House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 342: This Song Can Be Sung for A Lifetime

Chapter 342: This Song Can Be Sung for A Lifetime

“Grey is silence, blue is melancholy… and you wandering, where does the heart of the raging waves stop…”

Mo Fei was on stage, the spotlight only shining on her. Dressed in a white gown, she sang like an angel, and her deep emotions were reflected in her clear voice.

Even if one didn’t appreciate Mo Fei’s excellent voice and singing skills, it didn’t matter, because the lyrics of this song were stunning enough to captivate anyone!

It was like a lover’s passionate confession after getting drunk. Every word, every sentence, every paragraph touched people’s heartstrings.

“Why are you clearly in love, yet you don’t come closer…” Look, how melancholic this line is sung? What kind of feeling is it to pretend that nothing’s wrong but yet feel heartbroken?

This was just the buildup. The real climax, like waves, layer upon layer, finally unleashed its accumulated power.

“Listen… to the cry of the sea…”

Mo Fei’s voice seemed to finally break free from its previous restrain, able to fully unleased its power, and it soared passionately.

Suddenly everyone could feel their scalp tingling and their eardrums bursting! Yes, at this moment Mo Fei showcased the true power of her high notes, captivating the entire audience with her explosive performance.

Even Chen Yijie, who was changing clothes and preparing backstage, couldn’t help but stop his movements and listen attentively. His hands were making small movements as if he too was intoxicated by Mo Fei’s singing.

Of course, to say how high this high note was, it wasn’t exaggerated to the point of being stunning.

When Mo Fei sang this part, what brought shock to people wasn’t how high she could sing, but the transition from her previous restraint to her outburst. The range of her voice and how she sang this part from beginning to end with her high notes continuously rising, without any trace of taking a breath in between…

Or rather, she didn’t take a breath at all. Moreover, her breath remained incredibly steady throughout the continuous rise.

Why does it sound good? Because she sang out the emotions that others couldn’t bring out in their songs!

“Regretting who was hurt again but still not clear-headed… It must not be me. At least I’m calm. But even tears… even tears don’t believe it… Listen… to the cry of the sea…”

Chen Yijie stood backstage for a long time, listening to Mo Fei sing this part effortlessly and vividly, with her extraordinary ability to control high notes and breath control she had cultivated since childhood. She easily switched between chest voice and head voice, transitioned smoothly between high and low notes, and then there was another scalp-tingling outburst…

“Hu!” Chen Yijie finally let out a long breath, as if he had been holding his breath while carefully appreciating the performance.

“Amazing! Amazing!” He shook his head and couldn’t help but show admiration on his face.

“Is it really that amazing? Eason you’re actually full of praise!” Ye Xiaofeng, who was now working as Chen Yijie’s assistant to gain experience, couldn’t help but ask.

Chen Yijie glanced at her and smiled slightly. As he continued changing clothes, he said, “Of course. Mo Fei sings amazingly, and Yang Yi wrote this song exceptionally well! Oh right, what rank is this song on the new song bestseller chart?”

“I’ll check!” Ye Xiaofeng quickly checked with her phone and then said, “Currently ranked ninth. It’s only been one day and it’s already risen by one place!”

“It’s a deliberate move by Tianmei! They first used the other songs to hit the charts and deliberately didn’t promote this song.” Although Chen Yijie wasn’t deeply involved in those operations, he was a seasoned figure in the entertainment industry and saw through the relationship behind this with one glance. He chuckled and said, “Everyone thought that ‘Across the Ocean to See You’ or ‘You Exist In My Song’ were Mo Fei’s main songs of her album. But actually! This song ‘Listen to the Sea’ is the real trump card!”

“It’s that amazing?” Ye Xiaofeng exclaimed, while the makeup artist rushed to touch up Chen Yijie’s makeup. She had to move to the other side and asked, “Eason, do you think this song is even better than the first two?”

It was Ye Xiaofeng, as a shareholder’s daughter of Tianxiang, who dared to ask so recklessly. If it were any other assistant, they would probably have been reprimanded, right?

After the makeup on his face was touched up, and the hairstylist tended to his hair, Chen Yijie slowly spoke, “Much better. This song is the one that truly showcases Mo Fei’s capabilities! Look at Mo Fei’s performance tonight. I dare say, talking about ranking is an insult to this song. As long as Mo Fei can protect her voice, she could sing this song for a lifetime!”

