Heavenly Star

Chapter 504

Chapter 504

Chu Jingtian's strength is improving, and the speed of improvement can only be described by the word "Crazy". The invisible sword is not formed by his initiative with strength, but all around him spontaneously formed by his overflowing strength and ideas... The sword is generated by the heart. At this time, it is the most perfect interpretation of these four words. The invisible sword is born for his power, and his power is also born for the sword. The improvement of his strength did not come from the power instillation of the man in black. What he did was to maximize his potential - the incomparably pure sword power, heart and understanding of the sword.

This is a prodigy born for the sword! The man in black sighed silently. There are too few things that can surprise him in the world. When Chu Jingtian used a sword defense method he had never seen before, his heart surged.

Chu Jingtian's potential was as great as he thought. He guided all his potential with his own strength, and his strength, sword power and sword heart increased rapidly with an incredible range. There are more and more invisible swords around, faster and faster, rolling like a sword tornado.

Ye Wuchen knows clearly how difficult it is to move from the lower level of God level to the middle level of God level. Since the birth of Tianchen continent, only one person has made the leap from God level to super God level... That is lengya. But it was only through the power of Saro that he became a half man and half devil. Chu Jingtian... His crazy promotion power has broken through the peak of God level... Beyond the intensity of Yan Tianwei he is familiar with!

However, this is not the end. When the tornado of the sword suddenly burst open, a huge gas field burst out from Chu Jingtian, forcing ye Wuchen and lengya to fly far away at the same time. Ye Wuchen steadied his steps and looked at Chu Jingtian, but he still closed his eyes, his face seemed painful and comfortable

This is another level of power!

Supernatural realm!


Chu Jingtian's body was pushed out from a distance and fell to the ground. The man in black held his chest with his hands and looked as if he had done a simple thing. Chu Jingtian quickly got up from the ground, stared wide and couldn't believe the flow of breath in his body. He stared at his hands and doubted in a dream.

The body becomes very light and light, and the strength in the body seems to be endless. And his heart... It is a wonderful state of mind which has seen another new world. From this, he saw many things that he had never seen and understood before. What excused him most was that he really found the feeling he had been struggling to find. He was the subtle feeling of a sword.

"Elder, I......"

"Hum!" The man in black broke his words, "I can stand this sound, elder, but I don't like others to call me that. You don't have to thank me. I'm just doing what I want to do. Hum! Your sword... "

His right hand was empty, and Chu Jingtian's cangming sword, which had been carried on his back, was absorbed into his hand. His arm shook, cangming came out of his scabbard, but he jumped out of two broken swords.

With a "clang" sound, two broken swords were taken back into the scabbard by him. A trace of invisible colorless light flashed by. With another "clang" sound, the cangming sword just taken back came out of the scabbard again, but this time it was a complete cangming sword.

"Ah! Cangming! " Chu Jingtian first blinked in his eyes, then burst out with joy, and almost couldn't help but want to rush up and protect cangming sword in his arms. The divine sword cangming, when he was looking for lengya, he never tried to repair cangming sword by looking for the most famous craftsmen, but no one could do it. But in the hands of the man in black, it was completed in such an incredible blink of an eye. Is there an end to his strength!?

The man in black held the sword in his hand and watched it from bottom to top: "good sword... But you don't need it."

His arm suddenly shook, and the three immediately felt the whole Tongshen tower trembling at their feet. Then, in Chu Jingtian's rapidly shrinking eyes, cangming sword turned into powder in the hands of the man in black and fell to the ground.

From the great surprise of being repaired to being completely destroyed, Chu Jingtian has not recovered from his ecstasy, so his head is drenched with a basin of cold water. His eyes trembled, pointing to the fingers of the man in black. He also trembled uncontrollably: "you... You..."

"The sword is broken, but you still carry it with you. It can be seen that you rely too much on this sword. What you pursue in the way of sword is the combination of 'nothing' and 'heart'. This sword is still destroyed. Otherwise, one day it will be restored, which will slow down your entry! " The man in Black said coldly.

Chu Jingtian clenched his teeth, and the gratitude he had just given him disappeared in an instant. He was too emotional. Even if it was just a sword, he also had an inseparable feeling for it: "it's my partner... Why did you destroy it!"

The man in black slightly stirred his eyebrows: "partner? Ah... It seems that I did something wrong. In that case... "

His men went down and didn't see any action from him. The blue powder turned into by cangming sword gathered in his hands like the wind, without any omission, and then disappeared strangely in his hands: "if you win today, I'll give you back your partner intact... Now it seems that you have seven minutes left!"

