Heavenly Star

Chapter 543

Chapter 543

"Who are you...?"

The voice of the great demon king had no previous arrogance, but showed a kind of surprise and dignity that should not appear. In the dark sky, those bloody eyes shook several times. Because he felt an inexplicable pressure from ye Wuchen... From him, he clearly could not feel the power, but the sense of depression really existed.

This feeling can only be brought to him by the southern emperor and the northern emperor. He wondered at the sudden appearance of the man.

"Me? Oh, the man who killed you. " Ye Wuchen smiled coldly. A golden awn flashed in his hand and condensed into a golden sword, which was slowly raised by him and pointed directly into the air.

"Star cutting sword... Ha ha! It turned out that you were the human in the prophecy... Hahaha, do you really think your power is qualified to destroy me... "Ferocious and wild laughter... The great demon king was born from the negative emotions of the southern emperor and the emperor, and connected with their souls to a certain extent. All the memories of the southern emperor and the northern emperor before their death, Will be passed to the deep heart of the great demon king without omission, including the adverse prophecy they got that year. Also according to the instruction of this prophecy, they threw the star cutting sword and disaster bow to the celestial continent, and left their own blood and strength in the celestial continent.

"With my current strength, even with the star cutting sword, I really can't." Ye Wuchen shook his head, his face still smiled, but he didn't show the slightest uneasiness, as if everything was under his control. At this time, his left hand flashed a blood awn, and the disaster bow appeared in his left hand. The bow body was also slowly raised by him, and the arc of the corner of his mouth became larger and larger.

"Disaster bow... Originally, the person they saw... Turned out to be the same person... Hahaha, in those years, even they didn't think that the star cutting sword and disaster bow would converge on the same person... Hahaha... Stupid man, do you really think you are qualified to be arrogant in front of me now... You, die."


The magic land suddenly vibrated. The sudden vibration made the magic land fall into complete panic, because it was like the precursor or beginning of the destruction of the land... And in the air, those bloody eyes suddenly disappeared, and a large invisible dark cloud condensed rapidly in the air.

At this moment, all the people of the demon continent looked at the sky and looked at the black despair. Almost everyone in the demon continent has strong or weak dark forces. The gathering dark forces in the sky bring them only despair... Because such intensity is clearly a force that can directly destroy the whole demon continent.

The primary goal of that power is ye Wuchen.

"Save... Save my demon family..." he lost all his strength. Like a frail old man, Sha Yu made an extremely weak voice. The condensed dark power made him almost see the destruction of the demon continent. All his hopes, the only hope, were tied to ye Wuchen, who was so magical that he couldn't understand. He begged him in a weak voice.

Ye Wuchen's eyes moved sideways and looked at the God Emperor, and the God Emperor looked at him at the same time. They looked at each other, and the God Emperor looked away unnaturally.

"Jia Xiaoluo", ye Wuchen called out the name that no one dared to call God Emperor: "don't think I've forgiven you. I wasn't angry with you before, just because I couldn't defeat you and depended on you to save my pupil... Now, wait for me to come back and be ready to accept the most humiliating punishment!"

God Emperor: "

"Xiangxiang, let's go!"

Ye Wuchen shouted softly. His body was like an arrow. He shot straight into the sky and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye. Immediately, a bright white light suddenly appeared in the distant sky. The white light tore open the darkness in the sky, and the flash of the white light could be clearly seen in any corner of the whole demon continent... But it just appeared, and immediately disappeared.

At the same time, the depression that made the air completely condensed suddenly disappeared, the darkness in the sky slowly dispersed, and a few wisps of light quietly overflowed from the cracks of the darkness, sprinkling more and more light on the dull earth.

It was like waking up from a nightmare. Countless demon people were paralyzed on the ground, breathing heavily, and their whole body had been completely wet with cold sweat.

What's going on... What happened? Why did the smell of the great devil suddenly disappear



Another space, a space like a dream. At a glance, the sight is actually a little bit of stars, either near or far. In a very distant place, surrounded by stars all over the sky, the dim black star is the land of magic, while the cold golden star is the land of God. More distant places, where the water blue glow is released, and the sky continent is still burning among countless stars.

