Heavenly Star

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

It has been more than 20 days since ye Wuchen left for the west of Dafeng country, but ye Wuchen was unconscious for 19 days. Returning to Tianlong City, I feel like I've only been away for two or three days.

Instead of directly returning to the Ye family, he appeared in the city, summoned an inconspicuous dress from the sword God's ring, and walked slowly towards the Ye family. Sometimes it is necessary for him to listen to the trend of public opinion.

As expected, ten * * along the way was about him. After the evil emperor's identity was made public, the Tianlong kingdom was shocked by him, and the Tianlong city was boiling for a long time. Although more than 20 days have passed, it still hasn't completely subsided.

"Alas, this month is coming soon. I don't know what's going on in Dafeng country."

"Even if the sandstorm doesn't disappear, what can they do to the evil emperor... The wolves of Dafeng kingdom are ambitious to invade our Tianlong these years. It's a favor for the evil emperor to help them. Even if they don't succeed or don't want to help them..."


"I heard that childe ye will get married in a few days... My heart... Alas, if I can marry childe ye, I really have no other extravagant desires in my life."

"Miss... It's not me who beat you. People like childe ye are only worthy of such a noble status as Queen Feihuang. Miss, you still..."

"But the flower family..."

"Miss Hua's father is Hua Zhentian. Alas, behind me is the second largest family in Tianlong City, second only to the Ye family. Moreover, when the news of Ye's death came, Miss Hua threatened not to marry for life, and only Ye was the only one... Alas, such an infatuated woman... If I were a man, I would love her all my life, even if she was a poor girl in the countryside. How could ye Gongzi lose her? "


"Master, two kilograms of tofu."

"OK... Sir, here is your tofu. Take it. It's six dollars in total."

"Cough... The brother of a close friend of Ye Shiqi's cousin, the doorkeeper of the Ye family, is my neighbor two doors apart..."

"... I don't want this silver. Please go. Welcome to come again next time."


"... no wonder it's the queen Feihuang. As long as the evil emperor says, no one dares to make a bandit Emperor..."

"Shh! Keep your voice down. You're a little rebellious. If you're accidentally heard by people from the evil sect, the southern emperor sect and the northern emperor sect, I'm afraid you don't know how your whole family died. "



"Hey, what's the use of cultivating martial arts? It's estimated that no matter how strong you practice, it's not enough for young master ye to pinch with one finger. What's the use of Xiuwen? I don't even have the courage to write a word in front of the Ye family, alas... "

"Cut... This is nonsense. But you can't compare yourself with the evil emperor. "

"Alas. Childe Ye was born in Tianlong City, and I was born in Tianlong city. I'm several years older than him. Why is the gap between people so big. Why, why... Why am I not ye Wuchen! "

"I'll teach you a way... Did you see the old beggar in the corner? He was in Tianlong city before you were born. If you compare with him, you'll have a psychological balance. Compare with Childe ye... You're just ashamed..."



"Heaven, earth... The beautiful and noble Queen is going to marry... I study hard day and night so that I can enter the palace and become a male concubine of the queen... Ah! Let me die... "

"Roll... Even the women of the evil emperor dare to have ideas. I think you are impatient. Stay away from me. You will not know you in the future. I will be involved when I die."



Ye Wuchen came all the way, but was not recognized under the deliberate cover... What the people in the city were talking about made him speechless and speechless. But at least what is certain is that his influence after revealing his identity is not inferior to his expectations.

At least, no one will dare to offend the Ye family, let alone the people around him. He doesn't need to have many scruples and doubts at every step as he did three years ago.

This feeling is really good.


Unknowingly, he has come to the door of the Ye family. The guards at the door of the Ye family are usually regular and solemn. In the past, ye Wuchen would only say hello without looking sideways when he came in and out. At this time, when he suddenly saw ye Wuchen, he stayed there. After staying for a long time, he stammered: "father-in-law... Son, you're back."

The news that ye Wuchen is the evil emperor has spread for more than half a month, but after that, they saw ye Wuchen for the first time. Naturally, they thought of his identity as the evil emperor and couldn't keep calm...

Ye Wuchen smiled and nodded at them and went in. The two guards looked at his back for a long time and waited for him to go away. When they came back, they couldn't help being ashamed of what they had just done.