It was the masterpiece among the masterpieces!

“Mr. Mu Li’ang is really amazing. What were those songs Mo Fei used to sing before1? They were all just using Mo Fei as a vase for decoration. Who could recognize Mo Fei’s true strength? In the end, it was Mr. Mu Li’ang, who wrote an absolutely classic song, that truly showcased Mo Fei’s strength!” Chen Yijie couldn’t help but sigh.

Little did he know that Yang Yi didn’t have this level of skill at all. He just stumbled upon it, thinking that Mo Fei’s voice was no worse than A-Mei’s, so he gave A-Mei’s masterpiece to his own woman. 2

However, what Chen Yijie said was also correct. “Listen to the Sea” has stood the test of time. There’s no need to prove its worth through charts and rankings.

Ye Xiaofeng couldn’t help but say, “Then Eason, what about ‘Long Time No See’ that Mr. Mu Li’ang wrote for you? Comparing the two songs, which one is more classic?”

Chen Yijie was silent for a moment, then shook his head with a bitter smile and said, “It’s hard to say. ‘Long Time No See’ and ‘Listen to the Sea’ are two different types of songs and are not comparable. However, ah, I still envy Mo Fei. My vocal range isn’t bad either, and if I could sing a high-pitched song like ‘Listen to the Sea’, that feeling should be pretty cool, right? Haha!”

To be honest, Chen Yijie was itching to try as he listened to Mo Fei’s high notes!

“Then you should also ask Mr. Mu Li’ang to write a high-pitched song for you!” Ye Xiaofeng said naively.

Chen Yijie smiled and said, “Songs like that are hard to come by. Of course, now I am also in a good relationship with Mr. Mu Li’ang. Who knows, if he gets inspired one day and writes a high-pitched song suitable for a male singer, my chance will come.”

While they were talking, the actions of the staff did not stop. The director had already come over to urge them on. Mo Fei’s “Listen to the Sea” was coming to an end. Chen Yijie waited for a moment before coming out from backstage. As agreed before, he “retained” Mo Fei.

“Everyone, tell me, is Mo Fei’s song good?” Chen Yijie shouted loudly.

“Good!” After all, they were Chen Yijie’s fans. Under his instigation, the whole audience cheered, making Mo Fei somewhat feel extremely flattered.

“Mo Fei is a powerful singer that I admire and recognize very much. She is currently releasing her new album ‘The Initial Dream’, which contains 12 songs all written by Mr. Mu Li’ang, whom I have collaborated with. Just like this song ‘Listening to the Sea,’ each song is very classic. Hmm, I can tell you all that I have already bought a copy to keep!” Chen Yijie wasn’t hinting at all, he was outright rallying for Mo Fei.

This might seem a bit foolish, after all, it was encouraging his own fans to buy another singer’s songs. If it wasn’t a confident superstar like Chen Yijie, others probably wouldn’t dare to do this!

Mo Fei was so surprised that she couldn’t close her mouth and quickly raised her microphone to thank Chen Yijie.

With her innocent mindset, Mo Fei didn’t know that Chen Yijie was helping her so unreservedly because his real goal was to show goodwill to Yang Yi. Chen Yijie couldn’t possibly be so naive as to think that Mu Li’ang and Mo Fei were just simple friends, especially with Mu Li’ang helping Mo Fei in this manner. Although he wouldn’t tell Ye Xiaofeng and others about his guess, it was understandable to make some moves based on this guess.

This was all about human relationships!

After this little interlude, Chen Yijie got back on track. Following their prearranged plan, he deliberately asked Mo Fei about her early debut experience in Hong Kong and then invited her to sing “Better Not to Meet” together.

“Do you want to hear it?” Chen Yijie pointed the microphone towards the audience below and put his hand to his ear, making a listening gesture.

“We do!” The audience below was so excited they were going crazy. After the song “Listen to the Sea”, they had already recognized Mo Fei’s singing skills. Now two powerful singers were singing together, this happiness came too suddenly.

“And Miss Mo Fei?” Chen Yijie looked at Mo Fei.

“It’s an honor!” Mo Fei smiled slightly.

The audience below was going crazy with joy, but one person was a bit unhappy.

TN: Listen To The Sea: Here.

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