block the soul breaking body of Yan, stared at the evil emperor and were ready to go“ With a sound of "poof", a long pipe made of unknown things appeared in the hands of the evil emperor. Then he shook his hand and stabbed it into the gold box under his feet, which was as easy as wearing tofu. If you look carefully, you will find what viscous liquid flows on it“ Yes, it's worthy of beidizong. People really have to admire the speed. You found the treasure in the iron sword, but... "The evil emperor grinned:" these are not even one Chengdu. " Such an amazing number, even less than one in Chengdu? They had no idea what the evil emperor was talking about“ What do you mean? " Yan Duan's soul repressed his emotions, gritting his teeth and said. There was a breeze behind him, and an old figure appeared on his side. It was Yan Tianxiong who felt the arrival of the evil emperor in his self-cultivation. On that day, under the evil emperor's fourth God subduing technique, he had to use the forbidden move of Yan soul formula, which greatly damaged his strength, and so far he has only recovered less than 70%. As soon as he appeared, he roared: "evil emperor, since you have the courage to break into our northern emperor sect, you can't go back alive and form an array - burning soul and burning dragon array!" Although yanduanhun is the current patriarch, when it comes to prestige, it is still yantianxiong who surpasses yanduanhun. At his command, the people around him immediately move, and a formation begins to form rapidly between their actions, and the locked target points directly at the location of the evil emperor. Unlike the southern emperor sect, the northern emperor sect's array is all an attack array. The more people build the array, the more powerful it is“ Ye Wuchen, the powerful of "burning soul and burning dragon array", once heard Yan Tianwei seriously talk about it. With the strength of Yan Tianwei, if a hundred people with spiritual level or above build an array, he will be seriously injured even if he wins. The array of nanhuangzong and beidizong is one of their terrible places, and it is also the biggest reason why ye Wuchen still didn't rush into beidizong after he had endless water power. He can defeat the three strongest men of beidizong alone, but it does not mean that he has the qualification to face beidizong. If he came to beidizong's territory alone, he was still at an absolute disadvantage. The evil emperor ignored yantianxiong, but looked at yanduanhun and slowly replied: "that's because... The remaining 90% was already in the hands of my evil sect a year ago. The remaining 10% will be left to you beidizong to spend time under the nine springs... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" In the wild laughter, there was a little more scarlet flame on the evil emperor's hand. With a flick of his finger, the ignition flame fell on the pipe he inserted into the gold box. The flame immediately expanded and quickly extended down along the viscous liquid... The figure of the evil emperor suddenly disappeared at this moment. Boom!!!!!!!!! Explosion, earth shaking. The whole lost place trembled violently, countless animals roared, and birds fled away. In the north of the lost place, the secret place where the evil sect is located, the evil emperor calmly looked at a huge mushroom cloud rising slowly over the North emperor sect. The huge noise came at this moment, which made the houses behind us rustle with sand{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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