Hitman x Wives

Chapter 91 91- Crush

Chapter 91 Chapter 91- Crush

Chapter 91- Crush

While Kaya was having such thoughts, on a faraway place somewhere in the world. A rather old man was walking through the corridors of a rather dim yet luxurious place.

His right hand was cut off and he looked rather tense. Considering what happened, V, who was usually composed and calm could only swallow away his pride.

Meeting that monster again slapped him with reality when he least expected it. Even more than that, the person he was about to meet required that he completely throws his pride to the side. As they say, two big egos can't fit in one room.

'What could happen? That person won't ignore this insult. They're too prideful to accept defeat. Especially one from the Black Phantom!'

The reason for V's deeply rooted worry is that this person he was about to meet was at some point considered the Black Phantom's direct rival. Although the latter didn't seem to really think so, the two of them still fought more than once during Red Rose Days or even official duels.

On one hand, this meant that this person hated the Black Phantom to the core since in all of their duels and fights, they were never able to beat him, not even once. On the other hand, V was even more unnerved by the fact that this person was able to face that monster and didn't die.

Fighting the Black Phantom once is already akin to suicide. Fighting him multiple times is just outright impossible as that person would probably be dead from the first fight. Yet, for one reason or another, the Black Phantom never killed him.

'No, I would say considering this person's ability, the Black Phantom was never able to kill him.' V thought to himself as he reached a wide sliding door made out of bamboo.

"It's V."

Listening quietly, V couldn't hear any noises. However, he can sense a presence inside the room.

After a few moments, a rough voice responded.


At those words, V slide the door to the side and walked inside. The interior of the room was a big dojo area. It had all the equipment of a dojo with wooden swords, an archery area, and even a beautiful garden at the back with a running stream of fresh, cold water, giving a calming white noise in the background.

It was the haven for those who are dedicated to honing their techniques and the person who used this place fit that criteria exactly.

Right in the middle of this dojo, a man was standing still in front of a Wing Chun dummy (Search it on Google if you want an image).

Since the man was facing the opposite side, V couldn't see his face. However, his body and aura alone were more than enough to give him an idea of who this man was.

He had a muscular, tall body with rather peculiar brownish hair trimmed into a buzz cut. He was wearing a dojo uniform. His aura was calm yet it instilled a sense of danger in V without even noticing it.

This man was dangerous, as simple as that. No flashy showing of power or intimidating presence, he was purely a threat.

Standing silently, V watched as the man took a fighting posture, aiming his fist at the mannequin.

His posture was sturdy and perfect, honed from years and years of hard work. Even to the untrained eye, he had indeed mastered his fighting style.

The man kept staring at the mannequin calmly. He didn't seem to make a move or do anything worthy of mentioning. That's what V at least thought. But, the next second, his assumption was completely shattered.


Suddenly, out of nowhere, the mannequin exploded into pieces as it was blasted away, smashing against the wall.

'When did he…' V's eyes squinted at the destroyed mannequin before it went back to the man. He was still in his previous position. His fists didn't move an inch from where they were.

'He punched the dummy faster than my eyes could follow.' Squinting his eyes, V could only shake his head inwardly at how absurd that was. Why did he have to meet two of the strongest people in the world back to back? His pride and confidence were completely shattered and thrown into oblivion.

"You're late." The man's voice woke V from his trance and made his bow slightly.

"My apologies, sir. I had to stop the bleeding before coming here so that I don't tarnish the Four Clover Dojo."

Because this place was akin to a sanctuary for this man, tarnishing it, even with a speck of dust will make the one who did regret that choice for the rest of his life.

Turning around, the man finally revealed his face. He would've been considered a very handsome man was it not for something that deformed his whole face. A huge scar ran diagonally from his forehead to the left corner of his lips, passing through his right eye which now had lost eyesight.

It was a terrifying scar that made the man seem almost dead-like.

Staring at V's lost hand, his cold, emotionless eyes flashed with a weird glint before he asked.

"Is it him?"


"Did he kill all of them?"

"... Yes. It's all my faul-"

"Shhh." The man said as he walked toward a hanger in the corner of the room before he picked up the towel and wiped his face.

"You are too weak to be blamed. As for those Executioners, they were too dumb to stay alive."

"But, sir…"

"I said there is no need for your pathetic apology. You Executioners are mere puppets used by the other High-Officers. Those foolish idiots should understand that no one can catch that monster other than me."

"What about the threat, sir?"

"It's all a temporary solution from his side to keep things calm. Knowing that bastard, he most likely has a plan that is simply waiting for the perfect time to be executed."

"A plan to do what?" V asked as he felt a bad hunch.

"You should understand, the Black Phantom isn't someone who accepts being threatened. Why do you think the High Officers were never able to control him? He will do whatever he wants and no one can stop him except me. Knowing him, he will do one of two things. He will either hunt down those that are trying to capture that Lavine girl or…"


"Or he will burn the whole Guild down."

'Burn the whole guild down.' If this was said about anyone else, V would've probably laughed hard. But, he knew that this man in front of him was not joking at all.

"Are you… giving up on Eva Lavine, sir?"

"Give up? Hahahahahahaha!" The man suddenly started chuckling. His ugly face turned even more horrifying with each hearty chuckle. "I have been waiting for this moment for years. The Black Phantom is the sole person I will make sure to thoroughly destroy! Even if it takes me my whole entire life. I will crush him to the point where he will never be able to stand on his feet again." The man's calm aura turned even more hostile.

The room's temperature became even colder and the ground started rumbling as if it was about to crack at any given moment.

Suddenly, at that moment, the man's chuckle stopped as his face turned into a strong frown, staring daggers at V.

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