I, a Simple Villager, was Reincarnated as an Infamous Tyrant Prince from 300 Years Ago!

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

First of all, Let’s start with exposing the frauds

“phew……..finally, the numbness from my limbs is gone…….”

As I opened my eyes, a week had passed since I recovered the memories of my previous life.

I opened and clenched my palms to check the overall feeling of my body.

No matter how much of an unwanted hindrance I may be, I suppose attacking me in sleep was still a bit much even for them, and even the servants did their job properly in helping me recover back to fitness.

Well, after having the incident of me getting poisoned in public during a party at the palace, if I got attacked again, people would start doubting the authority and influence of the royal family in and of itself after all.

From the conversations of the servants as well, the imperial household was looking for the culprit behind this assassination attempt so if they did something careless now, they really would have gotten caught.

That said, I’m sure they’ll find some poor noble house that was already on the verge of getting destroyed and make them into a scapegoat for the incident.

“Well, whatever. Leaving that aside…….”

I got up from my bed, and walked towards an old looking shelf………well, almost all the furniture in my room was pretty old looking though. I went close, and opened one of the drawers to take out a shining gold coin that I kept hidden very safely inside.

Inside this imperial palace where I had no allies, only one person had shown me some kindness. This coin was given to me by them, it’s my treasure…..

That said, I was also very young back then, so I don’t even remember who it actually was that gave it to me.

All I remember is that it was a young girl, close to my own age, and nothing more.

……….If I was lucky enough to meet her again, I’d like to thank her properly this time.

It was only because I had this protective charm that I was able to survive here until now.

“Well, it is nothing more than a consolation for the mind of a child.”

I muttered, and then chuckled to myself.

But simply gripping that mere piece of consolation alone filled me up with strength and courage.

“Alright, it’s time to begin.”

I picked up the bell by bedside and rang it with a jolt.

“………You called?”

“P-pardon the intrusion…….”

The people who came inside the room were the maid chief Mrs Tapple, and another young maid

Normally, an even lower class maid would be appointed as my servant but, I suppose after getting poisoned and almost dying, the maid chief herself was appointed to take care of me for now it seemed.

But, Mrs Tapple didn’t seem to show me, the fourth prince, much respect as she glared at me as she curtly answered my call.

On the other hand, the young maid looked afraid that I might lash out of anger or something.

“Forgive me, but I have finally recovered enough to move around so prepare my clothes for me. Also…….I am behind on my work, so bring me the set of ledgers of the Scorpion palace.”


Hearing my words, both of them widened their eyes in shock.

But……acting like a ‘tyrannical’ prince still felt a bit off to me.

It would seem, because of fully recalling the memories of my previous life, even my personality had been warped and fused with my past one.

W-well, once I escape from this palace and become free, I wouldn’t need to act like a haughty prince, so perhaps it’s for the better. Yeah, let’s go with that.

As for Scorpion Palace, that’s the palace where I currently am residing in.

Fredric was in the Sagittarius, Oscar was in Aries, and Robin was in Taurus. Each of the princes had been provided a palace to manage alongside a budget to work with.

And each of the princes had full responsibility over taking care of their own palaces.

Of course there were people like me who had thrown all that work on the shoulders of the attendants and servants but there were also people like Fredric who just had to take care of all the details themselves otherwise they wouldn’t be satisfied. There’s also Oscar who coordinates and cooperates with his subordinates as well. As you can tell, there are many ways to handle it.

Well, Robin too was like me who had thrown all the responsibility to his caretakers and was busy playing around though.

“………Your highness Rudolf, forgive my impudence but you had not paid any attention to your work and were mostly playing around until now. What could you possibly understand even after seeing the ledgers and accounts?”

As expected, Mrs Tapple tried to convince me against doing any kind of work.

Of course she did. If I started checking things, I’ll find out that she’s been embezzling funds out of my living expenses from this Scorpion palace after all.

“That is for me to decide, after I see it all. And if I don’t understand, Mrs Tapple, I’m sure you could explain it all to me, right?”

“Th-that’s certainly true but………”

Haha……..if I pretend like I was asking her to teach me, she couldn’t refuse me any longer.

Now, she must be thinking that she could simply guide me away from noticing her embezzlements in the moment.

“Very well, now that that’s settled, prepare my meal. Bring me some warm soup. Once I have had that, I’ll begin my work.”


The two seemed to become calmer as they gave a bow and then were about to leave when..

“Ah, right, you, come over here.”

“!?! huh, ah, yes!”

Hearing me call for her, the young maid’s body froze up in place.

She thought she had finally escaped from me and now suddenly I had called out her directly. She really must be in deep stress.

Well, before recalling my memories I did torment and punish the servants whenever I felt like it after all.

Thinking back now, even as a child I really was already doing things worthy of being called an ‘evil tyrant’ huh……….

But, that too will be of use to me now.

“What’s your name?”

“Uh, yes! My name is Maya your highness!”

“I see. I wanted to make a request to you in secret Maya. Away from Mrs Tapple’s ears.”

“A-a request….to me…….!?”

I approached closer to the girl, and then whispered in her ear.

There was always a chance that Mrs. Tapple was still outside the room trying to eavesdrop after all.

“I-is it really okay, to do something like that……..?”

“Yes. Also………this should be obvious but if you talk about this to anyone, you know what will happen right?”

“!!? Y-yes, of course, your highness!!”

The moment I grinned evilly while showing my teeth, Maya’s face cramped with fear.

“Good. Then I’ll be counting on you.”

“I-I will take my leave then!”

Maya gave a deep bow, and then flew out of the room as if desperately trying to run away.

“now then………I wonder what kind of face will Mrs. Tapple make?”

In the first place, Mrs Tapple was sent here by someone who was scheming for my downfall anyway. I know that for sure.

She was simply going to be paying for her crimes. You reap what you sow after all.

Just imagining the face Mrs Tapple would make, as well as the expression of the people watching us would make when her embezzlements come to light, I began to snicker with glee.

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