Heavenly Star

Chapter 541

Chapter 541

When a person has no soul, the power of soul can only be given in the way of the intersection of yin and Yang. In the white world, under the skirt that covers everything, bit by bit invisible things quietly enter ye Wuchen's body. Gradually, his body began to twinkle with the light of nine colors. The appearance of these lights made Xiangxiang happy, because it showed that her memory did not deceive her. Under the intersection of the nine forces, new soul forces are rapidly generated in ye Wuchen's body like a spring.

What Xiangxiang didn't see was that there was an extremely weak light on the back of Ye Wuchen's left hand. Then, a circle of dim stars appeared on the back of his hand at the same time... It was a circle of light spots evenly arranged together, and the number was just ten. The light spot began to rotate rapidly, formed a ring in the rotation, and then completely disappeared on the back of his hand.


In the consciousness that ye Wuchen had just given birth to, there came a crisp breaking sound.

"Master." Looking at ye Wuchen's eyes, Xiangxiang called again and again, longing for him to open his eyes and look at himself. The pain in her lower body has quietly dissipated a lot. Instead, she can't help feeling the emptiness that makes her want to shake her body. She doesn't dare to move. She lies on his body in fear and keeps looking at his eyes.

A pair of hands suddenly lifted up and touched up along Xiangxiang's beautiful white and tender legs. Xiangxiang's lovely snow jade feet shrank suddenly, and Yingying's delicate feet and ankles were tense together. Her eyes that she had been watching opened and looked at her smile.

"Master." Xiangxiang shouted in surprise, but the strange feeling from her lower body made her hang her head in shame.

Feeling Xiangxiang's tension, ye Wuchen smiled softly. His hand lifted up and gently took off Xiangxiang's snow velvet coat. His warm hand gently slid up against her smooth and tender body in the trembling of Xiangxiang's body. Xiangxiang's tender face became more pink, but his body didn't dare to twist again. Ye Wuchen gently put his hand into her chest and stroked her newly developed delicate milk. The delicate pink buds soon stood up under his touch. Soon, with his gentle touch, Xiangxiang's rapid breathing turned into a pleasant and moving groan, and his body was tense and trembled slightly.

"Xiangxiang, if you hadn't been discovered too early, you would be the real king of this chaotic space beyond the existence of the southern emperor and the northern Emperor... Why would you be a girl?" The newborn ye Wuchen played with Xiangxiang's tender body, which was just miraculously recovered from the dissipation of consciousness, but there was no shock or joy of rebirth on his face. That soft smile was awakened by Xiangxiang in a special way from his sleep.

"I... I don't know... Master..." under Ye Wuchen's more and more wild provocation, Xiangxiang's nervous heart jumped. She felt a kind of feeling that came out of the deepest part of her body, which not only flustered her heart, but also had an unspeakable strange pleasure. Her skin was pink, and her trembling voice seemed to be begging

Ye Wuchen smiled more mysterious: "that's because... It would have been the fragrance of the chaotic king. Pay attention to being bullied and conquered by me."

He stood up with Xiangxiang's hip in a tangled position. The sudden stimulation made Xiangxiang's mouth overflow with a sharp groan. His limbs were wrapped around ye Wuchen and tightly combined with him. Her body is still so tender and small in front of Ye Wuchen. Such a posture is like ye Wuchen stringing her body directly.

In a standing posture, ye Wuchen began to toss her charming buttocks, wantonly played with the Dragon fox girl's body, and listened to her moving sound like fairy music. This is their time and space. What has happened outside is of no importance to him. Now he just wants to enjoy the body of the girl in his arms. When he woke up this time, his mind underwent another transformation, an earth shaking transformation.

The sixth layer of Wuchen Jue, a perfect feeling that you can control everything.

He is still him, but even himself clearly feels that he has completely changed. Vision, hearing... All perception of the outside world, as well as their own power, have undergone extremely great changes.

When the seven natural elements of water, fire, wind, thunder, earth, light and darkness are integrated into the same person, they will derive space forces.