Chu Jingtian took a deep breath, pressed down his temper that had just become irritable, and shouted: "brother ye, ice face, let's go!"

Ye Wuchen, Chu Jingtian, lengya. One is the supreme king of Tianchen continent, and no one dares to provoke the evil emperor. The other is the man who has reached the way of supernatural and the first person in history to become a super sword God. The other is a half man and half devil with supernatural power. At this time, there is no doubt that they are the strongest in Tianchen continent. Now they gather together at this distant altitude and face an unimaginable enemy.

The attack of the three starts from three directions at the same time. The fastest cold cliff attack comes first, narrows the distance, and cuts the most vulnerable throat of the target with a line of sky. Just when the man in black restrained Chu Jingtian, he didn't stand still in the face of his Yitian, but offset it, indicating that Yitian, who condensed his strength into a line, still cared about him a little. Chu Jingtian stood where he was, but suddenly dozens of light colored swords appeared on his head... It turned out to be invisible into tangible swords! The body did not move, the mind moved, the sword roared, and stabbed the target's eyes... They chose to attack his relatively vulnerable parts at the same time.

Ye Wuchen's attack is at the end, accompanied by the cutting of the star chopping sword with the power of water. Before he found the flaw, he did not exert his strength, but accumulated strength, gathered his mind and observed silently.

There are two supernatural levels. One is of divine strength, but the comprehensive strength is far beyond the divine level. The power turbulence brought by their joint attack must be disastrous. If such an attack occurs in Tianchen continent, it must be beyond their ability to bear. The tower of God is worthy of being made by God. Under the fluctuation of such power, not to mention being damaged, even the flat floor has no trace of damage. It is hard to believe its tenacity.





Ye Wuchen's movements are still as simple as those of the previous group. He holds the star chopping sword tightly with both hands, runs through his arms, and raises the glittering golden mans high. Facing the man in black who is motionless, calm as water, has no power breath, but is more terrible than any enemy, he burns the fire of his most powerful power and cleaves the golden sword in his hand again, The golden awn boils like a deflagration flame at this moment.

While ye Wuchen acted, two figures rose up from his shoulder at the same time and fell over the head of the man in black like a meteor. The dazzling dark green light lit up from the cold cliff on the left, and the dark power was instilled into the broken wind blade at this moment. The dark light, belonging to the dark power of the son of the demon emperor, carried the striking dark green in his one hand grip, and pierced the right eye of the man in black with the violent momentum of his body falling.

Another figure rising at the same time with lengya on the right side. His body rotates subtly in the air. His right hand seems to wave slowly, leaving a shaking phantom... A sword like phantom wherever his arm goes. The target is also the eyes of people in black. Chu Jingtian didn't defend the sword at the moment, but chose to attack with his own arm... Because at the moment, his arm is an extremely sharp sword, a super sword that can't be separated from his body and mind!

Three people attack together, which is their only choice. Only when the attacks of three people are combined can they have the chance to break his defense.

The man in black still didn't move. Under the combination of a forbidden weapon, an artifact and a special "tool", he didn't give him the feeling of attention, but his eyes were slightly closed. He allowed his body to be attacked by the golden star chopping sword, and allowed the cold cliff and Chu Jingtian to attack. It was the most vulnerable part for any creature.

When -- Chu Jingtian's arm passed lengya and stabbed the man in black's eyelid for the first time. It was an incredible metal collision. This was the first time he touched his body. He immediately understood what a terrible force he felt when lengya and ye Wuchen collided with his body. It was not only the anti shock force brought by his own power, but also spontaneously came from the man in black, which was so great that he swallowed up all his power... That power was not what he could resist at all, but in a moment, his body had gone backward like lightning.

The crazy breath became stronger and more horizontal. The huge energy fluctuation made the space tremble. Black, gold and colorless... Several lights and shadows of power intersected at the last moment, and the light covered the light. Taking the body of the man in black as the only carrier, another violent collision occurred since the beginning of the battle.

The body of the man in black is not tall. In the face of the extremely powerful energy fluctuation, he actually stands there. Ye Wuchen can see that even his clothes have no trace of being blown by the impact of this force.

Three people worked together, one attacked his heart, two attacked his most vulnerable eyes, but still failed to force him to retreat - still unharmed.

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