Heavenly Star

Chapter 448

Chapter 448

This day, Ye Hui suddenly received a news that made him very excited.

"... everything in Xilu city is safe. General ye and general Weilong use their troops like gods. They are not only unimpeded, but have the upper hand. Two hours ago, the front gale army dispatched 120000 troops and left for Xilu. " A soldier reports below.

"OK... Oh? Dispatch 120000 troops? But to assist in the attack on Xilu? " Ye Huimeng stood up and frowned.

"General Hui, it should be so!" The soldier replied.

Ye Hui got up, walked back and forth impatiently, and then said loudly, "I heard that the girl of Zhuge's family is asking her soldiers to shop in the city these days. What they buy are some expensive things. Is that true?"

"It's true... The whole city already knows about it. " The soldier quickly replied. It's no wonder that he called Zhuge Xiaoyu.

"Hum! I'm just a yellow haired girl. I don't know what old general Ye thinks. Call her right away and say I have something important to discuss. "

When Zhuge Xiaoyu arrived, Ye Hui immediately greeted him with a spring breeze and said with a laugh: "general Pingyun, gale * * was frightened by us a few days ago and has suspended the attack. Now 120000 troops have been sent to the direction of Xilu city. This is a good time for us. Please also ask general Pingyun to lend me 30000 troops and horses to kill all the strong wind * * that has not left, and then we can send troops to assist Xilu. "

"I already know about this... General ye, don't be impatient. There are too many strange things about the deployment of Dafeng army. It's still not too late to find out..." Zhuge Xiaoyu shook his head. When ye Hui asked someone to call her, she had guessed what he wanted to do.

"No, it has been confirmed many times. It's absolutely true. Old general Ye uses his troops like a God. It's normal for gale * * to dispatch troops for support. Our spies watched them dispatch troops!" Ye Huimeng waved his hand.

"General gale is not a fool. How can he leave such a big empty door. No! "

Ye Hui's face changed a little and became a little bad: "is general Pingyun saying that he will be a fool at the end?"

Zhuge Xiaoyu's eyebrows sank and his eyes became a little cold: "general Ye misunderstood. I didn't mean that."

Ye Hui's face moved again and calmed his airway: "even if general Pingyun thinks so, it's nothing, but please be sure to lend me 30000 troops and horses... The end general is willing to make a military order. If he is defeated, he is willing to offer it to the head!"

"No!" Zhuge Xiaoyu flatly refused...

"Hum!" Ye Hui's temper is already grumpy. As a female, Zhuge Xiaoyu is less than half his age, but he is pressed on his head, which has already made him very dissatisfied. At this time, he snorted again: "are you afraid that I will take your credit?"

Zhuge Xiaoyu: "......" she kept her anger down. She tried her best to keep her tone relaxed and said, "there are many unusual things about the troop transfer of Dafeng army. You can't advance rashly. How about making a decision in three days?"

"Fart! Such an opportunity is once in a lifetime. Once missed, it's hard to have another time... It's a taboo for soldiers to be quick and timid. What do you know, yellow haired girl! "

Ye Hui's remarks were so mean that he showed no mercy at all. Zhuge Xiaoyu's good-looking eyes narrowed and picked up a sign and a gold seal between his sleeves. The sign had four golden words: "if I come in person". The gold seal engraved the word "Pingyun" and stared at Ye Hui's face. She said word by word: "after reading you, I can tolerate you everywhere. I hope you don't rely on old age to sell old age, If you dare to act rashly, behead! "

Zhuge Xiaoyu turned and moved away, leaving Ye Hui standing there with a flickering face. She has always respected Ye Hui as a member of the Ye family and an elder, and has always endured him. But she is not a weak person by nature, and with her temper, Miss Zhuge has never been a good Lord who will swallow her anger and take revenge... Although she is trying her best to dissuade, she knows that Ye Hui will not listen to her... Since she can't stop it, let him go. And she needs to prepare herself.

What she wants most is to be able to command her own troops freely to decide the victory or defeat of a war without anyone interfering, including his father. She is a free and willful person who does not allow others to control her and disobey her. Usually, she is still so, even if she stands on the battlefield. This is her nature. No matter what time, she is the stubborn girl who shouted "one day, I will let you beg to marry me".

The golden sign is "Tianlong token". Once this card is played, it will be like the emperor's presence. You can kill all civil and military officials first and then play. At the same time, no matter how big a mistake she makes, no one has the right to take her life except the Emperor...

"General." The deputy general who had not spoken behind Ye Hui came forward and asked tentatively.

"How can I miss such a good opportunity? When I come back in triumph, I'll see if this yellow haired girl really dares to do something to me. Go! "

With the gate of Yunhua city wide open, Ye Hui took the lead and led his 14000 cavalry and infantry to rush away. It was very fast. It was obvious that he wanted to kill his opponent by surprise. Without Zhuge Xiaoyu's order, none of her soldiers could move him. Zhuge Xiaoyu stood on the tower, silently watched him go away, and then walked back slowly. Soon, her deputy general appeared in front of her, listened to her orders, and everyone took orders...

