Heavenly Star

Chapter 441

Chapter 441

The Amethyst evil dragon was too big to notice the three small humans at his feet. It took a step forward and directly crossed the distance of tens of meters, directly shortening the distance between it and ye Wuchen by one third. Ye Wuchen said in a deep voice: "step back!" Then float up. Floating to the same height as the head of the Amethyst evil dragon, he shouted: "Amethyst evil dragon!"

He directly shouted out the name of the Amethyst evil dragon. He wanted to make the Amethyst evil dragon pause in surprise, but the fact was not as he wanted. One of the front claws of the Amethyst evil dragon suddenly waved out, bringing a gust of wind to hit ye Wuchen's body.

Yantianwei and yanduancang were shocked. They rushed up without any hesitation and wanted to stop ye Wuchen. Although it was just a hit by the purple crystal evil dragon, it still contained the power that made them afraid... Ye Wuchen just wanted to escape. He suddenly caught a glimpse of Yan Tianwei and Yan duancang who rushed up, so he had to stabilize his body. Suddenly, the blue light around him pushed out with all his hands, and made ten extremely cold and thick ice walls one after another.

Kaka, Kaka, Kaka

The ice wall, which was completely blocked by experts such as Yan duanhun, was caught by Amethyst evil dragon and smashed on eight sides. Finally, it was blocked by the ninth and tenth ways respectively. In this short time, ye Wuchen quickly turned back, grabbed Yan Tianwei and Yan duancang who had just rushed up, ran through his arms, and forcibly threw them out from a distance, all the way thousands of kilometers away, A solemn voice also came into their ears: "don't move!"

Ye Wuchen seldom talks to them in such a serious voice with warning. Yan Tianwei and Yan duancang are a little chilly. Although they are worried about ye Wuchen's safety, they dare not move any more. They can only concentrate and look at it from a kilometer away...

"Amethyst evil dragon, once the supreme king of the southern beast world, you shouldn't be here. Go back. If you have any reason why you have to appear here, you can tell me that we will help you complete it perfectly. " Seeing the purple crystal evil dragon's footsteps stop, ye Wuchen looked at it from a distance and said calmly. Amethyst evil dragon may not be able to use human language like Jiyan Tianlong, but it must be able to understand his language.

In the message told by the soul eye, although the original origin of the Amethyst evil dragon cannot be determined, it vaguely mentioned its noble status in the animal world... In addition, it is also mentioned that its gentle nature coexists with cruelty, and its cruelty is manifested when it is touched by others.


What is the taboo that makes it leave the lost place for thousands of years or even thousands of years? It leaves there with anger and may even wantonly destroy human territory... Is it just because of the explosion? The power of the explosion may indeed spread to the south of the lost land, but even if the explosion erupts around it, it does not necessarily endanger it, and the spillover power is even more impossible. What is it


The earth shaking roar answered ye Wuchen, and two strong thunderbolts suddenly radiated from the eyes of Amethyst evil dragon and bombarded ye Wuchen... Ye Wuchen's body retreated rapidly under the bombardment of lightning. Although he was not afraid of the five elements, his body was almost torn by the impact. When he stopped, he gasped and said in a deep voice: "Amethyst evil dragon, I know something must have offended you, but after all, you used to be the king of beasts. You know what to do and what not to do, If you set foot in human territory, it will bring irreparable disaster. At that time, you will also be punished by heaven. Stop now... "


Anger, rage... From the roar, ye Wuchen suddenly heard sadness and despair, and his heart moved suddenly.

The purple crystal evil dragon took a step forward and the earth trembled, but it did not attack ye Wuchen again. Instead, it ignored him and walked straight ahead. Ye Wuchen raised his hands, and an ice spike several meters long appeared in the palm of his hand. In fact, this seemingly simple ice spike contains the water element forcibly compressed to the horror density, and the power contained is naturally extremely terrible, He drank softly, his right hand came out first, his left hand followed, and two ice spikes shot at the body of Amethyst evil dragon one after another... Since we can't stop it with words, we must first drag its steps as much as possible and slowly explore what happened to it. With the strength gap between them, if you really want to attack, the effective parts may only be the eyes or neck. Ye Wuchen did not attack these two parts, because once it is provoked again, it is really irreparable.

The power of the two ice spikes is actually at the forbidden spell level. Even God level masters will be seriously injured when they are hit... The Amethyst evil dragon waved its claw and only heard the bang. The first ice spike had been smashed by it and waved again. The second ice spike also turned into ice crystals under its claw. It was as easy as shooting two snowflakes. There was no trace of trauma on the dragon claw.

