I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 117 - Expulsion? (2)

Chapter 117 - Expulsion? (2)

"I thought I told you to leave." The mistress immediately got up and stood in between Ashton and the director.

"Pretty bold of you to assume I would leave a precious student alone with you." The director replied with a smile on her face, "As much as I would like to argue with you and put you in your place, right now we have bigger things to focus on."

The mistress took several deep breaths to keep her temper in check before walking out of their way. The tension between the mistress and the director was something that had been there long before Ashton was even born.

But for the sake of helping their precious werewolf, both of them were willing to set their differences aside and work together... for now.

"You have gotten all of us into trouble, Ashton. Even me." The director scolded him playfully.

Whether or not she was doing this to lift his mood was left to be seen. But seeing her smile indeed helped Ashton's mood. However, he couldn't help but feel a bit worried by what she had said.

"You wanna know why am I trouble?" She asked Ashton who nodded back, "Since I was the one who gave you permission to attend the classes again, it's obvious I would be in some sort of trouble. You see, I myself have a hearing date to see if my actions have been jeopardising the safety of the students."

"Well, it was long overdue." Mistress scoffed.

Ashton did not know what could have possibly happened between the two of them, but for the mistress to be acting like this, it must have been something huge. As much as Ashton would have liked to know about that, he already had too much on his plate.

However, there was one more piece of news the director had to give to him. A new that Ashton did not like at all. Not one bit. Due to his continuous violence on the academy grounds... he had been expelled from the academy. Well, technically, it was more of a suspension than expulsion.

"Don't worry, if everything goes according to plan. You'll be back in the academy within no time."

The director reassured him and even though Ashton did not have a pint of trust in her, it wasn't like he could have done something about it. He had been warned again and again and yet he always ended up in one mess after another. As a result, the director had to take some sort of action against him.

That action being, expulsion. However, if during the trial, the king showed some leniency towards him, then Ashton just might be able to attend the academy once again. The director had assured him that she would call on every favour from all of the influential people she knew to make it possible.

But till then, Ashton was no longer a student of the academy. Which wasn't fair to him, as none of the others had even been suspended, let alone expelled. But it was what it was.

Not being able to talk was pissing Ashton off incredibly. There were a lot of things he wanted to talk about but couldn't. He tried using gestures as well, but thanks to his broken body, it was a no go as well.

While the Mistress and the Director did their best to interpret his expressions and body language, they were still having a tough time conversing.

'If only Rose was here everything would have been comfortable.' Ashton thought as he continued trying to talk about what happened to him while he was 'berserking'. After half an hour of awkwardly pointing at himself and his injuries, the director finally got what Ashton was asking.

Sadly, there was nothing much to know other than that Ashton lost control over himself and brutally pummeled the seniors there to the brink of death. As for the injuries he got, he had received them from the other seniors who tried to put a stop to his rampage but were unsuccessful.

"According to Professor Amaira, it appeared as if your mind had turned off all of the sensory organs. They stabbed you, broke your bones, in hopes of stopping you. But your brain did not register any kind of pain and you kept beating the three seniors."

She continued, "Even after Professor Amaira herself jumped into the arena to stop you, you completely ignored her and continued beating them up. Especially, Mr Lancaster, who was in the worst condition among the three-"

'That did not help me either.' Ashton sighed and ignored whatever she was saying, 'Maybe I should try asking Anna about it. Wait, I can't... because of this stupid expulsion!'

"Don't get your hopes high yet. Remember the final decision would depend on that asshole father of mine." Mistress interrupted the director, "I don't know whether he would care enough to verify that fact or not, but since you're a Bismark, he would certainly not make it easy for you. Hell, it'd surprise me if he did not throw you in prison just because you're mine."

'I'm no one's, bitch!' For once Ashton was glad he could not speak or else he would have certainly yelled it out loud.

But the King was not the only problem. The jury would most likely be made of Nobles which was far worse than having King Jonathan be the judge.

"That is a problem." The director mumbled and suddenly everything went silent, "However, we have 'voir dire' to help us out."

As it is known, the jury is an important part of a trial, thus it was also the thing that could help them. After all, that's where the mistress's and the director's influence would come into play.

Lawyers and judges select juries by 'voir dire', which means 'to speak truth'. It was basically a test to see whether the jurors are suitable to take part in the trial or not. As for the list of potential jurors, the lawyers from both parties recommend a bunch of people to take the test and then they get selected on the basis of the results.

This was their only hope as through this process, they could get some support for Ashton in a courtroom filled with enemies.

"Since the trial is next week, let's not waste any more time and get to work!" The mistress exclaimed and got to work, "Till then, so not cause anymore troubles, you bastard!"

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