Humanity's Great Sage

Chapter 557: Ameliorate Valley

Chapter 557: Ameliorate Valley



“Their Sacred Figure?” Lu Ye frowned.

“That’s what it means, but it can also be understood as a totem.” Yi Yi continued to explain, “They have been by Ju Jia’s side for a long time, and Ju Jia can help their pack increase their strength, so they will not let Ju Jia leave. The pack leader even said that we can go, and they won’t stop us from doing so.”

Lu Ye came here to take Ju Jia with him to join up with Fourth Senior Brother and Feng Yeuchan. If he didn’t take Ju Jia with him, then what was the point of him coming here?

Naturally, they could leave by force. With his and Ju Jia’s current level of cultivation, even without Flight-Type Artifacts, they could still fly. It didn’t seem like these Mutant Wolves had any flight abilities, so they wouldn’t be able to catch up with them.

However, the Spirit Beasts’ strength had reached such a level that even if they didn’t have the means to fly, they would still be able to attack any enemies in the air. If they did anything rash and provoked them here, then they may not be able to get out of it unscathed.

This was a difficult situation.

Seemingly sensing Lu Ye’s thoughts, the pack leader suddenly let out a howl, to which Amber roared back in response lest it be seen as weak. In the next instant, the Spirit Essence on the bodies of the hundreds of giant wolves began to churn, and a chilling killing intent spread out in all directions.

Lu Ye immediately felt his skin tingling, and he raised his hand to his blade’s hilt.

During this moment of tension, Ju Jia suddenly raised his fan-like palm and slapped the head of the pack leader, causing it to stumble.

“Stand down!”

The pack leader shook its head, and the fierceness in its eyes quickly dissipated. The hundreds of ferocious wolves also quickly went dormant, becoming harmless.

Lu Ye clicked his tongue in wonder at the sight.

Just from the current situation before him, he could tell that Ju Jia held an unrivaled position in the hearts of these wolves. Even the leader did not show any fuss when it was beaten on the head, which was not how a Spirit Beast was supposed to react.

It was true that Ju Jia lacked the ability to tame beasts, nor had he controlled these Mutant Wolves before, but the benefits he had brought to the wolves during this period of time had given him the qualifications to control the entire pack.

The pack leader glanced at Ju Jia, then at Lu Ye before letting out a few soft yips.

Yi Yi immediately translated, “It says we can leave, but we have to bring them since they want to follow Ju Jia. Wherever Ju Jia goes is wherever they will go.”

Lu Ye didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at that. How did they end up bargaining with these wolves?

He never thought that such a big person like Ju Jia would have a pack of Spirit Beasts clinging to him. This kind of thing was most likely unheard of in the Cloud River Battlefield, not even in the ancient times.

If the Beastmasters were to see what was happening here, then they would definitely see Ju Jia as some sort of deity.

However, it was obviously unrealistic to bring along such a large pack of Mutant Wolves with them. Spirit Beasts were of great value to cultivators, and bringing them away from here would only lead to a lot of trouble.

If they didn’t bring the wolves with them, however, then they wouldn’t let Ju Jia leave. Following Ju Jia was their greatest concession.

If they were forced to leave, then the wolves wouldn’t attack Ju Jia, only him. Even though the pack leader looked like a docile and gentle creature in front of Ju Jia, it was only to him alone.

Lu Ye frowned. This really was a difficult situation.

Should they leave Ju Jia behind? With such a strong pack of wolves protecting him, then Ju Jia shouldn’t be met with any great dangers. He could even live like a fish in water inside the Grand Wilds Peak.

However, the anomaly generated by Ju Jia’s cultivation was a problem. It had already attracted so many cultivators to come and investigate last time, and even a large number of Spirit Beasts have gathered around. Even if he had survived without issue for so many days, there was no guarantee that he wouldn’t encounter any accidents at any time.

In the midst of these thoughts, Lu Ye suddenly thought of a solution.

The reason why he wanted to take Ju Jia with him was so that he could bring him along to meet up with Fourth Senior Brother and Feng Yuechan, then they were going to look for a suitable area to set up a Primus-level Arcane Glade. They were the ones in charge of finding a spot for the Arcane Glade, but they never sent any news back after so many days had passed, so it was clear that they were still in search of a suitable location.

It wasn’t easy to find a suitable place for an Arcane Glade. First of all, it had to have some degree of seclusion, and secondly, there had to be a sufficient geographical advantage.

Doesn’t the Grand Wilds Peak seem like a good choice?

This was a dangerous place with a high concentration of powerful Spirit Beasts. Even though many cultivators came here to hunt these beasts, they never ventured too deeply into it. So, as long as the location was deep enough, they could reduce the risk of being discovered by other cultivators.

And, this wolf pack following Ju Jia around were like the natural protectors of the Arcane Glade. With such a huge force, even if they went deeper into the Grand Wilds Peak, they would still have sufficient power to deal with most crises.

So, they might not need to take Ju Jia away from here. Situating the Arcane Glade deep inside the Grand Wilds Peak seemed to be a good choice!

At that thought, Lu Ye’s mind suddenly opened up as if he saw the light at the end of a tunnel.

Looking up now, the large wolves the size of calves became much more pleasant to look at, too.

Of course, this was only if the wolves were loyal to Ju Jia! If there wasn’t enough loyalty in place, then no one would feel safe around such a powerful pack.

However, judging from the current situation, loyalty didn’t seem to be a problem. After all, they had to improve the strength of the pack through Ju Jia’s cultivation.

