Hitman x Wives

Chapter 85 85- Grow Old Together

Chapter 85 Chapter 85- Grow Old Together

Chapter 85- Grow Old Together

When the time was almost midnight, Kai finally stood up and stretched his limbs. Looking at Eva and Kaya, he found that they were already asleep. For some reason, both of them stayed inside his house until they dozed off.

Now, Kai had to somehow deal with the two women. If it was another man, seeing two drop-dead gorgeous ladies sleeping on his couch, he would've never been able to resist his urges and would've jumped on them.

However, even when Kai did find them visually attractive, he wasn't someone to let his emotions or desires take control of his rationality.

"Should I wake them up?" He mused to himself.

"Meow!" The cat suddenly jumped down from the chair and approached the two girls. Then, it started rubbing against their faces slowly. But, neither of the two seemed to wake up at all.

"Sigh…" Shaking his head, Kai decided not to kick them out. Seeing how exhausted they were, he knew it would be more of a hassle to get them to leave his house.

So, he walked toward a closet in the living room and pulled out a mat similar to the tatami mats he has in store. Then, he spread it on the ground and then walked back to Kaya before he scooped her up gently and swiftly.

The latter's expression seemed to immediately relax as a small smile appeared on her face. Then, she leaned her face on Kai's chest as she continued her sleep. Then, he put her down on the mattress before doing the same thing to Eva.

The two seemed to have this small frown when he put them down as if they left the place where they wanted to sleep.

Then, he covered them and looked around. The place was now oddly quiet… It has been always like this but for some reason, Kai found this particular quietness odd.

However, he didn't try to explore these feelings and simply focused on what he had to do now. So, he walked to his room and sat on his chair before he opened his computer.

"Let's see if I can find anything related to my sickness." He thought as he clicked on a particular folder he had secretly hidden in his computer.

The folder was unnamed but it carried inside the work of a few years back when Kai was still motivated to search for a cure. However, he eventually left it to accumulate dust in the corner of his computer.

When he opened it, a long list of folders, files, and all kinds of pictures presented itself in front of him. They were files related to Origin, its uses, how it affects the body, potential threats it could inflict, and many other complex theories and scientific studies he had worked on himself.

If scientists from the Guild or Divinity were to see these files, they would drool from their mouths as this folder had things that they still didn't even discover about Origin!

Opening a few of them, he started reading them again, refreshing his memory of them. Although all he needs is usually one time seeing something and he could recall it perfectly, he still didn't want to leave a single detail this time.

He didn't know where this sudden motivation to try and survive came from but he wasn't going to throw it away. He might be able to do it this time.

A few hours passed as Kai continued his research with not much to find. He simply couldn't find anything that he could link to his symptoms. They were just so unique and that should be the case considering how Kai's body is immune to all sicknesses known and unknown to man.

By the time it was almost sunrise, Kai dozed off in his chair.

A few minutes passed before the door opened to his room and Eva peeked inside carefully. She just woke up only to find herself sleeping next to Kaya. That was the worst thing she ever woke up to.

"Kai…?" She murmured his name gently as she walked inside.

Approaching his chair, she found him sleeping quietly with his arms crossed in front of his chest and his head slightly tilted forward as if he didn't even need to rest it on something to sleep properly.

Looking at his face, Eva found herself lost in it without even realizing it. Her hand moved slowly and touched a strand of hair that obstructed Kai's eyes and then pushed it to the side.

'He is asleep… Wait, now that I think about it, this is the second time I saw his sleeping face. Fufufufu~ He looks so adorable while asleep.' Chuckling to herself, Eva sat down and watched him quietly.

Her eyes twinkled with countless emotions. She just loved this person so much. Everything about him was akin to a drug for her. He had barged into her heart, kicked everyone else to the side, and took the main spot, not budging at all and instead rooting himself more and more into her heart.

Eva was falling deeper and deeper in love with him every single day and she knew it. Being by his side like this was akin to her dream being realized right in front of her eyes. On one hand, she was happy with those emotions as loving her beloved more and more was something she would welcome with open arms. On the other hand, however, she felt slightly anxious that at some point, these feelings of hers will make Kai repulsed and push her away from him.

She knew that she was already pushing hard as she tried to approach him in all the ways possible.

After an unknown amount of time, she stood up and approached Kai. Finally, her eyes fell on the computer screen and the countless files on it.

"Hmm?" Opening them, she read briefly through them before she understood what Kai was doing and her smile became even warmer.

'He slept while researching the cure…' Even though this was for Kai's sake, she could only feel genuinely happy that Kai decided to not give up on his own life yet. Seeing him really seek it is the happiest Eva could be.

"Don't worry, honey. We will find it. We will definitely do that." Eva's hand found its way to Kai's hand before she touched it gently. "Even if it somehow doesn't work, I will definitely follow you wherever you go."

She was ready to go with Kai to the afterlife. She simply can't imagine a life without him anymore. He was now her life. If he was gone, she was also gone, dead while still breathing.

Her face approached him before she boldly planted a kiss on his head. Feeling his soft hair and smelling its addictive odor, she felt her heart beat faster and faster. Like a drum that kept vibrating inside her chest.

"But, I'm certain we will find the cure. Then, we can spend the rest of our lives together. Share the bad and good, laugh together, and feel sad together. I will do everything within my abilities to open your heart to me. I don't know what made it this closed, but I don't care, I want you to experience the same happiness you give me every single second." Rubbing his hand gently, she said.

"We will grow old together, Kai."

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