I Am A Corrupt Official, Yet They Say I Am A Loyal Minister!

Chapter 439: The Slanted Moon Returns, Princess Ziyue Ascends to the Throne as Empress!

Chapter 439: The Slanted Moon Returns, Princess Ziyue Ascends to the Throne as Empress!

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The Dayue Dynasty naturally organized resistance. Although their Grandmaster was called away and couldnt intervene, the Dayue Dynasty remained powerful. They relied on the advantage of city walls and the cultivation of talented individuals from the court to resist the approaching righteous army.

The battle between the two sides was fiercely contested, with no clear winner. Princess Ziyue, who was commanding the operation, frowned upon seeing this. The main forces of the Dayue Dynasty were concentrated in the capital city.

Taking control of this territory wouldnt be easy. Even if the righteous army eventually won, it would be a Pyrrhic victory.

In that case, their strength would inevitably be greatly diminished, and if neighboring nations took advantage of the situation, the efforts of these years would go to waste, and the restoration of the empire would become a mere illusion.

In a desperate situation, Princess Ziyue called out to Lin Beifan, I implore the Great Wu Prime Minister to lend a hand! Once this is successful, we will surely offer generous rewards! Lin Beifan looked at the generals around him, who were eager for both protection and potential rewards, and said, You all heard it; its time for you to act!

Upon hearing Lin Beifans words, they enthusiastically responded, Yes, Supreme Commander! Without hesitation, they launched an attack, turning into 20 streaks of light that soared towards the city walls.

With 20 innate experts, they had the potential to change the course of the battle.

When they went all out, they easily broke through the Dayue Dynastys defenses, and in a matter of moments, there was a thunderous roar as the city gates swung open. Princess Ziyues spirits rose, All righteous soldiers and civilians, follow me into the city. The change of dynasty is happening now!

Charge!!! The righteous soldiers were filled with excitement as they rushed into the city. The Dayue Dynastys forces retreated step by step until they reached the imperial palace, with no way to retreat further.

At this moment, the 20 innate experts from the Great Wu Prime Minister continued to advance toward the imperial palace, their momentum unstoppable, and no one could stand in their way. In less than half an incense sticks time, the gates of the imperial palace resounded with a deafening crash as they opened.

Therefore, the righteous soldiers entered one after another, cutting down the palace guards and apprehending members of the imperial family.

Inside the palace, a storm of bloodshed raged. Seeing the inevitable defeat, the Dayue Emperor and the imperial family members, under the protection of skilled experts, escaped through a secret passage. But to their surprise, as they exited the secret passage, they found themselves caught in a encirclement created by Princess Ziyue.

I knew you would try to escape from here! Princess Ziyue sneered. The Dayue Emperor was shocked, How did you know?

Have you forgotten? Who did this palace originally belong to? Princess Ziyue spoke with overwhelming resentment. Twenty years ago, it was you who expelled us from here and then occupied our nest! I escaped through this secret passage!

The Dayue Emperor cursed once again, saying, So you are remnants of the Slanted Moon!

Today, I will avenge my late father and mother, as well as the brothers and sisters of the imperial family! Princess Ziyue shouted, Arrest them all, and I will personally pass judgment on each one!

Yes, Your Highness! the attendants responded.

Next, both sides engaged in a fierce battle. However, due to Princess Ziyues thorough preparations, she managed to eliminate all resistance forces and captured all members of the imperial family, led by the Dayue Emperor. The Grandmaster, who had been battling two Grandmasters, saw this scene and was about to come to their rescue.

But at that moment, he sensed a life-threatening crisis approaching from inside the palace.

There are experts among the righteous army! This is bad, I must escape! He instantly abandoned his plan to rescue the Dayue Emperor, shook off the Sword Immortal and the Saber Saint, and fled for his life.

Lin Beifan wore a faint smile on his face, saying, Running pretty fast! Ill give you the time it takes for an incense stick to burn. If you can escape my pursuit, youre lucky!

The time of an incense stick burned quickly.

Lin Beifan used his mental power to lock onto the Grandmaster, and with an additional ice knife in hand, he disappeared with a swoosh. The blade didnt return, but the world lost another Grandmaster.

With this, the overall situation was settled. Princess Ziyue then brought the Dayue Emperor and others to the entrance of the imperial palace for a public trial.

At this moment, to everyones astonishment, they realized that the leader of the righteous army was actually the former ruler of the Dayue, and furthermore, the last emperors own daughter Princess Ziyue.

In just two or three years, she had successfully restored the dynasty, truly proving that women were just as capable as men!

As heads rolled one by one, the onlookers couldnt help but feel a sense of satisfaction. However, Princess Ziyue began to weep, saying, Father, mother, I have finally avenged you! The Slanted Moon Dynasty will be restored under my rule, and you can rest in peace beneath the earth!

Lin Beifan couldnt help but feel helpless.

If you want to cry, just cry. Why are you hugging me and crying like this?

It was quite awkward in front of so many people, and explaining it wasnt easy.

