Heavenly Star

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

The emperor of kuishui state is only in his forties this year, but he is seriously ill. The most sad thing is that the emperor is middle-aged and still has no descendants. No children, no women. The great doctors used all kinds of methods without any effect. And he knew from a very early time that even if he could give birth, he must give birth to a stillbirth.

However, although he is an emperor of a country, no one can listen to his inner words and resolve the depression in his heart.

Until the evil emperor appeared.

The northern emperor Zong was destroyed. Last night, more than a dozen experts suddenly poured into Tianshui City... No, they should be super experts one by one. Overnight, they escaped without leaving any trace after dozens of murder cases... Those who died were all important officials in the court.

"Kui lung Kee, are you satisfied with what the emperor has done? Now, it's time for you to say something. Don't let the emperor down. "

The word "ten million" is very important. There is a deep threat in the calm and cold.

This is the imperial palace of kuishui state, full of tension due to last night's murder. In the imperial study, Kui Longji, the emperor of Kui water, stood quietly. In front of him was the evil emperor.

"Evil emperor, you are much stronger than beidizong, but you are far less terrible than beidizong." Kui Longji smiled indifferently. He didn't know whether it was relief or sadness.

"Because first of all, you are not the enemy of the emperor. Second, you are also a good emperor who is dedicated to the people. The emperor has no reason to harm you... Now that the northern emperor has been extinguished, the power eyeliner that has been placed around you is also removed. This emperor can also guarantee that there will never be any northern emperor to threaten you. But don't forget what you promised me. " The evil emperor said coldly.

"Oh, I will not forget. Three days later, I will set up troops to take Dafeng country directly. I believe it is enough to surprise Dafeng country and make it chaotic for a while. At least, it can alleviate the danger of Tianlong. " Kwai lung Kee said.

"What else?" The evil emperor was unmoved and asked coldly.

Kui Longji looked gloomy and sighed, "three years later, I will be as you wish..."

"Ha ha ha!" He laughed wildly with his back to his evil emperor, turned around and stabbed his eyes with two eyes: "I know you are unwilling, but I have no choice but to compromise because I can't resist... However, I naturally have a way to make you willing. You Kui Longji have no children or daughters, and your brothers and sisters have been poisoned by the northern emperor. You become the last person surnamed Kui. But have you ever thought of accepting an adopted son who can inherit your throne? "

Kui Longji: "...?"

The evil emperor looked at one side of the gate and said, "Zixin, come in."

The closed door was pushed open, and a young boy of seven or eight years old came in. He was very young, but his eyes were surprisingly deep, and his expression was calm and peaceful, which was completely inconsistent with his age. He was the genius of the Yan Family - Yan Zixin...

"Master." Yan Zixin came to ye Wuchen, raised his head and shouted clearly.

The evil emperor smiled at him and said to Kui Longji, who was in a trance: "his name is Xie Zixin. He is a genius of the same generation of our evil clan. I will leave him here for the time being... Don't worry, I won't force you. You can get along with him for one month. It's up to you to decide whether to take him as a son and pass him on after one month... Then, Even if you want to tell the world that he is your own son living in exile, it's OK. The emperor will prepare everything seamlessly... "

The evil emperor disappeared in the white light. Kuishui's royal family was under the control of beidizong long ago. Three successive emperors were puppets of beidizong. In this generation, although kuishui monarch is still Kui surname, there is only the last person with Kui surname. Therefore, no one has ever seen kuishui King smile. Three years ago, kuishui took the initiative to show goodwill to Dafeng state, which was also manipulated by the northern emperor Zong. Otherwise, kuishui state would not understand the truth that lips die and teeth die.

Facing the power of the northern emperor Zong, kuishui monarch was unable to resist and struggle. He could only bear it from generation to generation. Even he could not tell which of the northern emperor Zong was inserted.

Kui Longji is not a fool. After meeting the evil emperor a year ago, they made a deal. The content of the deal is that the evil emperor helped him completely break away from the control of the North emperor Zong, and the next generation of Kui Shui king must be arranged by the evil emperor - although this undoubtedly drove away jackals and attracted tigers, he resolutely chose the evil emperor because of their hatred for the North emperor Zong for so many years, And unbearable...

Obviously, today he knows that he made a very wise choice. Beidizong was really destroyed in his hands. The Lord of beidizong he hated was defeated by him first, and then destroyed in the explosion. At this time, the evil emperor was still not forcing him.

Kui Longji began to seriously look at the young man. He was so young and a member of the evil sect. From his young eyes, he saw intelligence and wisdom. He could not deny that he began to be conquered by him at the first sight. He suddenly understood where the faith of the evil emperor came from...