Ye Wuchen holds the star cutting sword in one hand and the disaster bow in the other. Obviously, it should be the first time to be in the chaotic space outside the continent, but he doesn't have much sense of novelty, and there is even a familiar feeling in the hazy. He was more interested in the person not far in front of him - if he could be called a person.

It's not so much a man as... It's a black skeleton. The reason why dark forces are terrible and rejected by human beings is that most of them have a terrible phagocytosis ability, which can devour the enemy's body... At the same time, they can also quietly devour their own body. However, this power of phagocytosis can only be possessed by the evil dark force, which is not reflected in Tong Xin, Xiaomo and Sha Ying, but is reflected incisively and vividly in the great demon king. Skinny is not enough to describe the great demon king. At first glance, there is only a pile of bones wrapped in black skin and black awn on his body. His eyes are quite chilling. His body is obviously bent, which makes his already thin and incomparable body look thinner. His face can no longer be called a face. Its ugliness and ferocity make ye Wuchen unable to find a suitable adjective for a time“ You deserve to be the great devil. You have everything that the villain should have. Of course, there will be no second ending. " Ye Wuchen pointed at him with a star cutting sword, and there was obvious ridicule in his cold smile“ Space power!? " The great demon king stared at him with his bloody eyes and made a cold, piercing sound“ Yes, the place just now is not suitable for killing you. You were born in chaotic space, so turn into the initial nothingness here. " If you fight with it in the devil's land, there is no suspense. In an instant, the devil's land will turn into ashes. He knew the terrible degree of the great devil's power and his current strength. He jumped from the fifth floor to the sixth floor of Wuchen Jue. The difference between the first floor was an immeasurable strength gap. At the moment, he is already a God, a real God. What is God? God is the master who can make chaotic rules. The so-called gods in the land of God are just a group of people who have a strong power and call themselves "gods", including the divine emperor Jia Xiaoluo. Even she is still not divorced from the scope of human beings. God is extremely rare. In those days, there were only two gods, the southern emperor and the northern emperor. Every God must also receive the hope of countless creatures. And the gap between the real man and the real God... Is so big that it can't even describe the world difference. This is outer space, which is called space in the words of the earth. In the realm of God, the temperature, vacuum, plasma and other factors here can not affect him. Of course, they will not affect the great demon king born in outer space. In order to protect the demon land, ye Wuchen found the real body of the great demon king with his powerful soul power, and transferred him to this space with the help of Xiangxiang's power. He has become a real God, and Xiangxiang has also become another God and another real God. The power of space has become more and more powerful. Although ye Wuchen's current space power is not weaker than Xiangxiang, he still tries to save some power in the face of the great demon king“ It's up to you? "“ Yes, it's up to me. " Ye Wuchen raised his eyebrows and smiled wantonly: "your performance tells me that you are actually afraid. Otherwise, with your evil nature, you have already torn his body with your evil power, but now... You are hesitating whether to fight with him or to persuade me not to block your great event. Hey... Don't you believe the cursed creatures that shouldn't exist. If I really want to destroy you, it only takes a moment. " A violent blood flash flashed in the big devil's eyes. He smiled with pity: "chatter... Stupid arrogance..." "then pray that everything is just my arrogance." The eyebrow moved, and ye Wuchen's body suddenly disappeared. At the same time, a large amount of white light suddenly poured down from the air, covering the dry wood like body of the big demon king, "big demon king, first taste the light that can punish you most!" WOW! Darkness and light restrain and repel each other, and the light element is always the most disgusting thing of the big demon king. His narrow eyes narrowed, his skeleton like body bounced like a flea, and took a black line to cut through the large light above his head. Hoo! The dark wind blew violently, and the effort swept tens of thousands of meters in a moment. The rich light was quickly dispersed by this large area of darkness, and the space became a dark space. With the help of the existence of dark elements, the great demon king suddenly felt the position of Ye Wuchen, and the dark forces moved with it, frantically rushed to ye Wuchen and swallowed his body{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}

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