Heavenly Star

Chapter 496

Chapter 496

"Blood kills magic pupils... It's your power!?" Ye Wuchen frowned.

"Yes, it's my power," Sharon nodded slightly. "Because my soul is suppressed by his unconscious, my rapid awakening power can't be released before breaking through the suppression. When he was out of control, such as rage, I could finally take the opportunity to get rid of it and use his power... And my power, that is, his power, became powerful because he used this huge power from nowhere in his rage... And the turning point of everything was the night he was in beidizong... "Thinking of the dead screen, Sharon's eyes showed deep pain. They were one body and their souls were divided into two, but they were suppressed. In fact, he was affected by his other soul all the time, including his love for Ping'er, as well as his despair, anger and killing heart that night.

"That night, Ping'er died in front of him to save him. His mind was completely out of control at that moment. It was the most completely out of control in his life. I deeply felt all his emotions... He longed for strength at that time, I am willing to exchange everything for the power of revenge for Ping'er... And my demon soul suddenly awakened greatly under the stimulation of the murderous spirit derived from this body. He used this power to kill everyone present... From that moment on, my demon soul finally had the ability to suppress him. " Sharon said with emotion.

After understanding the meaning of the word "blood reincarnation", he can roughly guess what Sharon said.

The same body, different souls, they are two, one is cold cliff, the other is both cold cliff and Saro.

"Later, because of the awakening of your power, you began to compete with the soul of cold cliff. At that time, cold cliff found your existence, but did not talk to anyone. During this period, your magic has been further revived. Finally, your soul power is enough to compete with cold cliff, But because no one can suppress anyone, so that no one can occupy the dominant power of the body, so that the body is out of control, and what happened the day you left... In the end, lengya realized that his body killed the black bear, cut off Chu Jingtian's cangming sword, and fell into endless remorse, so that your demon soul has the upper hand. When he left, Lengya's body actually has consciousness... That's your consciousness! " Ye Wuchen frowned and said.

Sharon stared at ye Wuchen for a long time, revealing a slightly bitter and inexplicably relieved smile: "yes, you guessed, it's right at all."

Ye Wuchen then asked, "I believe you should know that forcibly seizing the initiative of consciousness with lengya may cause the body to lose control. Why do you insist all the time... Also, why did you run away that day, and why did you hide for more than half a year? What are you running away from? "

"Dad, brother..." Xiaomo looked at ye Wuchen and Sharon.

Sharon smiled coldly and said, "I'm avoiding you because you... Are terrible?"

Ye Wuchen: "...?"

"I know everything he knows, and I can infer from some details he doesn't know, so I know your horror better than him, whether it's ability or wisdom... And Xiaomo is inseparable with you, so sooner or later, you will guess that there is another person in lengya's body... This, It's nothing, but before that day, you suddenly had something on you, something that frightened me and could easily completely erase my existence. "

Ye Wuchen was surprised and puzzled.

"Although I don't know why you have this kind of thing, it's really the smell of lihun fruit!" Sharon looked at him and said in a very serious and sure tone.

Ghost fruit?

Ye Wuchen heard the name for the first time, but his doubts didn't last long. He suddenly thought of something he had never forgotten. In this soul space, he took out the gray fruit from the sword God ring at the bottom of the West Ocean. Its appearance immediately dotted the white world with a touch of conspicuous gray.

Sharon's eyes were attracted and firmly locked on it. The originally calm pupils shook more and more violently. For a long time, he said softly, "it's really a soul leaving fruit... You really have such an adverse thing on your body."

Against the sky... This is the comment of Saro, the son of the demon emperor, on this fruit called "soul separation fruit".

Noticing ye Wuchen's puzzled eyes, he explained, "you really don't know how terrible it is. This soul separation fruit is the first of the three taboo fruits in chaotic space. It can absorb the soul of any creature into its internal space and turn the body of the creature into a body without soul. The method of soul separation is not uncommon. There are some other methods that can be done. Once the soul separation fruit is harvested, it can only use the power of soul separation once. But the terrible thing about the soul separation fruit is... No matter how powerful creatures are, as long as they are touched by its power, they can never escape the fate of being separated... Including my father and emperor, including the God Emperor of the divine world! "

Ye Wuchen: "!"

Li Hun fruit... Ye Wuchen didn't realize its terrible. At the beginning, when he touched it, he clearly felt that his soul was being pulled away, his memory left his body, and then his consciousness fell into a blank... He had no resistance at all.

