I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 179 - Authority (2)

Chapter 179 – Authority (2)

For a moment everyone thought Michelle was pulling some sort of prank on them. But upon noticing the seriousness on her face, their thoughts were a bit… all over the place.

It hadn't been too long from when Ashton was just a student at the academy, and now he had been sent back to monitor everyone and help establish some sort of peaceful situation inside the academy.

"I-I didn't know-" Amaira immediately jumped to crisis control.

She and Ashton did not share the best of relationships as student and teacher. Also, she had openly supported the Gruntas whenever she could. This gave Ashton two quick reasons to have her suspended or worse… fired from the Academy.

"Of course, you didn't." Ashton scoffed, "When have you ever known anything apart from licking the shoes of the nobles?"

It would be an understatement to say Ashton was having fun berating her. Was he abusing his power over them? Pretty much yeah. But was he wrong? Maybe not.

The authority he had been granted by the king was more than enough to question even the professors and if found guilty, he could indirectly punish them as well, by having them get fired or something. As long as they were a resident of Lycania and not some other kingdom.

In other words… He could take care of Granta's if he wanted to and no one would be able to touch a single strand of his hair. And if they still tried to, well, then they'll have a bloodthirsty king chase them to the depths of hell.

Although, Ashton would preferably take care of his messes by himself rather than depend on people whom he hated. By this time, the rest of Ashton's team arrived there along with the local police, who were also under Ashton's command until the situation at the academy was solved.

It went without saying people were not too keen to serve under a mutt. Especially someone who was barely an adult. Thus the chances of the police department refusing to cooperate was quite high.

Jonathan had already foreseen this issue and had come up with a solution as well and sent one of the high ranking royal knights with Ashton to make sure all of Ashton's orders were fulfilled without any problem.

But before punishing Nicole and the rest of them, Ashton had some other thing to take care of.

"Where is professor Rose?" He asked the professors as she wasn't present along with the rest of them.

"She must be in her chamber. Ever since the king went on a rampage-" Professor Tanaka, another one of the purists answered Ashton, but immediately backtracked his words under the presence of the royal knights.

"I meant ever since the king decided to punish those who were a threat to the kingdom." Tanaka mumbled with an awkward smile on his face, "I guess someone close to her was punished as well."

"If what you're saying is true, then we should question her as well." One of the knights suggested while looking at Ashton.

"Don't bother with unnecessary things." Ashton advised the knights with certain finality in his voice, "You people take care of these… troublemakers while I talk to her. Also, while I'm gone, Virgil is in command."

"As you wish, sir." The knights bowed and got to work.

"Y-You don't have the authority-" Nicole began rambling as a knight picked placed handcuffs on her.

"Oh, I have all the authority I need to make your life hell. Now take her away." Ashton sent her off to jail with a smile, "Also, Baiter, if anyone asks for your name-"

"I'll tell them it's not their concern…"

Ashton did not want the students there to think that his companions were weird, and keeping Baiter's name in check was one of the important things for that.

A moment later, Ashton headed inside Rose's room and knocked on the door. There was no reply. he knocked again and still no reply.

Fearing the worst, he broke the door and rushed in. Which turned out to be a mistake…? or maybe it was a blessing… for a boy his age at least.

In front of him, Rose stood with only a towel wrapped around her. It wasn't huge enough to contain her… assets completely. As water dripped down her wet hair, carefully caressing her body. It would appear she had just walked out of the shower it took Ashton a lot of effort to take his eyes away from her.

"You know, it's polite to wait outside if someone isn't answering the door." Rose replied with a luscious smile, "Or were you hoping to catch me in a situation like this? Loads of students have fantasies about their teachers but you took it to the next level."

"M-My bad… I acted on impulse. A lot of people have been disappearing these days so I thought. Never mind, I'll wait outside." Rose's talking was enough for Ashton to force himself to turn around and leave. But he was stopped by Rose.

"No need for that. We can talk while I get dressed. Just keep your back turned against me." Rose chuckled mischievously, "I hope it would be a 'hard' task for you."

Ashton shook his head in dismay but kept his word. A minute passed before either of them spoke a word.

"I suppose you are here to find out beloved director?" Rose Asked.

"That is one of the reasons I'm here for. But right now we have some other things to discuss." Ashton replied.

"About what?"

"Lucifer and… Mike."

Something dropped out of Rose's hands the moment she heard about Mike. That was enough for Ashton to confirm his suspicions. Rose and Mike were related… maybe she even knew about him being a part of the conundrum.

If that was the case then… Ashton would never be able to trust Rose as he did before. It would simply be impossible. But then again he would need her to get in contact with Lucifer. Depending on her answer… things could get unnecessarily complex.

"Did you know….?"

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