I am Really a Superstar

Chapter 1122: The final battle of the war between humans and the machines!

Chapter 1122: The final battle of the war between humans and the machines!

Translator: Legge Editor: Legge

Zhang Ye?

Which Zhang Ye?

Was it that Zhang Ye?

After a full two seconds of silence, there was a sudden uproar at the press conference venue. Nobody could believe what they had just heard and was shocked by this news. The foreigners might not know who he was, but how could they not know about him. This person was simply too well-known to them. In their country, no one had not heard of Zhang Ye's name. But no one could have expected to hear it spoken from the mouth of China Qiyuan's president at such a venue and in such circumstances!

Zhang Ye would represent them and play?

Have you gone crazy?

Or have we gone crazy!?

In front of the television.

His parents were dumbfounded by what they heard!

His mother said in a daze, "Old Zhang, who did he say it was?"

His father said dumbfounded, "He said…Zhang Ye!"

"Holy shit!" His mother nearly jumped up from her seat. "It's our son? Little Ye is representing the Go world for the challenge? He was the last line of defense they were talking about?"

His father was floored. "With our son's lousy Go skills, how would he know how to play!"

At Old Yao's house.

Yao Mi's mouth was hanging wide open. "Did he read the wrong name?"

Yao Jiancai was so shocked that his jaw almost fell off. "He didn't read it wrong! He was really referring to Zhang Ye!"

Yao Jiancai's wife asked, "Is it someone else with the same name?"

"How many mathematicians are called Zhang Ye?" Yao Mi said, "Besides, to be publicly acknowledged as the smartest person to come along only once a hundred years, there's no other person than Teacher Zhang! Dammit! Goddammit!"

Yao Jiancai nearly vomited blood. "That guy even knows how to play Go?"

His wife was also shocked. "Could they have gotten it wrong?"

At the Heavenly Queen's house.

Zhang Yuanqi was stunned!

Ning Lan was stunned and scared out of her pants. "What? Zhang Ye? That fellow is even getting involved with the Go world now? Isn't he on a two-week break? Why did he appear again? Why does everything have something to do with him? Pfft! I really have to take my hat off to him! Teacher Zhang just can't stay idle for too long!"

Zhang Yuanqi asked, "He can play Go?"

"Who knows!" Ning Lan exclaimed.

At the Rao house.

Rao Aimin was watching the television when she got a surprise.

Yang Shu was also at her place today. She exclaimed, "It's Senior Bro!"

Chenchen said in a speechless manner, "Aunt, you are going to get busy again."

Rao Aimin said, "This Little Zhang, why is he always stirring up things for me!"

As Zhang Ye's agent, the media was sure to come looking for her.

All of the Chinese audience was shocked!

It also went crazy online!

"Did I hear it wrong or did he say it wrong?"

"You didn't hear wrong!"

"Zhang Ye?"

"Holy motherfucking shit!"

"Why is it him?"

"When did Teacher Zhang become a part of the Go world?"

"As a host and an entertainment celebrity, why would he go and play Go? Does he intend to become a Go celebrity too? The issue here is whether Teacher Zhang can do it or not, since even Xiang Rong 9-dan lost!"

"Has China Qiyuan gone crazy?"

"Who knows which of their fucking brain circuits got wired wrong!"

"They could have gotten anyone to step up for this challenge, but it never should have been Zhang Ye!"

"Teacher Zhang is simply too omnipresent!"

We've only gone a week without hearing about him, but Teacher Zhang is popping up again and catching our attention?"

"I admit that Teacher Zhang is smart and his ability to learn is strong. He always manages to get to the top of every field that he dabbles in. He's probably the smartest person in the world right now! But this is Go that we're talking about!"

"Does he even know how to play Go?"

"Who knows!"

The netizens found it totally unacceptable!

The citizens from Japan and Korea were also dumbfounded!

They basically did not know anything about Zhang Ye, nor did they recognize him at all. But with the Internet so advanced, they could easily do an online search and find out everything there was about him!

The Japanese:

"A Chinese superstar?"

"What? It's him?"

"Was he the guy who verbally abused our countrymen at Peking University?"

"Isn't he a celebrity from the entertainment industry?"

"It's that bastard? I've heard about him!"

"Damn, why did they get him to represent them?"

The Koreans:

"I know him!"

"He's the person who beat up Lee Anson!"

"Right, he's a hooligan of the showbiz industry in China!"

"Are China Qiyuan's people crazy? Why did they get a layman to represent them to play Go?"

"This is the last time that Peter will accept a challenge! It's the last chance for the Go world to turn things around! Yet they're treating such an important match like a child's game?"

"It's over. The Go world is doomed!"

"He definitely has no chance of winning against it! They're sending him to his death!"

The outside world was causing an uproar!

It was the same thing at the press conference venue!

During the live broadcast, a reporter immediately raised some doubts.