After crying, Princess Ziyue wiped her tears and snot on Lin Beifans clothes, then regained her composure. Facing the expectant eyes of the crowd, she sincerely and loudly declared, Dear fellow countrymen, although our Slanted Moon royal family made some mistakes in the past, we have paid a heavy price for those mistakes! We have learned the lessons of bloodshed, and now that we have returned, we will not repeat the same mistakes!

Rest assured, we will fulfill all the promises we made to you!

After the restoration of the Slanted Moon Dynasty, the land will be distributed to the righteous army and the people who contributed their efforts! The greater the merit, the more land you will receive! We are the rulers here, and you are also the rulers here! Let us work together to govern this country, ensuring its eternal prosperity! After receiving Princess Ziyues promise, everyone felt reassured.

Their uprising had been partly motivated by the promise of land rewards from the righteous army. Now, it was finally coming to fruition. So, they shouted with enthusiasm:

Long live Princess Ziyue!

Long live the Slanted Moon!

In the following days, Princess Ziyue and her entourage began preparations for the restoration of the Slanted Moon, including her coronation ceremony. They sent out invitations to various countries to attend the coronation ceremony.

At this point, people also learned that the former Dayues righteous army had quite a history, as they were once part of the Slanted Moons old guard. They had spent 20 years diligently working towards this restoration, a truly remarkable feat in history.

This restoration of the Slanted Moon will surely go down in history!

Yes, and they succeeded in just 20 years; its astonishing!

I heard that the one leading this restoration is Princess Ziyue, the daughter of the previous Slanted Moon Emperor! She pursued an elusive dream for over 20 years and actually achieved it. Shes a remarkable woman, truly admirable!

Princess Ziyues coronation marks another extraordinary empress!

Yes, both Great Wu and Dayue now have remarkable empresses, both exceptional beauties!

This ceremony is a must-attend!

As a result, all the invited nations sent dignitaries to attend. Since Lin Beifan was originally in the Dayue, he naturally represented Great Wu.

On the day of the coronation, a massive crowd gathered, and anticipation filled the air. Amid the sea of people, Princess Ziyue, wearing a brand-new dragon robe and a dragon crown, walked with great dignity and grace, supported by the crowd.

She then paid respects to the heavens and earth, honored her parents, and declared the restoration of the nation. The Dayue Dynasty was henceforth renamed the Slanted Moon Dynasty.

Following that, she ascended to the throne as Empress, with the title of Emperor Ziyue of Benevolence and Virtue. This title was bestowed upon her because she had led a peasant uprising and distributed land to the peasants, displaying unparalleled benevolence and virtue.

Next came the enfeoffment of meritorious officials. Anyone who had followed her in the uprising and demonstrated significant achievements received rewards. Many received enfeoffments and promotions.

However, what surprised everyone was that the selection for the Prime Minister and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces had not been made. Doubts arose in everyones mindsdid Empress Ziyue want to consolidate power for herself?

At that moment, Empress Ziyue spoke loudly, Here, I want to express my profound gratitude to one person! Because the restoration of the Slanted Moon Dynasty, my ascension to the throne as Emperor, owes everything to the support of that person! It is he who allowed me to achieve this magnificent feat in just three short years! Without him, none of the present glory would exist!

The people in attendance were all amazed! They hadnt expected that behind Empress Ziyue and the Slanted Moon Dynasty, there was a hidden figure of great influence.

In just three years, Empress Ziyue had accomplished the restoration!

Incredible! Someone couldnt help but ask, Your Majesty, who is this person? Can you please tell us?

Empress Ziyues gaze shifted towards Lin Beifan, carrying an indescribable admiration and affection, and she said, This person is my military strategist. He possesses extraordinary talents that encompass heaven and earth, and he excels in governing the country and leading the army. Throughout the realm, even if we look back in history for years, we cannot find another person of such astonishing abilities!

The crowd was astonished once again!

Talents that encompass heaven and earth, exceptional in governing the country and leading the army!

Throughout the realm, even if we look back in history for years, we cannot find another person of such astonishing abilities!

Could this be a bit exaggerated? Was there really someone that extraordinary?

Zhao Kuo, who was sitting next to Lin Beifan, couldnt help but glance at him and whispered, General, I feel that Empress Ziyue is talking about you! Throughout the realm, only you possess such exceptional abilities!

Lin Beifan: ..

Your Majesty, who is this person, after all? Another person couldnt resist asking.

But Empress Ziyue shook her head, smiling, As for who this person is, I wont reveal it without his permission! But what I want to say is that I cant do without him, and the Slanted Moon cant do without him either! He alone is equivalent to an entire dynasty! Thats why Im leaving both the positions of Prime Minister and Supreme Commander to him!

The crowd was astonished once again. To assign both the critical positions of Prime Minister and Supreme Commander to one person was truly unprecedented!

Under the heavens, only one person could receive such an honor.

But looking at the Slanted Moons officials, they seemed to take it as a matter of course, without any objections. Could it be that there really was this strategist whose abilities were beyond imagination and who had completely won over everyone?

At this point, Zhao Kuo leaned in again and whispered, Supreme Commander, Im even more convinced that Empress Ziyue is talking about you!

Lin Beifan: Shut up! I heard that; dont treat me like a mute!


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