The Ye family's courtyard has changed a lot from when he left. Although it is still a few days away from the scheduled wedding date, the Ye family has been decorated. A large group of people are walking around the courtyard, busy and colorful everywhere. None of those busy people dare to be lazy. Whatever they do is a small heart... Because, This is preparing for the wedding of the Dragon Queen and the wedding of the evil emperor. How dare they go wrong.

Wang Wenshu was standing in the courtyard and directing herself. Suddenly, she obviously noticed that the atmosphere had become wrong. The busy ye servants stopped their things and looked in the direction of the gate. As soon as she turned around, she just saw ye Wuchen walking behind her...

"Chen'er... You're back! You're finally back... You're really worried to death. " Wang Wenshu rushed up and held his shoulder, looking up and down at his whole body... He didn't sit in a wheelchair or anything, but stood in front of her intact.

"Mom, I've finished my work. It's hard for you these days. If nothing happens in the future, I won't go out so long. " Ye Wuchen took another look at the extremely gorgeous Ye family courtyard, and said harmoniously.

"It's good to come back early... If you delay your marriage with the empress and her tender marriage, I'll die of anxiety..." Her eyes were still looking at him. They were obviously not enough. Her eyes were full of excitement, love and pride... She didn't confirm to him whether he was really an evil emperor as rumored. For her, it didn't matter what earth shaking good things he did or what earth shaking bad things he did. She just needed to remember that he was her son. As long as he was intact, it was better than anything.

"I'll go and see Rourou... Where's Xueer?"

"She should still be in the room. These days, she looks forward to your return every day... Alas, next time, don't run out for so long." Wang Wenshu said with half blame.

"Well, I'll go and see Cher."

In a strange look, ye Wuchen walked to his yard. After a short meeting, the busy voice rang again... He is the young master they are familiar with, but his other identity makes them unable to face him with the previous attitude. The word "evil emperor" is too heavy.

Turning around the gate, a young girl's figure came face-to-face, could not dodge, and suddenly tilted down. Ye Wuchen took her waist and lifted her up, smiled and asked, "are you okay?"

Seeing ye Wuchen's face, the girl obviously stayed there and forgot to struggle. Then she said in panic: "little... Young master, you're back..."

"Well... Go and be busy." Ye Wuchen loosened her slender waist, straightened her body and walked to her room.

Little green was fooled there directly and looked at ye Wuchen go away, until he opened the door and entered it, and the figure was isolated from his sight... Then came the cry of Ning Xue's excitement.

On his body, there was still the feeling of just being held by him. Little green slowly lowered her head, pinched the corners of her clothes, and walked out gently. No matter strength, talent, power, power, prestige, appearance... There is no man in the world who can compare with him. It is a great blessing for such a man that she can be a maid around him. She will never dare to expect that she can get his favor. He can only be a dream out of her reach.



On this day, the residents in the west of dafengguo obviously felt the easing of wind and sand. Moreover, the easing trend continued to spread. More and more people went out of their houses and looked to the West. The oath of the evil emperor sounded in their hearts, and the flames of hope and expectation began to burn in their hearts.

The next day, the scope affected by the wind and sand retreated hundreds of miles. When the wind and sand that had never disappeared all year round suddenly disappeared after waking up, I don't know how many people were breathing fresh air and shouting loudly. Their hearts were full of longing for the future of Anning.

The third day

The fourth day

Out of the room, in the Far West, they still saw a touch of yellow, but above them, they saw a blue sky and clouds of different shapes. The air is so fresh, the sand on the ground is no longer flying and turbulent, and the wind caused by sand will not be violent. Some will only be soft wind. As if they were reborn, they shouted and jumped again and again... Most of them shouted the name of the evil emperor into the air.

Heroes... There are many heroes in the history of Dafeng country. They died on the battlefield in order to expand their territory and dedicated their lives to the country. But what they bring... These ordinary citizens don't know. They only know their names and know that they are heroes -- just a name and a title.

The evil emperor is the one who brings them new life and can't release their inner gratitude no matter how gorgeous the language they use. Because of the evil emperor, their country will change "gale" to Tianlong, but these people are people who swear to support the evil emperor to the death. They don't allow anyone to speak ill of the evil emperor. Even, stone tablets and sculptures were erected everywhere in Dafeng country, engraved with the name of the evil emperor.

(thank you for the five figure reward twice again, thank you for the monk's four page reward (your sister's, you're cruel), thank... The eldest sister who doesn't know what to call has been rewarded four times in a row... Thank the party, the people and the government. With good policies, more and more people have money, and more and more kind-hearted rich people,

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