Heavenly Star

Chapter 439

Chapter 439

Xiao Ruo took a small step forward and quietly stood on tiptoe. In her eyes, the face was getting closer and closer, but finally, the girl's heart made her retreat. She hung her head and didn't let him see her pink face: "brother Xiao, I'm waiting for you to go home... If you don't come back all your life, I'll wait for you all your life..."

The circular Dharma array rises from Xiao ruo's hand, floats and disappears endlessly, and a square aperture appears on her right hand... It is the shape of a door, and the other side of the door will lead to another completely different space, which is ye Wuchen's real hometown.

Her time was only the last few seconds. She stepped back and didn't look a little away from ye Wuchen. She had never felt so deeply at this moment. Because they separated for 13 years, she thought about him for 13 years. After 13 years, she finally saw him again, but it was so short... The face in front of him has too complex expression, flawless, showing the shadow of his father and his childhood. In the blurred sight, her memory quietly floated back to the moment when she first met him



"Dad, I'm so homesick."


"... dad, are you sad?"

"Xiao'er, isn't dad useless..."

"Dad's words are so stupid. Dad is the most powerful person in the world. Why do you say that? What makes dad angry?"

"The best man in the world? What if you have the strongest power and power, but you can't even save your son's life... You have to be the culprit who took your son's life... "

"... dad, we agreed that Dad will never think so again... I can have the greatest father, the best and most beautiful mother. No one is as happy as me. Hee... "

That year, he went home when he asked to leave home, because he knew that everyone knew that there was only one last year left in his life, so he wanted to be with his closest relatives in this last life, even if... That would accelerate his death.

But he kept laughing. At the age of six, he seemed not to be afraid of death and the pain that often hit him. He had no resentment, no complaints, and no dissatisfaction with his fate... There is only a warm smile that seems to never fade. His smile infects too many people and makes too many people secretly cry for him.

Heaven is jealous of talents... For such a child, life is so short. If he is not his son, but any child in the world, his father has a ten thousand confidence to let him live, even if he dies, he can live, even if it is not difficult to give permanent life. But the reality is so cruel that he is his own son. If his father exists, he must die. There is only one way to keep him alive, that is, his father dies.

But his father is doomed not to die... No one can kill him, and if he really dies, the fate of the whole chaotic space will change dramatically, he can't.

The door opened and he saw a little girl. When he looked at her, she looked at him with shining eyes...

"Dad, he's uncle Xiao's sister, isn't he?" Long Xiao asked his tall father. He remembered that she had just been born when he left his father.

"Well... She is your sister Ruo. She is two years old and a month old. However, she is a great little girl. Although she is only two years old, she has intelligence and knowledge over the age of five." The father explained to him with a smile. His eyes looked ahead to prevent his son from seeing the pain that could not be erased from his eyes. He forced himself to ignore it, but he couldn't do it anyway. If a person can be indifferent to the family that is about to be cut off, what kind of human nature does he have.

"If sister Ruo, I'm your brother Xiao. We met. It's just that you were very young at that time. You must not remember me..." Long Xiao walked over and appreciated the exquisite little girl and said in a very light and soft voice. When I first saw her, she was still a baby in infancy. At that time, his uncle Xiao held her and stood on the other side of the video call. Therefore, he remembers her, but she must not remember seeing him.

"... brother Xiao." The young girl was naturally afraid of strangers. She replied timidly. Her pronunciation is very accurate and her speech is very smooth. She doesn't have the stumbling that a two-year-old should have. Long Xiao is not surprised at all. It's normal for him to give birth to a talented daughter with Uncle Xiao's ability.

Because he went home, her father sent her here.

"Hee, that's great. Someone will play with me in the future... Ruo Ruo, will you come to me often in the future? " Long Xiao took out two sweets from his pocket, picked up one and put it in the girl's hand: "this is the method my father gave me. If you want to play with any girl, eat sweets with her. If she eats it, she promised me..."

She was infected by a warm breath and voice. Involuntarily and afraid of strangers, she began to look up at him unconsciously and didn't look away for a long time.

