House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 72

Chapter 72 - Physical Publishing

In the blinkof an eye, July has arrived. Because he was dragged by Zhu Luyan, who seemed tohave found a like-minded comrade, and was taken to visit the schools he hadbuilt before and asked to give advice, Yang Yi came back a little late.

There was actuallyno problem between Yang Yi and Mo Fei. Although they parted that day with asour note, it didn't affect their conversation every night.

The contentof their conversation was a little strange. They don’t talk about each other'sfeelings or love. They just talk about Xixi day after day.

If Xixi waswith Yang Yi, Mo Fei will ask Yang Yi to tell her the interesting stories abouther daughter that day, and if Xixi returned to live with her mother, Mo Feiwill also tell Yang Yi about Xixi.

This kind oflong phone conversation was truly mysterious, but what was even more mysteriouswas that Yang Yi quite enjoyed the process, and Mo Fei would be secretly feel sweetfor a while after hanging up the phone, as if Yang Yi had just said somethingsweet - which is unlikely. How can Yang Yi, a blockhead, say words of love?

When Yang Yicame back, the happiest was actually Editor Qiang Zi!

“Myuncle, you're back at last.” Qiang Zi almost wept with joy when hereceived a reply from Yang Yi on SNS. (TN: My uncle is a slang similar to "Mylord" or "My little ancestor" and not literal.)

Yang Yi wasa little puzzled: “Did the update stopped?”

“No,there are still some manuscripts left in the draft box.”

“Myreaders has a falling out again?”

“Well, there'sa bit of that. The readers are a little indignant about the new female lead,but it's still manageable."

About thismatter, we have to start from last week. Under the joint counterattack of thetwo major military forces and some small warlords, the Japanese aggressorsfinally retreated one after another, and were even driven out of the countryand hunted back to their home island! Finally, the Japanese aggressorssurrendered unconditionally… This history was somewhat similar to those in YangYi’s previous life, but it was more of the Chinese army's exultation, and thetroops of Europe and the United States were no longer involved.

After thegreat victory, the beginning of the civil war was bound to happen. During jointoperations, the strength of the small warlords was almost exhausted, and allthat remained was a confrontation between the two major military forces.

The historyhas changed, but it is also strikingly similar. After Yang Yi made artisticchanges, the trajectory of the story returned to its original plot: LiYunlong’s military forces, which are based on workers and farmers, and ChuYunfei’s military forces, backed by entrepreneurs and bankers, fought eachother across the vast land of China.

Li Yunlong'sname was unknown, but he showed cunning and tenacious combat effectiveness, causingheadaches to his opponents. Like his military forces, although it looked small,it’s strong enough to make all those who looks down on it slap themselves inthe face.

But fate isso strange that Li Yunlong and Chu Yunfei, two men that sympathize with eachother, but have to wary of each other and are hostile to each other, met again.

At one time,they were both regiment commanders. Li Yunlong, because of his temper, killedprisoners, disobeyed orders, rose and fell, has stayed in the position of regimentcommander. Even though the troops he led were already a brigade-sized independentregiment, and expanded to a division in battle. (In the original work, LiYunlong was promoted to a division commander, but the title of regiment commanderis still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.)

Chu Yunfei wasmuch better. He is brilliant, slicker and slyer than Li Yunlong. Naturally, hehas reached the level of major general. Of course, he also led a division.

Having arrivedinto an unavoidable confrontation, these two characters, whom the readers loveso much, were destined to have a life-and-death showdown.

But can YangYi’s pattern be guessed by them? (TN: The readers have no idea what Yang Yiwill do next.)

At the endof Chapter 12, Chu Yunfei asked his men to fire on Li Yunlong, and Li Yunlongalso asked the machine gunners around him to shoot Chu Yunfei. At that time, thereaders were heartbroken…

Fortunately,Li Yunlong was finally pulled back from the brink of death in a hospital. He,who was wrapped into zongzi, was in a coma for eight days before he woke up.(TN: Zongzi - traditional Chinese rice-pudding. He was covered full of bandages.)

Theoverjoyed readers felt the same as Li Yunlong’s subordinates – “Listen, ifanything bad happens to our division commander, I’ll shoot you first, and thenI’ll shoot the doctor, do you understand?”

There willalways be a delicately pretty girl around a boorish man.

This timewhen he was injured, a young nurse, Tian Yu, who seemed have walked out from apainting, appeared beside Li Yunlong. When Zhao Gang, this commissar literary man,saw her, he thought of the line “Hibiscus like face and willow like eyebrows”in the poem Song of Everlasting Regret, which showed how exquisite her beautyis!

But readers didn'trejoice because she was beautiful!

Amazingly,in the world of ReadNovelFull, novels that targets male audience are basically fullof male chauvinists, and most readers wish the male lead would take all the beautifulwomen into his pocket.

But in thisbook, there was once a call in the book review area not to welcome the role ofTian Yu. It was almost a one-sided expression of disgust!

Maybe it’sbecause Xiuqin was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! She was atough woman who was stubborn to death and was willing to sacrifice herself forher man. Shouldn’t she be the perfect match for a man like Li Yunlong?

How could a vixensneak into his mind “so soon” when his wife just died?

Of course,there was a time jump that actually happened in the plot of the book. But sincethe readers read this development in a just few days, they didn't realize it.In fact, Xiuqin has actually been gone for many years.

In the nextfew chapters, the attitude of readers has quietly changed.

These twocharacters that seemed to not match each other, because they frequently interactwith each other, created chemistry between them that even made the reluctant readerschuckle.

Tian Yu, whooriginally born from an influential family, has chivalrous heart. She not onlytook good care of Li Yunlong, but also had a deep understanding of him. She canalso understand Li Yunlong’s past. She even tries to argue with her colleaguesabout Li Yunlong killing his wife and devils together.

Li Yunlongalso changed from a tough man to a tough man with a playful heart. He tried toread poems with Tian Yu, sulked because the hospital had changed his nurse, andplayed narrow-minded to get Tian Yu back…

Such a mismatchpersonalities gradually made people feel that the two are actually quite amatch!

Finally, LiYunlong went to Tian Yu's family to propose…

Althoughsome readers were still unconvinced, most of them have accepted the arrangementof the plot.

This is not right;it seems we have veered from the story a little too far! Back to theconversation between Yang Yi and Qiang Zi. (TN: So, you're aware of it too.)

Yang Yiasked in puzzlement, “Then what is the urgent matter?”

Qiang Zisaid hurriedly: “The physical publishing of 'Soldier assault'! Didn’t yourcontract say you need to participate in the negotiation of copyright? Nowseveral publishers have come to us, and some people even want to sign your two booksin one go.”

That's right,there were still people who has great foresight. Even though "Drawing Sword" wasonly halfway through, they saw the potential of “Drawing Sword”.

Of course, theyhope to strike while the iron is hot and strive for more benefits, but Yang Yihas been away!

“Isee.” Yang Yi pondered for a moment and said, “Ask them to come here totalk with me. Next week, I will be in the shop almost all the time.”

“OK,I’ll arrange it right away, and my colleagues from the copyright department willaccompany me at that time.” Qiang Zi responded quickly.

Of course, the happy Qiang Zi didn’t see it across the screen, but Yang Yi also raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, a slightly profound smile.


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