Heavenly Star

Chapter 455

Chapter 455

. nightmare

It was the most terrible nightmare he had ever experienced in his life.

He forgot Tong Xin, his sister, Cher... Everything.

In the dark and blank world, his consciousness was silent for a long time. Finally, he suddenly began to feel that he was conscious again. At the moment of recovery of consciousness, he remembered in fear... What made him ecstatic was that he still remembered the frozen snow and the pupil heart... He remembered that he came down to the bottom of the western ocean under the guidance of Tu Huangzhu and found the plants planted by the northern Emperor

Memory, no missing... Is it really just a simple nightmare?

But in the memory, there is also the fear of being stripped of memory... Or, my memory has been deprived a lot, a lot, and I can't remember...

Consciousness continued to recover, and he began to recover his hearing and touch... He felt the coolness under his body. It was the feeling of lying in the thick and soft sand. This feeling reminded him of the sea sand on the coast. But immediately, his attention focused on his lips. There came a very soft and soft warm touch. Where something was sticking, it was like a girl's soft lips... And a warm force that seemed familiar and strange overflowed from there

Ye Wuchen's eyelids moved slightly, and finally slowly opened his eyes. It seems that the eyes that have not touched the light for too long suddenly close at the moment of opening, and then suddenly open, staring blankly at the front.

In front of her, there is a snow-white face close at hand... It is definitely not unusual or morbid white, but pure white, which is crystal clear and dreamy. Her eyes are closed, but her long eyelashes are trembling slightly. Down, it is a refined nose like jade... The breeze blew by the cheek, and a trace of hair fluttered under the drive of the wind into ye Wuchen's sight... White, it was a snow-white hair with dreamy white light.


Who is she?

Smell, also began to recover, a familiar thick fragrance overflowed into ye Wuchen's nose.

This is

The rapid breathing made the girl open her eyes, and her lips left ye Wuchen's lips. Her body moved back, but she didn't feel ashamed at all. Instead, she looked at him and smiled happily...

"Are you... Xiangxiang?" Ye Wuchen stared at the girl in front of him and was stunned. If it weren't for her pleasant fragrance, her snow-white hair and fluffy snow-white clothes, he wouldn't shout Xiangxiang's name.

That's Xiangxiang's face... But she is not a pocket girl with the body only the size of Ye Wuchen's palm, but a girl with exquisite and delicate body, who completely tends to be normal, at the age of 14 or 15, and the innocent eyes that girls at this age should have.

The girl was still smiling, without talking or nodding. And her smile is so familiar. Since his strength has been greatly improved by relying on the power of water beads, Xiangxiang's ability has also stepped into the divine level. Since then, she no longer makes a "babbling" voice, nor is she as timid and naughty as before. Instead, she seems to be mature and becomes very quiet, but often looks at him and Ning Xue quietly with a smiling face, It's such a smiling face at the moment...

Ye Wuchen never knew that Xiangxiang had the ability to change her body shape.

Although Xiangxiang didn't answer, ye Wuchen had determined the answer he wanted. He looked at Xiangxiang for a long time and suddenly smiled: "thank you, Xiangxiang. You saved me again."

The girl smiled more happily. In her eyes bent into a thin moon, two rows of fine eyelashes flickered gently like the wings of a butterfly. When she was very young, ye Wuchen didn't feel anything. Now she was close at hand. Seeing her so clearly, he found that the girl turned into a dragon and fox was so flawless. Just her snow face, she couldn't find any uncoordinated place. Every minute and every inch was exquisite and incredible...

Dragon and fox... The center of chaos, the creature bred by the strongest and purest power in chaos, will also be the most perfect creature in chaotic space. No matter who it is, it can't really be compared with her.

"Xiangxiang, you look so good." Ye Wuchen's smile remains the same, but his eyes have begun to become hazy. It is no exaggeration to say that the most beautiful women in Tianchen mainland are all around him. His resistance to the most beautiful things is beyond people's reach, but he still feels that his mind is in turmoil, which is an irresistible precursor to indulging in it.

He suddenly stretched out his hand, held the smiling girl in his arms, then bent his head and kissed her lips in her bewildered eyes... When his touch had just recovered, she would close his lips and leave, but the perfect touch that could not be described in words was deeply imprinted in his heart, making him strongly eager for more...

The girl's fragrant lips are softer and sweeter than those of ordinary girls. They are so close to her body, and the hazy aroma has become so strong that ye Wuchen's consciousness is slowly intoxicated. Xiangxiang's wide open eyes began to slow down, and then closed quietly.