That female reporter raised her hand and asked, "President Dan, did you get it wrong? Why would you ask a layman to play in this important match?"

Dan Donghe said, "Believe me, we know very well what we're doing. It's precisely because this is an important match that directly affects the honor of the Go world that we're asking Professor Zhang for his help. We cannot afford to lose, nor can we lose again! We will do our best to take on the AI this time!"

A male reporter said, "But Zhang Ye is an outsider to Go!"

Dan Donghe retorted, "Who says that a layman would not know how to play Go? Professor Zhang is publicly acknowledged as the smartest person to come along only once in a century. As for his achievements in the other fields, I believe everyone already knows about them without needing me to explain further. If everyone doubts his Go skills, then I can assure all of you here that Professor Zhang knows how to play Go. And based on what I know, he learned when he was young."

The reporters didn't know how to react!

He learned Go when he was young?

I, too, fucking learned Go when I was young!

Would that be of any use? Would that help with anything? The opponent was an artificial intelligence program that defeated Xiang Rong 9-dan and Park Yuhee 9-dan!

Dan Donghe looked into the audience. "Are there any more questions?"

A reporter from Shanghai Television raised his hand. "Do we stand a chance of winning?"

Dan Donghe said, "That will depend on Professor Zhang! But no matter what the outcome is, we still want to thank him for stepping forward boldly for the Go world! That is because this matter has nothing to do with him. Professor Zhang is already famous and does not lack money or fame. He has no reason to get involved, but for Go and for the honor of humanity, Professor Zhang had chosen to step forward without any hesitation. Therefore, we definitely must be grateful to him!"

When the Americans heard this, they finally understood who this person was that China Qiyuan had gotten to represent them!

A layman?

He was not a professional Go player at all?

He was not even considered an amateur player?

The Americans were extremely tickled!

You Chinese are totally looking down on this artificial intelligence program of ours!

At Zhang Ye's parents' house.

His mother pulled her son out of his bedroom.

Zhang Ye cried out, "What's going on, Mom?"

His mother stared at him. "Are you representing the Go world and competing against the AI?"

"Yeah. Eh, didn't I tell you two already?" Zhang Ye blinked.

His father yelled, "When did you say anything about that!"

Zhang Ye said, "I must have been busy and forgot about it. Didn't I say that someone came to our house earlier? They were people from China Qiyuan who came over to ask me to accept the challenge and help the Go world."

His father exclaimed, "And you agreed just like that?"

Zhang Ye said, "Yeah, I did."

His mother was floored. "You accepted the challenge just because they asked you to? You sure are audacious! You only picked up some beginner Go when you were in elementary and middle school, and now you have the courage to compete against the AI?"

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "I'll just have to give it a try, I guess"

His father asked, "The match will take place tomorrow?"

Zhang Ye nodded.

Ring ring ring. His cell phone rang!

It was Chen Guang.

"Old Chen, what's the matter?"

"What do you think is the matter! What are you thinking, Director Zhang!"

"Ha, you heard about the news already?"

"Of course! Are you sure you can do it?"

"I have to. I'll try my best and fight them!"

Then Dong Shanshan called.

"Zhang'er! Was what was announced at the press conference really true?"

"It's true."

"You're really going to challenge it?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"When did you learn how to play Go?"

"During elementary school. I've always known how to play."

"I could never have expected that the Go world would invite you!"

"I did not expect this either."

The calls came one after another.

Zhang Ye's group of friends, including Yu Yingyi, Zhang Xia, Yao Jiancai, Xiaodong, Ning Lan, and Ha Qiqi, were all startled as they called him to confirm the news!

The press conference ended!

Rao Aimin's cell phone exploded with calls from the media!

It was the same thing over at China Qiyuan!

On Weibo, many experts were starting to openly question the announcement!

On the same night, news started spreading everywhere!

"Zhang Ye to represent Go world to fight the final battle!"

"The fourth Go player to represent humanity is Zhang Ye?"

"Zhang Ye vs. Peter!"

"The fourth battle in the war between humans and machines—Zhang Ye steps up!"

"China Qiyuan's shocking decision!"

"Zhang Ye has once again become the talk of the town!"

"Can humanity regain its honor?"

"Just how good is Zhang Ye at Go? "

"Humanity's strongest brain versus the most powerful AI: Who will be the winner?"

The outlook was very pessimistic!

Not even Zhang Ye's fans believed in him, much less the professionals and media!

"Teacher Zhang, can you stop fooling around?"

"Why don't you do something proper instead?"

"You're even getting involved with the Go world now?"

"Pfft, didn't you say you were on a break?"

"I can already picture how Teacher Zhang will look after suffering a miserable defeat!"

Even though there was doubt and pessimism, one thing was without a doubt:

The future of Go?

The honor of humans?

Now, all that fell onto Zhang Ye's shoulders!

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