I am the Monarch

Chapter 95: Poskein Exodus (6)

Another to make your day better

The atmosphere of the conference room was complicated.

A calm and excited feeling.

It was the place to set up plans for the subjugation, but most of the nobles were thinking about other things.

‘I have to go to another region that’s not the region of Tale.’

‘If I remain here, I will get commanded by a commoner.’

Originally, they tried to be next to Simon.

They wanted to at least flatter him on somewhere he could see.

But now, the situation had changed.

Nobles above the rank of count had quite strong prides.

They thought it to be difficult to receive Roan’s orders.

“I will get in charge of the west of Pavor castle.”

“I will take responsibility for Peltin region.”

The nobles started to say that they would get in charge of the rear regions.

Because of that, 5 nobles with the rank of viscount and baron that didn’t have any forces or strength remained in the region of Tale.

But of course, there was one that proposed to remain in the region of Tale.

‘Viscount Delph Blick.’

He was a noble that was now 40 years old and had the size of a bear and a fierce temperament.

‘The one that followed the mad monarch until the end.’

Thanks to that, Roan could clearly remember him.

‘He excels in strength, but his problem is his hurried temperament and hot blooded.

So to say, he was similar to Semi.

‘If I can only control him well, he’s a commander that would be of great strength’

While Roan was thinking and pondering of several things, the conference was soon greeting it’s end.

“Fine. Then, let’s end the conference now.”

Simon nodded with a satisfied expression.

There was no way he didn’t know about the plots and displeasures of the nobles.

But he was still satisfied even while taking that into account.

‘It’s because of Roan.’

Because there was already a solid defensive line set up in the entire region of Tale.

Simon said while looking at the nobles.

“Each of you will perform your roles as the day brightens.”

“Yes. Understood.”

All the nobles stood up and bowed.

Their expressions were pathetic.

They also knew quite well the meaning this subjugation had.

‘I have to certainly raise a big merig.’

That was the method everyone could stay alive.

Roan felt the heat of the nobles and smiled bitterly.

‘I thought that I just had to stop the exodus well to take the upper seat in the competition for the throne.’

But the future didn’t flow that easily.

Roan took in a deep breath.

‘The really fierce and cruel competition still didn’t start.’

He had to prepare for then.

He had met Simon faster than he thought.

Because of that, he had to hurry in his remaining preparations.

‘I am confident.’

He had already polished some of his base.

Now was the turn to stand up on that base.


Morning of the next day.

As soon as the day brightened up, most of the nobles lead their troops and left Mediasis village.

The remaining ones were the five viscounts and barons.

Along with Simon’s army and Io’s soldiers.

Roan sent the leaving nobles off as the responsible one of the region of Tale and the HQs.


Roan let out a short sigh when the nobles left with their troops.

“It’s not easy, right?”

Then, a familiar voice was heard at the back.

It was Io.

He approached with a proud expression and grabbed Roan’s shoulders.

“They are all nobles with useless pride.”

Io smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He looked at the nobles getting farther away and continued saying.

“Congratulations on getting the commanding and strategizing rights for Tale. Now, you will be able to properly do your thing.”

Although many nobles have left, just by combining the number of Simon’s army and the soldiers of the other nobles, that number amounted to more than 20.000.

For Roan that had faced the monsters with only 1.000 soldiers of Amaranth troop, it was a force just like a thousand war horses.

The opportunity to execute the several strategies, tactics he couldn’t do it because he lacked numbers was now possible.

But of course, it wouldn’t be easy.

Io looked at Roan and asked in a low voice.

“Although the nobles that remained are only viscounts and barons, a noble is still a noble. They won’t be easy to handle, are you confident?”

At those words Roan put a faint smile.

A look that was full of confidence and leisure.

“Now that I became the responsible…….”

Red light shone in his eyes.

“There’s no differentiation between nobles and commoners. They are all soldiers.”

A voice with strength.

Io slowly nodded.

‘I can already see the look of a commander.’

A proud expression.

Roan and Io smiled faintly and faced themselves.

Their sights got interlocked with a strong heat.


After Roan returned to the HQ’s he ordered Austin to gather all the nobles that remained in Tale.

The gathering place was on a secluded building outside the HQ.