The gale * * camp stretches for kilometers, but it seems relatively empty. At present, there are less than 20000 of the original 100000 male troops. But the strange thing is that the soldiers will leave, but the barracks stay in the distance. In the distance, there was a gun, the sound of shaking horses' hoofs came in chaos, and the quiet wind * * suddenly burst into chaos. They raised their knives and guns, put on their horses, and rushed up. The yunhuacheng army came fiercely. As soon as the teams of both sides collided, the defense line of Dafeng * * was forcibly torn open. The chaos became more and more chaotic. Ye Hui held a long knife and waved it around in a loud roar, splashing countless blood. WOW! Less than a moment after the war here started, there was a loud cry of killing in the south. The overwhelming team suddenly rushed from the south to block the retreat of Yunhua City Army. The flag was embroidered with the word "wind"“ No! " Ye Hui suddenly clicked in his heart. Gale * * sent troops north, but at this time, they poured out from the South... It was clear that they first went north, then went around to the south, and ambushed there waiting for them to take the bait. Siege will cause great damage to your troops and horses. Gale * * postponed the siege, but made a trick to deceive the world and trap Ye Hui, a fish in the net. The yunhuacheng army was in chaos, looking forward and backward. Under the pressure of the strong wind * *, it retreated step by step, and gradually the military heart began to collapse. As soon as the war spirit collapsed, the team also collapsed. The people killed in the scuffle were scattered. Ye Hui's eyes were red and rushed left and right. The surrounding bodies fell down one by one and became corpses, blood stained the earth... Time passes in blood. It's easy to catch a turtle in a jar. The Yunhua army, who has become a turtle in a jar, has no parry. Ye Hui, who knew that he had entered the set, was angry and angry. He had already killed his red eyes, but there were enemy troops all around, and he could not see the way back. At a glance, I could hardly see the existence of the soldiers around me. With a long sigh, he waved his long knife and cut the lives of the surrounding enemy forces. He was besieged. He knew that there was no hope of breaking through the siege today. Even if he died, he would pull more cushions. Although he is only a subsidiary of the Ye family, he is always proud of his surname Ye. If he dies, he can't disgrace the Ye family! Above Yunhua City, Zhuge Xiaoyu looked at the chaotic war situation in the distance and was indifferent“ General Ping Yun! " The two generals of Yunhua City, who had been begging Zhuge Xiaoyu, knelt heavily behind her: "please send troops to save general Ye Hui... He should die for disobeying the general's order, but the 10000 soldiers will be right. Even for these soldiers loyal to the Tianlong Kingdom, please send troops to support immediately, Otherwise... Or general Ye Hui will be wiped out... " The extreme part of the line of sight was dusty. When the four-way huge team surrounded from the south, they knew that Ye Hui had been caught. This action was equivalent to throwing himself into the net. They urged Zhuge Xiaoyu to send troops to support them, but Zhuge Xiaoyu always looked at the distance quietly and said nothing. He let them cry and kneel down. Thunder and fire came quickly and whispered in Zhuge Xiaoyu's ear: "general, messages have been sent everywhere. Everything is ready."“ OK. " Zhuge Xiaoyu nodded, still looking directly at the war situation in the west, and said blandly, "this is a Xuanjia array that has made great changes. It can counter attack and defend when attacked, and counter encircle when the enemy is unprepared. Hum, they have a budget for a long time. Obviously, they are not willing to annihilate Ye Huizhi's soldiers, but are waiting for us to support. However, play with the array in front of me and try to die! " Just now, Zhuge Xiaoyu had a clear idea of the formation of dafengguo. Array is a powerful weapon on the battlefield. If used well, it can produce miraculous effects, win by surprise, win more with less, and minimize the loss. Zhuge Xiaoyu seems to be an array wizard born for array. In the past three years, she has studied the array of soldiers most, and her ability to identify the array has reached an unimaginable level in a very fast time. Basically, as long as she is given enough time, she can smell all the mysteries of the array and come up with solutions very quickly. The array is also a double-edged sword. It can be used as a sharp weapon. If you are broken by the array, it will become a burden“ Give orders. The left army enters from the southeast, kills from the northwest, detours from the northwest, and withdraws from the East. The right army enters from the northeast, kills from the southwest, detours from the southwest, and withdraws from the East. Hurry! "“ Yes! " Thunder and fire quickly took orders. Zhuge Xiaoyu's brief orders cut off the context of the gale * * array and turned it into a dead array. But obviously, breaking the array is not equal to breaking the enemy. There are more than 100000 strong troops in Dafeng country, and the soldiers are as powerful as a rainbow. It can't be tough at this time. The last task of the left and right troops she quietly sent out is to withdraw from the east to the city. However, she has a clear idea of what the real plan is{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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