“Amber, tell it to lead us to a safe and quiet place.”

Amber then growled at the wolf pack, who responded from time to time. Then, it looked up at Lu Ye with a human look in its wolf eyes.

A short while later, the pack leader turned around, lowered its head, and nudged Ju Jia onto its back before taking off, heading deep inside the woods at a brisk pace.

Hundreds of giant wolves followed.

Lu Ye also got on the tiger’s back, and with a few quick steps, Amber caught up with the pack leader and ran alongside it.

As they moved deeper and deeper into the Grand Wilds Peak, Lu Ye took out his 10-point map to check their whereabouts.

Currently, they were already in a considerably deep part of the Grand Wilds Peak, and the Spirit Beasts that would generally appear here wouldn’t be too weak. Usually, if a cultivator passed through here, it would definitely be unsafe for them as there may be hidden Spirit Beasts coming out to attack them at any time.

However, no Spirit Beasts dared to challenge the wolf pack.

Lu Ye even saw a Spirit Beast with a strong aura avoiding the trajectory of the wolves. It was only after the pack left that the Spirit Beast let out a few roars as if to vent its frustration at the wolves’ intrusion into its territory.

Half a day later, the wolf pack stopped at a valley. It was a picturesque mountain valley where colorful flowers grew and birdsong played in their surroundings.

The valley was large and was surrounded by mountains on three sides. On one side was a cliff with a sweeping waterfall running down from it, the rumbling of the crashing water incessant. Looking up at it, the sunlight refracted into a colorful haze as it illuminated the splashing water.

Under the waterfall was a river, besides which many wild beasts drank.

“It’s beautiful!” Yi Yi gazed at the waterfall and the rainbow from atop Amber’s head.

Few people knew that such a paradise existed amidst the dangers of the Grand Wilds Peak. Upon checking the 10-point map, Lu Ye found that their location was labeled as Ameliorate Valley.

He flew around the valley with his Flight-Type Artifact, but he didn’t see any traces of Spirit Beasts about.

This was a good location. Not only was the scenery beautiful and the environment pleasant, there were still natural barriers in place. So, if Ju Jia were to cultivate again in the future, then even if the phenomena were to reappear, it could easily be covered by the mountains around the valley, and it wouldn’t draw such a spectacle as before.

“Lu Ye, Lu Ye!” Yi Yi called out to him. “Let’s set up the Arcane Glade here, shall we?”

Clearly, she also had the same idea.

Lu Ye nodded. “I’ll contact Fourth Senior Brother.”

Tapping his hand on his battlefield Imprint, he sent out a message. “Fourth Senior Brother, any ideas on the Arcane Glade’s location yet?”

Li Baxian soon responded saying, “Don’t worry, Little Junior Brother. We’re still looking.”

“I have a suitable place here.”

“Oh? Little Junior Brother found one? Where is it located?”

“Grand Wilds Peak, Ameliorate Valley.”

He waited a while but there was no response from Li Baxian, though he figured that he was probably checking his 10-point map for Ameliorate Valley’s exact location.

It wasn’t until a while later that Li Baxian responded. “Little Junior Brother, this location is too deep inside Grand Wilds Peak. It’s not safe there. If we place our Arcane Glade there, it will reduce our chance of being exposed to cultivators, but the Spirit Beasts there are not to be messed with.”

“The situation is a bit complicated. Senior Brother and Senior Sister Feng should come and convene with me first. You’ll understand then.”

“Very well.” Li Baxian didn’t ask too many questions about it. Since Lu Ye asked them to convene with him, he immediately set off with Feng Yuechan in their direction.

After ending the transmission, Yi Yi asked, “What did Fourth Senior Brother say?”

“They’re on the way, but it’ll take a few days. We can take this time to familiarize ourselves with our surroundings and explore to see whether or not this is a suitable location for the Arcane Glade.”


With a decision made, Lu Ye immediately took action. Even though he had circled around the valley earlier and didn’t find anything special, it was still best to err on the side of caution. After all, Spirit Beasts were naturally good at hiding, and this kind of innate ability was even more powerful than the hiding abilities of any Ghost Cultivator.

Ju Jia was also looking around alongside him.

It was worth mentioning that the wolves were still following him wherever he went, especially the pack leader, whose eyes never left Ju Jia’s side, as if afraid that he would run away.

Almost half a day later, Lu Ye had already checked the area within 50 kilometers of the valley and confirmed that there was no danger here save for a few wild beasts, and there were no signs of other powerful Spirit Beasts either.

As night fell, a round moon hung in the sky. The wolves gathered around Ju Jia, watching him intently, clearly waiting to cultivate with him.

However, Ju Jia had no mind to cultivate and was sitting around a campfire with Lu Ye, gulping as he watched the snake meat roasting over the fire.

He had been living a hard life out in the wilderness by himself since parting ways with Lu Ye, especially in the last two months which he spent in a state of stillness. It had been a long time since he’d had a full stomach.

Amber was next to them, chewing on meat in large bites. It wasn’t long until the large cut of snake meat entered its belly, but it was still not enough to satisfy it. it ran over to Lu Ye and nudged him with its large head, prompting Lu Ye to bring out another cut of snake meat.

Soon, the snake meat was done cooking. Lu Ye and Ju Jia shared the food together, and despite the great difference in their body size, they weren’t much different when it came to consuming food. They had even crunched the bones and gulped them all down into their stomachs.



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