It was because SImon was using the office and conference room.

“Tch. Already pretending to be a commander.”

Among the nobles that remained in Tale and had the strongest force, baron George Ant complained with a displeased expression.

Because he received Roan’s gathering order while he was setting up a camp and placing down his stuff.

“Hmph. Even if he’s outstanding, how outstanding can he be…….”

George had also read the several reports and knew how outstanding Roan’s merits were.

But his pride hurt to easily recognize him.

‘Tch. Dare to make a mistake. I will finish you from the seat of region’s responsible one.’

He spitted out nice and kept moving.

He saw the gathering building from far away.

“You came.”

The guards that were in front of the building saluted once and then opened up the closed doors.

The soldiers that belonged to Amaranth troop had manners and dignity in their actions.


George smacked his lips for nothing and entered the building.

As he looked the humble posture of the guards, he felt his mood loosening up.

He moved a few more steps and opened up the door of the conference room.

At that moment.

‘Damn it.’

The loosened up expression became hard again.

No, it became flustered.

His sight moved to the upper seat of the conference room.

‘So you are the commander, huh?’

Roan was seated on the upper seat of the long table.

Next to him, the nobles and knights of Simon’s army and the nobles that remained with George were seated up.

They also had bad expressions like George.

He knew that he had to take Roan’s orders because of Simon’s orders and agreed because he had no other options, but as he was facing the situation itself, it didn’t feel that good.


George cursed out inwardly and then moved.

He sat on an empty seat with a heavy thud.

A feeling his situation with Roan was being differentiated.


Curses came out once again.


“We are all gathered up.”

A low but composed voice.

Roan stood up and put a faint smile.

He looked at the faces of the nobles and then bowed.

“I’m Roan that got to command the region of Tale with the orders of the 1st prince.”

There were no applauses.

Not even friendly eyes.

But Roan didn’t mind.

“I know really well that you are all displeased with this situation. But it’s time to concentrate on making the subjugation to be a victory rather than ranks.”

It was a completely true thing.

But the expressions of the nobles were still the same.

‘It’s just like I expected.’

Roan smiled bitterly and sat down.

He took out a thick roll of paper and grabbed a pen.

“Shall we grasp the number of the soldiers first? Exactly how many soldiers are in the army of the 1st prince?”

Right before he finished saying his sentence, the leader of the knights that was at his side said with a blunt voice.

“15.000. 2000 are knights and 500 mages.”

It was a more solid and amazing force than he thought.

Roan kept asking the forces of the nobles seated at his side.




Short replies.

The number of the forces were generally similar.

In the case of the nobles that had a territory, they didn’t have much soldiers as they needed some to protect their territory.

‘Adding up the soldiers of count Lancephil, do I have about 28.000?’

An army close to 30.000.

Roan’s mouth slightly rose.

‘This much is enough.’

Several strategies and tactics he couldn’t use until now roamed in his head.

He took out a scroll from his chest.

The map of the region of Tale.


The map got spread above the table.


The nobles let out low exclamations.

They had also heard in the conference that Roan had made a map.

But as they actually saw it with their eyes, it was kind of perplexing.

‘He really made one.’

‘For a map to be this detailed.’

Everyone had surprised expressions.

But Roan didn’t care.

He spread the map and raised up a pointing stick.


The tip of the stick pointed the troop’s HQ.

“This is Mediasis village.”

The nobles unconsciously nodded.

Roan smiled faintly and moved his stick.

“This is Poskein lake.”

An outline appeared even when he only pointed to places.

Roan continued speaking.

“We are going to set up a defensive line in the south of Mediasis village as the base.”

The stick kept moving sideways on the map.

“I’m planning to set up a perfect defensive line that goes from east to west to block the path of the monsters.”

Roan pointed the several dots drawn in the map.

“These are camps that are already set up. If you use this camps actively, it will be of big help on setting up your own camps.”


The nobles unconsciously nodded.

Because the camps, traps and obstacles Roan prepared were more solid than they thought.

Roan smiled faintly and continued speaking.

“Then, I will speak about the dispatchment of the troops.”

The stick moved quickly.

“First, as the army of the 1st prince is the strongest……..”