Ye Wuchen: "

The strength gap between them is too big. Although ye Wuchen has endless water power, the upper limit of his ability is the middle level of God level. Even if such strength is endless, it is difficult to cause any damage to the Amethyst evil dragon. It is not so easy to stop its steps.

If he is hit by the Amethyst dragon once, he will die.

Ye Wuchen's attack made the purple crystal evil dragon's terrible eyes lock him all at once. An angry roar shook the dust on the ground. Ye Wuchen was too close. He was shocked by the Dragon roar. His eyes suddenly darkened and his body almost fell. When he recovered, a huge force had swept in front of him... That was the tail of the purple crystal evil dragon,

"Master!" Ye Wuchen couldn't avoid it. His eyes were split and he didn't keep anything any more. The sword flashed in his hand and greeted him with the "heaven and earth crack" of the star cutting sword... The forbidden sword collided with the tail of the supernatural dragon, and ye Wuchen's body was still smashed and flew, but it was not hit, but knocked out by his own strength. The huge body of the Amethyst evil dragon fell to the sky under this powerful force, and a roar of pain and anger was sent out in his mouth. On the curved dragon tail, there was a not shallow groove impressively printed, The dragon's blood overflowed quickly and stopped quickly... Its body was injured... For thousands of years, it can't remember how long it hasn't been injured. Roar... Roar... Roar... It was angry. The roar lost its fury when it just roared and turned into a depressed depression. When it was heard in the ear, people's eardrums trembled and vibrated. The huge body stood up, and then stepped heavily on the ground in a roar. With a bang, the surrounding land of kilometers was completely lifted up, and endless gravel and soil flew all over the sky, blocking out the sun in an instant, and then turned into purple under the traction of unknown forces, like countless purple meteors, covering the space where the three people are... There was no possibility of escape. Yantianwei and yanduancang drank together. A hot red light was shining around their body. The red light was slowly expanding, and the purple meteors touched by the red light were turned into dust and dispersed. Under the protection of power, they quickly retreated to get out of the shadow of this terrible power as soon as possible. Amethyst evil dragon just stamped its foot and caused such a terrible disaster. If it is on the battlefield, I don't know how many casualties this foot will cause. At that time, the terrible power and the gap between God and man will be reflected incisively and vividly. Ye Wuchen's front, back, left and right are all separated by the ice wall. Once it is broken, a new ice wall defense will appear immediately without any damage... From a distance, he saw that yantianwei and yanduancang finally broke away from the scope of the violent blow of the Amethyst evil dragon. He took a deep breath, and the surrounding ice wall suddenly broke. He fearlessly flew to the Amethyst evil dragon at the fastest speed against the rubble with the power of lightning. When yantianwei and yanduancang recovered their strength in the distance and looked this way, ye Wuchen had also reached the top of the head of the Amethyst evil dragon, and the shining golden star cutting sword mercilessly chopped a dragon claw raised by the Amethyst evil dragon. The injury just made the Amethyst evil dragon dare not underestimate this power. The incomparable power of the dragon was instilled into it and met the "heaven and earth crack" that even God level humans can kill with one sword“ Heaven... Earth... Crack!! " When the sword collided with the arm, covered by the golden awn, the collision part splashed a large amount of Mars! Ye Wuchen's body immediately flew back like a shell and flew thousands of kilometers away. He was jumped up by Yan Tianwei and dragged by his strength to stabilize his body and fell beside Yan Tianwei and Yan duancang. At the moment when the sword arms intersected, the star cutting sword in his hand flew out of his hand in a startling voice from Nan'er and flew to the far right. His star chopping sword was released for the first time. The sleeve of Ye Wuchen's right arm was dyed red by blood in an instant, and then even the clothes on his right arm fell into small pieces, exposing his arm full of fine cracks. The blood gushed out quickly, dyed his arm red, and a small beach soon appeared on the ground“ Master! " Yantianwei and yanduancang were shocked and hurried forward. Ye Wuchen waved his hand and said, "I'm fine." The power of no time surges up and heals the injury of the right arm quickly. A golden awn flew to the right, and the star cutting sword flew back to his hand under his call. From a distance, there was only a blood mark as deep as the dragon's tail on the Dragon arm of the Amethyst evil dragon to resist the star cutting sword. The length and depth of the bloodstain were not worth mentioning for its huge body. This is the power gap, this is the supernatural power. He held the forbidden device, and the damage to it was still so limited. At the beginning, he used to "split heaven and earth" to hit juxtian who had been seriously injured again. With the improvement of his strength, the power of "split heaven and earth" he wielded also increased significantly. He believed that if he had the current strength at that time, he would have directly split juxtian in half. In the face of the super God level peak strength of complete strength, his strength is still so weak{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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