The hand caressing the girl's waist unconsciously went up, gently held one of her cotton milk, gently squeezed it, and the soft to incredible touch immediately filled her hands... The girl in her arms immediately jumped away like an electric shock, covered her hands in front of her chest and looked at him in panic.

Ye Wuchen's misty eyes suddenly woke up, and his eyes fell on the girl's complex and changeable face. As soon as he was about to speak, there was a flash of white light in front of him, and the girl's body had turned into a white light and fused on his body...

Ye Wuchen was stunned and closed his eyes. Deep in his heart, the fragrance that had turned into a pocket girl was closing his eyes and sleeping quietly. He whispered, "Xiangxiang... Are you angry?"


Ye Wuchen shook his head with a smile and slowly raised her left hand. The fragrant crisp milk was very small, but the touch was so wonderful that it was incredible. Even the goblin body of Xuefei Yan didn't bring him the same mental palpitation as just now. He doesn't resent the move he just made Xiangxiang angry, because her charm is so huge that it directly destroys his heart... Only today did he know that the little girl who had been following him was such an out of heaven goblin.

"Should be angry." Ye Wuchen shook his head and smiled. When he stood up and supported his hand on the ground, he found that his right hand seemed to hold something. When he opened it, ye Wuchen's eyes suddenly coagulated.

Grey fruit!

Memory still remains the fear of rapid deprivation of memory. He believes that it is definitely not his illusion or illusion, but really happened, and the beginning of his memory loss is the moment he touched his hand on the gray fruit. He still remembers that at that moment, sichen made a great stop sound. She must have noticed something at that time... And why his memory is complete now, he doesn't know... What he can be sure of is that it must have something to do with Xiangxiang.

What ye Wuchen couldn't understand was that he held the gray fruit in his hand, but he didn't notice anything strange. The fruit was very light and light, as if it didn't exist, so ye Wuchen just didn't find its existence in the short period of consciousness.

When the gray fruit arrived, Tu Huang bead was the first test for him, and it was also the first thing he found to complete. Ye Wuchen closed his eyes and said softly, "Xiangxiang, if you're not angry with me, send me back there, okay?"

Before today, he has only regarded Xiangxiang as a pet with powerful space power, and Xiangxiang's normal human Avatar has changed his impression of Xiangxiang. From now on, he has no way to just regard her as his pet...

There is still no echo in the depths of the heart. When ye Wuchen has been reading it for the third time, the pocket fragrance finally quietly appears behind ye Wuchen and sprinkles a white light over ye Wuchen's body.

Xiangxiang doesn't dislike ye Wuchen's touch at all, not at all, because when she takes the initiative to recognize ye Wuchen as her master because she gives up her own destiny due to freezing snow, she has no ability to refuse him.

But her other identity, after all, is dragon fox.

The intelligence of dragon fox is directly proportional to its power. When its strength was reduced to the lowest point, her intelligence was basically equal to that of a babbling child, and when her strength returned to the divine level, her intelligence tended to be more and more normal. When she lived in ye Wuchen's body, she always watched everything he did silently with her own eyes, and recognized the world again through him, including the time when he and the women around him did the thing of bumping Luan and pouring Phoenix.

At this time, there will be an inexplicable fear in her heart... This is not the fear of such things, but a voice telling her that she can't do such things now... Absolutely not, otherwise, extremely terrible things will happen.

Therefore, when ye Wuchen touched her chest, she thought of those pictures and jumped away.

But ye Wuchen is her master after all. If he insists, she can't refuse whatever she does to her, including taking her life. But fortunately, he didn't force her to do anything, but comforted her gently with his voice to prevent her from panic... Ye Wuchen thought she was angry. In fact, she was ashamed of violating his will.

Here, indeed, is the shore of the ocean, under the body is the soft sea sand, and the surrounding scenery is extremely beautiful. But perhaps because of the region, no one can feel around. After the white light flashes, the space changes, and the ocean in front of you disappears, replaced by an endless yellow sand.

"You're finally back."

Tu Huangzhu greeted him with his own voice.

Ye Wuchen nodded and opened his right hand to the open front, showing the gray fruit in his hand: "you asked me to find, but this?"

"Yes. Since you left here, I have been watching your every move... Although there has been a huge twists and turns, you have taken it back after all. "

I don't know if it's an illusion. Ye Wuchen heard some strange turbulence from the voice of Tu Huangzhu.

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