As long as kuishui people are always healthy, does it really matter who the king is and what his last name is? If he can become a Ming monarch and has the powerful backing of the evil sect, why should kuishui country fear any enemies... Is this really a difficult choice?

A few days later, kuishui suddenly sent troops northward without warning and took dafengguo directly. Dafengguo was shocked when he heard the news. However, due to kuishui's kindness, dafengguo's southern defense was weak and most of them were transferred to the East. Therefore, under the fierce attack of kuishui army, the defense line was broken. Dafengguo sent troops all night and stabilized the situation more than ten days later, Less than a week after kuishui's move, the silent canglan country suddenly dispatched troops to the South and directly attacked the north of Dafeng country. Dafeng country was attacked on three sides again as it was more than 20 years ago... When the news came, the whole country in Tianlong kingdom was jubilant, and the heavy pressure brought by the shadow of subjugation faded away most of the day and night. More than 20 years ago, the three countries made joint efforts to repel the invasion of Dafeng country. Now, why not? The great pressure of Tianlong Kingdom originally came from the falling wind of kuishui country. Now, the biggest source of crisis has suddenly disappeared. As a result, the situation that should have been one-sided reached a short-term stability in less than a month. The strength of gale country has changed from concentrated attack to scattered attack, but gale country is gale country after all, so we must not underestimate... South and North are in a long stalemate, and the focus of the war is still the border of Tianlong kingdom. Time goes in a hurry. After autumn, the cold winter comes slowly. The cold air did not drive away the constantly colliding flames of war. Tianlong Kingdom and Dafeng Kingdom fought frequently, and Dafeng Kingdom still had an absolute advantage in terms of military strength. But after collision again and again, gale * * was unable to invade the Tianlong kingdom for half a minute, but was pushed back step by step. In these months of war, the Tianlong Kingdom seems to have always had a pair of eyes peeping at the trend of the gale army in the sky. Instead of ambushing again and again, it was ambushed and attacked secretly. What makes dafengguo complain and fear most is that Tianlong * * is always committed to burning their grain and grass. Every time they find the grain storage place like God's help, and then burn it with fire poison that can instantly cause small-scale fire... Although nearly a hundred soldiers of the death squadron will be killed each time, burning food and grass will break the spiritual pillar of the enemy. Therefore, the fierce momentum of the strong wind * * will decline again and again. The momentum will decline, the combat power will decline, and the battle will always lose more than win less. The evil sect did not interfere too much in the war. All they did was send some simple messages to the Tianlong army. Although it is not difficult to destroy the Dafeng army with their strong power and the power of one sect, for the Tianlong Kingdom, this is a guardian war that can unite their hearts. The fallen bodies on the battlefield will be recorded in history and handed down to future generations, making a bright mark in the history of Tianlong. If they step in directly, everything will completely deteriorate. Zhuge Xiaoyu, who no longer covered up her identity, really showed her head in this war. She became famous in Tianlong Kingdom and Dafeng kingdom. Her name is always mentioned in the good news delivered to Tianlong city. With Ye Nu's battlefield experience and Zhuge Xiaoyu's tricks, the combination of the two created the defeat of Dafeng country step by step. Ye Nu also became more and more fond of Zhuge Xiaoyu. He even boasted at the dinner that this was the most admired woman in his life. He wanted her to marry into the Ye family. What really made Zhuge Xiaoyu famous was the nianguan war. That day was the last day of the third month of winter. The snow drifted and the earth was white. Under the cover of snow, Zhuge Xiaoyu carefully designed a series of thirty-six ambushes to defeat gale * * and make countless losses. He fled in defeat. During his escape, people were in panic for a long time and looked around. After that war, gale * * retreated a hundred miles and was completely expelled from Tianlong. The name of general Pingyun of Tianlong also shocked the world. The rumor of "female military God" began to spread among the people. The impact of this war, which originally caused panic among Tianlong people, has changed rapidly. President Dafeng * * LED Yue to shake the East and could only look East and sigh. This time, the Tianlong Kingdom did not have the sword God to help in times of crisis, but there was another female military God who surprised him again and again... It was just a girl in her double decade, Zhuge Xiaoyu, Zhuge's unintentional daughter. She made the gale country afraid to send people to assassinate many times, but they all have no return. At the end of the year's war, he was defeated miserably. He lamented why this woman was not born in Dafeng country. After several months of war, he did not get an inch of land, but suffered repeated defeats, and his self-confident ambition began to be trampled out{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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