Roan calmly spread the plans he had thought up.

A solid plan.

‘He’s amazing just like the prince said.’

Viscount Tío Ruin, that ranked among the heads of the nobles, got greatly amazed.

But the expressions of the other nobles wasn’t as good.

“Lastly, I hope sir baron George Ant sets up a formation at the end of the east of Tale.”

The last order.


George snorted with a displeased expression.

He could endure everything else because it was Simon’s orders.

But he couldn’t do so for this one.

“How come I get to set up a formation at the end?”

An upset voice.

He stood up from his seat and pointed the a part of the map with his finger.

“I will also take place near Mediasis village.”

Now that he got to remain near Tale, he would have to stay near Simon.

He had to raise merits where his eyes reached.

Roan shook his head with a composed expression.

“That’s impossible.”

At that moment, George’s face became red.

‘This bastard!’

To ignore the words of a noble.

Anger pent up.

“Among the nobles that remained in the region of Tale, I have the most numbers of soldiers. So isn’t it obvious for me to defend the center, that is Mediasis village?”

It was the truth.

George had done the unreasonable to bring soldiers from his territory to raise big merits at this opportunity.

Thanks to that, he had more numbers than the other nobles.

But Roan shook his head once again.

“Baron Ant has to guard the eastern region.”

A composed voice.

“That’s the moving route of the monsters.”

That’s why he had dispatched George, that had the most numbers, over there.


George smacked down the table with a red face.

“It seems like you became unable to see things properly because you became the commander through the prince’s orders! I am a noble of the kingdom……”

When he talked up to there.


Roan pulled the dagger in his waist.

Regate dagger.

That sharp and fierce dagger showed itself.



The nobles got surprised and stood up from their seats.

Roan didn’t mind and sticked down the dagger to the table.


George looked the dagger stabbing towards the back of his hand and gulped in some air.


A heavy sound hitting your ears.

The dagger got precisely stuck at the tip of George’s fingers.


George trembled and looked at Roan.

“You bastard what are you doing right now!”

Even his voice was trembling.

Roan looked at that George properly and said with a fierce voice.

“This dagger is Regate dagger that the 1st prince granted to me.”

The dagger moved to the sides while being stuck in the table.

“The prince has certainly said to follow my orders like it was his.”

His fierce voice got stuck in the ear of the nobles.


A displeased and stiff expression.

But now that Roan took out Regate dagger, he had no way to rebuke anymore.

Roan looked at George properly.

“Will you disobey my orders?”


George stepped back.

He wanted to grab his throat and raise him up, but he couldn’t do so because of Regate dagger.

“Damn it.”

George cursed out and sat with a thud.

And the expressions of the other nobles also wasn’t good.

There were also some nobles that had complaints in their dispatchment location, but Roan’s actions just now was ignoring the title of nobility.

Roan read that look but didn’t care.

“Then. I believe you will all follow my orders.”

There were no reactions.

“With this, I will end the meet……..”

When he talked up to there some nobles stood up and got out of the room.

“The world is spinning backwards!”

“Damn it!”

“Does this make sense!”

Some nobles complained loudly on purpose.

At the sudden situation, Roan smiled bitterly and finished speaking.

“I will end the meeting here.”

The conference ended like that.

Even the other nobles that remained slowly stood up and got out of the room.

Roan stayed on the room and sent them off.

The conference room that became empty in an instant.


“Did the meeting end up well?”

Austin appeared with a familiar voice.

He had a somewhat worried face.

Roan smiled brightly and nodded.

“More than I thought.”

A short and thick reply.

Austin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“Will high nosed nobles follow your orders well?”

A really skeptical reaction.

Roan smiled brightly and nodded.

“They have to. My orders are the prince’s orders. But……”

He looked at Austin fixedly.

“It won’t be bad having one or two nobles not following my orders.”

At those words Austin tilted his head.


Roan just smiled instead of replying.

His mouth rose and his eyes dropped.

A soft look.

But there was a red flame in his eyes.

That was a revelation of a strong determination.

< Poskein Exodus (6) > End

TL: Sponsored chapter! These chapters were sponsored by the same rich guy. Thanks JG!

Translator : Subak

Proofreader: st8_lupe.

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