I Am the Fated Villain

Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268: Not seeing her every day is like three autumns; you can call me the grave keeper

Beyond the shattered star field, an indifferent Immortal King stood. His colossal form enveloping the universe, eyes gleaming like brilliant suns. His massive hand descended, obliterating stars that cascaded down like flowing fire toward the earth below.

Rivers broke, evaporated by vast spiritual energy. Lands disintegrated, and sacred mountains crumbled. Once-thriving planets were reduced to desolation and evacuated overnight as people fled their homes and abandoned their homeland.

Under the Immortal King’s majesty, the starry sky shattered, leaving nothing in its wake. In a distant place, another Immortal King unleashed ruthless attacks, suppressing Daoism and collapsing the universe.

Following Gu Changge’s orders, they sought to force the survivors of the Immortal Palace to reveal themselves.

For ordinary creatures, this was an impending catastrophe. The unwavering determination of the Immortal King left no room for negotiation. With a mere gesture, a universe could be erased.

During this time, terrifying disaster scenes unfolded in the star fields, casting reflections in the immortal sky. Cultivators and creatures in the distant universe trembled, fearing the impending repercussions.

In the Immortal Domain, at the Wang family residence, Ni Chen, who occupied Wang Wushang’s body, contemplated the unfolding events. His eyes flickered with understanding as he sat cross-legged in a cave, radiating a seven-colored light.

“It appears to be an effort to force the remnants of the former Immortal Palace to reveal themselves. Even the two Immortal Kings of the Palace have set out. This signals a major event,” he remarked.

Rising from his meditation, an old true immortal stood respectfully outside the cave.

However, upon closer inspection, one would notice that the expression in his eyes remained astonishingly indifferent, devoid of any discernible emotion. During this period, Ni Chen, utilizing the talents of the Underworld clan and aided by the heroic spirits of the ancestors, successfully apprehended several true immortals within the palace.

In the current palace, aside from the two immortal king ancestors and a few formidable beings approaching the quasi-immortal king level, no one threatened his safety.

Moreover, Ni Chen had relocated his starry sky incarnation to the Wang family’s territory, gradually asserting control over this starfield. According to his plan, the entire palace would be under his dominion within ten years.

“It’s time to descend to the lower realm to meet Miss Ziji,” Ni Chen contemplated.

The only person he remembered was Wang Ziji, who had been dedicated to Gu Changge by two immortal kings of the Wang family. There had been no news of her since then, causing Ni Chen considerable worry.

After capturing several real immortals in the palace, he discovered a clue. Wang Ziji seemed to have known Gu Changge for a long time. This realization prompted Ni Chen to plan a visit to the lower realm.

As the second person he missed deeply, Wang Ziji possessed an inexplicable aura that even Ni Chen found challenging to articulate. Her absence had left him longing, and he began contemplating the plan to reunite with her.

Not seeing each other for a day felt like three autumns, and he pondered the length of time since their last meeting.

If I go to the upper realm, true immortals will be bound by rules, and the odds are slim. In the lower realm, however, it should be more than sufficient. I don’t need to worry about that.

Ni Chen rose from his contemplations and departed from the cave, issuing orders to descend to the lower realm, announcing his intention to visit the upper boundary. Given his esteemed status, none in the clan would dare to disobey him, as the Immortal King’s ancestors highly valued him.

The palace swiftly arranged a boundary-breaking chariot, transporting Ni Chen directly to the upper boundary. A true immortal accompanied him, ostensibly for protection, but in reality, this real immortal had long been taken over by Ni Chen, serving as an incarnation puppet.

Simultaneously, after leaving the Floating Realm, Qing Feng pursued the clues that led him to the Nine Heavens. He stood atop a mountain, silently observing a chessboard before him.

A middle-aged man in white sat cross-legged, calmly contemplating the chess pieces before him. His expression exuded a detached calmness, transcending worldly concerns. A mysterious aura enveloped him as if surrounded by billions of stars, evoking boundless immortal spirits—a true ancient immortal.

The surroundings resembled a magnificent mountain range, akin to the paradise envisioned by the world. Energy surged, chaos pervaded the atmosphere, and the soil glowed, nurtured by the mother energy of chaos. Fragrant immortal medicines swayed, and the landscape featured towering purple rocks, smooth cliff walls, verdant grass, and flourishing ginseng.

A lone Qilin rested under a bluestone, silver mane hanging down, steam rising, and spirit birds soaring. This legendary realm was the Nine Heavens, a place sought and yearned for by countless beings draped in endless immortal intent.

Qing Feng arrived at this sacred location after being carried by an old white turtle resembling Xuanwu and guided by a Daoist boy with red lips and white teeth.

Although appearing young, the Daoist boy exuded an aura of age and wisdom, with eyes reflecting the weight of time.

The middle-aged man in white, acknowledged as “master” by the Daoist boy, had seemingly remained engrossed in the chessboard since Qing Feng’s arrival, unmoved even when addressed.

Frustration welled within Qing Feng, yearning to convey that he had discovered the Nine Heavens’ location and a potential means to save the Floating Realm.

As impatience peaked, the middle-aged man in white shifted his attention away from the chessboard, acknowledging Qing Feng’s presence. Before Qing Feng could utter a word, the man’s deep gaze enveloped him as if unraveling every secret within.

Aware of the scrutiny, Qing Feng respectfully inquired, “I already know your origin. As the only person who has truly stepped into the Nine Heavens in so many eras, there is something about you that makes me curious.”

The man’s flat tone carried an underlying depth, prompting Qing Feng to concentrate and address him respectfully, “I don’t know how to call the senior?”

Prompted by a smile from the man, Qing Feng awaited his response.

“What do you call me?”

“You can call me Gravekeeper,” the middle-aged man in white replied with a light smile.

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