As Saro said, its ability of soul separation can't even resist the demon emperor and the God Emperor... But why did she wake up safe and sound... Sichen saved him. Why can sichen's power separate herself from the soul separation force that the demon emperor and the God Emperor can't resist? It's hard to say that her mysterious power is even greater than them?

But there is no doubt that the original sichen consumed too much mysterious power. She slept until today and never woke up. Ye Wuchen never heard her shout "Dad" again.

Of course, he won't talk to Sharon about these.

"Are you afraid of it? Are you afraid that I will use it to pull your demon soul away from your body and only keep the soul of cold cliff?" Ye Wuchen held the soul fruit in his hand and asked with a low eyebrow.

"Yes, the existence of lihun fruit on you shows that you are the master, and only you can freely manipulate its power. With lihun fruit in hand, you have to erase my demon soul and keep only his soul. However, it is impossible for me to struggle... I came back to this world through the blood ring and couldn't really say a word to my sister, I didn't return to my former hometown again. I'm not willing to die... So I have to escape and hide my breath, so that you can't find me anymore. You're the only one I'm avoiding. "

"What about you now? And why not just escape, but attract us. What exactly is it that you want me to help you? "

Sharon sighed lightly: "I can only tell you the real reason later, otherwise you will have no intention to help me... Now I can't escape, otherwise everything will be irreparable. Lengya is your friend. Now you know everything. If you choose, you will not hesitate to erase my demon. "

In a hurry, Xiaomo grabbed ye Wuchen's arm and shook it. She begged: "Dad, don't... he's my brother. I finally saw another relative. My brother came here recklessly to find me... Dad, don't hurt my brother. He's all for me..."

Ye Wuchen gently held her hand to reassure her, smiled and said to Sharon, "it seems that you have thought of something."

Sharon smiled helplessly. Obviously, he was not very satisfied with the method he was about to say: "now, he can only use this helpless method... Let me integrate with his soul!"

"Oh?" Ye Wuchen shrugged his eyebrows and Xiaomo was stunned.

"After the fusion, he is me, I am him, and there is no one else. After we integrate our souls, our strength will also integrate, and become stronger than the simple borrowing before. In the process of integration, he and I are equivalent to both nonexistence and complete existence, because the new soul is the perfect combination of me and him, integrating our character, emotion, memory, power... Everything. To be honest, I don't want this to happen until I have to. No one is willing to accept that his soul is mixed with something else. But... Alas, as long as we are willing to each other, it is a simple thing to integrate our souls, but it still needs to be done by you... Because although I am willing, he is determined to resist. You are the only one who can persuade him. "

Xiaomo understood. She said anxiously, "but brother, if so..."

"Don't worry," said Sharon with a smile, knowing what she wanted to say. "Even if I integrate with their souls, I still retain all my memories and am still your brother."

The white world suddenly collapsed at this moment, and Xiangxiang's power reached its limit.

At night, the pure white light dispersed, the ice on lengya had disappeared, and his stiff body knelt on both knees and supported the ground with one hand. Ye Wuchen and Xiaomo stood in front of him hand in hand, with different complexities in their eyes. Chu Jingtian, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried over and asked in a hurry, "brother ye, how's it going?" Although he didn't know what had happened, he was sure that it must be a wonderful way to save lengya.

Chu Jingtian's voice raised lengya's head at this moment, but there was no red light in his pupils. He looked at ye Wuchen and Chu Jingtian, and the eyes he showed were familiar to both ye Wuchen and Chu Jingtian... Because this was the eyes of lengya. But it clearly contains too complex emotions.

In order for ye Wuchen to persuade lengya, Sharon spontaneously hid his demon soul to the deepest place and let his soul become the leader of the body.

"Ice quick face." Chu Jingtian's eyes were slightly red and gave a tentative cry. The cold cliff in front of him slowly stood up in the sound of his call, and finally looked at them with extremely complex eyes. His right hand suddenly lifted up, and a little green light flashing in the moonlight scratched to his throat.

He shot too fast and suddenly, until the broken wind blade that almost touched his throat was smashed out by a sudden ice thorn. Chu surprised genius to react, grabbed lengya's hand and shouted, "what are you doing!"

"Let me die." Lengya's face was dead gray. He half narrowed his eyes and didn't touch his eyes.

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