She picked up the red sugar, peeled off the wrapping paper, blinked and looked at her. Her lips opened slightly, put the small sugar into her mouth and gently bit it with her undeveloped teeth. At that time, she couldn't understand why she never wanted other people's things. She ate his candy as if she were possessed.

"Dad, I went out with my sister..."“ Um. " The father smiled and watched the boy lead a very small girl away. The girl's father is his close friend like a brother. He boasted that only his son can match his daughter. If his daughter marries someone else, he will not be reconciled... He firmly believes that he can do everything, and he will find a way to save Longxiao's life. But... But... He can only accompany him well in this last year, meet everything his son wants... And desperately seek all possible ways“ Look, it's my good friend. It's very cute. " Young men and girls squatted on the ground. Among them, a creature the size of their little palm was craning his neck and looking at them“ Little turtle. " The girl said in a small voice“ No, it's not a little turtle. Its name is little Xuanwu. It's given to me by my father. It's awesome. With it, no one can bully me... Little Xuanwu, this is my good sister. Her name is Ruo. You should protect her in the future. " The creature called "little Xuanwu" understood what he said, and his neck stretched out very long, which scared the girl to sit down on the ground. However, when he bent his neck and made a lovely form similar to greeting, her fear disappeared all of a sudden, but she smiled greasy———————— The fragments of memory lingered by, Xiao ruo's body stepped into the door, and the light door with her disappeared there without a trace... Ye Wuchen lost something at once, and his heart was empty. The brain is full of deep confusion and loss, as well as deep reluctance to give up. Xiao Ruo, the name was remembered by him again... In his current memory, he saw her for the first time, but the palpitation of his heart and the deep nostalgia made him understand how deep feelings he had with her. His loss and emptiness is not just because she is a person from the earth“ Little turtle. " Ye Wuchen held the little creature Xiao Ruo gave him in his palm and shouted out the name Xiao Ruo shouted when he first saw it. The little creature's body is very hard and small. Originally honest, it suddenly becomes irritable and restless. Its short limbs are constantly scratching... Ye Wuchen pressed his left finger on it: "I know you need my blood." The fingertip was cut by a sudden air awn, and two drops of blood dropped successively on the thick armor back, and then absorbed instantly, and disappeared. A ring of colorless light flashed on it, and its originally irritable body became quiet“ Xiaoxuanwu... Xiaoxuanwu... "A very soft and tender voice sounded in his brain. It was the voice of his daughter sichen. She didn't know when to wake up in his consciousness. Little Xuanwu... Xuanwu... "Your name is little Xuanwu?" Ye Wuchen looked at it carefully and asked softly. Little Xuanwu obviously understood what he said. His small eyes suddenly became very bright, and his elongated neck lit up and down. He was excited, and his little master shouted his name again“ You must have been my good friend when I was a child, right? " Little Xuanwu nodded again. It suddenly jumped from ye Wuchen's hand and fell to the ground. The seemingly bulky body jumped up and down on the ground again and again, releasing its inner joy. But ye Wuchen's face was suddenly changing. Because the ground is shaking. Small Xuanwu's body is very small. He can hold it with one hand. He can directly put it in his pocket at ordinary times, but it is such a small life. When he jumps up and lands, the surrounding ground will vibrate... And it is not a slight vibration. Cracks have appeared on one side of the nearest wall not far from his right hand“ PA Tuo, PA Tuo... PA Tuo, PA Tuo... "Little Xuanwu began to make an excited voice. Its voice was not too loud, but it had a strange heaviness. Ye Wuchen picked it up, the ground finally stopped shaking, and the quiet surroundings had been obviously chaotic. Just now, everyone would think of the earthquake first“ Let's go. " Ye Wuchen floated up and flew back to Ye's house. The northern Xuanwu, in the world where he once lived, is called the five holy beasts together with the Oriental Green Dragon, the Western rosefinch, the southern white tiger and the holy King Kirin. It is the highest holy God in charge of the power of the earth{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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