After the seven natural elements of water, fire, wind, thunder, earth, light and darkness are integrated with the three fate elements of life, death and soul, the power of time is generated.

The power of space and time, the two most mysterious, the most magical, the most powerful and the least appeared forces, appeared on ye Wuchen at the same time. With the help of Xiangxiang, his soul was reborn, and the power of his soul expanded to an extremely terrible height. Even when there was only an incomplete second layer of his Wuchen formula, his unopened soul power gave him the power of prediction, and at the moment, what he could feel was even more than he had ever known.

He knows how Xiangxiang saved him.

I even felt... The great demon king woke up in the distant magic land.


The soul beads in his body are derived from Xiangxiang's soul power and the power of the other nine chaotic holy beads. Therefore, all the memories awakened by Xiangxiang appear in his brain like replication. She was conceived in the center of chaos and absorbed the strongest and purest chaotic power day and night. This will give her the most powerful strength, the most perfect body and the purest heart. Because she is the strongest creature bred in this chaotic space and the highest controller in charge of all orders in this chaotic space. Even, when she grows up, her strength will far surpass that of the southern emperor and the northern emperor. However, the struggle between the southern emperor and the northern emperor made them inadvertently discover her existence. At the same time, they were greedy and wanted to control her consciousness and seize her existence with their own power before she fully grew up. Therefore, the goal of the struggle between the southern emperor and the northern emperor changed qualitatively, and the struggle became more and more intense. Finally, the chaos broke down. Xiangxiang, who was still in the early stage of growth, was extremely traumatized. She transmitted herself out of the center of the chaos break with her immature space force, avoiding her fate of destruction. The place she moved to was a chaotic fragment at the end of chaos, and later became the Tianchen continent. Then, perhaps it was the punishment of God for them, their greed and the sin of almost destroying the Dragon fox. Taking their power as the carrier, they derived a powerful demon... And Xiangxiang... The Reiki of Tianchen continent at the end of chaos is too thin. Her spiritual body will not continue to grow here, but is consuming power quickly, The severe trauma also made her lose her strength faster. But fortunately, here, she can perfectly prevent her breath from overflowing and prevent the southern emperor and the northern emperor from discovering her existence. In this way, she spent year after year in the dark place of Tianchen continent. Finally, her injury healed, but her strength was declining... I don't know how many years later, she met ye Wuchen. The inexplicable turmoil in her heart made her recognize ye Wuchen as her master. It was the right choice in her life. Xiangxiang's memories were only recovered when ye Wuchen's power reached the fifth layer of the real Wuchen formula. Before, she didn't even know who she was and why she was here. When her consciousness gradually matured with the growth of power, she silently followed ye Wuchen, looking for her past and mission of existence. She would have been the king of chaos. But the accident of that year made this chaotic king a... Private pet of Ye Wuchen———————— The demon continent was dark, and everyone felt that the dark sky was getting lower and lower, as if it could collapse at any time. Suffocating breath, accompanied by sinking heart. Looking at the approaching darkness in the south, Sha Xuan spit out two low words in the air: "it's over." It can be seen how desperate this evil force is for the demon family emperor to give up so directly. Yes... Not shock, but despair. If before today, the awakening of the great demon king might make him tremble, and there would be a lot of excitement in his heart, but when he really faced this power, he knew how childish and ridiculous the idea that the great demon king would revitalize the demon family“ I want to kill you now. " Sha Xuan turned around and said to the God Emperor indifferently. God Emperor: "..." if she didn't wake up the black Xuan God, how could the great demon king who should never wake up wake up. But now, it's too late to say anything. With the power of despair and giving up, they can't see themselves, even the future of the whole demon continent and God continent. Because this evil force will not hesitate to destroy, destroy all the land and creatures that can be destroyed. This most evil power will not have any good, any feeling or any hesitation. The imaginable and unimaginable sins in the world will be completely presented by this power“ Ha ha ha ha... Ha ha ha ha... "What a creepy low laugh it was. The laughter made both Sha and the God Emperor palpitation. And this laughter also dashed the last glimmer of extravagance in their hearts... The sleeping demon king really woke up“ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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