I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 201 That Level Of Deception Won’t Work Against Me (3)

Chapter 201 That Level Of Deception Won’t Work Against Me (3)

The silence in the room was louder than it had ever been. All of them had been piling up on the werewolves to show them their place in Transylvania. However, instead, they ended up receiving a tight slap on their faces.

As the heads rolled away from the pile, there was no mistaking it. The heads definitely belonged to vampires. The proof was enough to show them that someone had hired the vampires to attack Kai.

"I believe they were mercenaries hired by Camilla or the ones working from the shadows to kill Lord Kai. A quick investigation should be enough to find who these people are and why they accepted a bounty on someone like Kai. I hope this is enough, your highness."

Ashton replied to Alucard in a respectful voice. Alucard nodded and looked towards Griffin to see if he was satisfied, but it didn't seem like he was.

"That does clear the suspicion of you faking the accident, but a question still remains. Where is Camilla's corpse?"

Unlike everyone else in the throne room, Griffin was unphased by the appearance of the severed heads. He had seen too many of those already, the wars he had been in had turned his nerves into steel, and so was his mind.

"I burned her. That's why nothing of her was left behind." Ashton confidently replied.

He knew pretty much everything about killing vampires. At least those things that Mera was aware of and according to her, burning a vampire wouldn't leave any marks behind. Not even ashes or bones were left behind.

In other words, no one would ever be able to know whether a vampire was killed using fire or not until and unless someone saw it with their own eyes.

For this reason, Ashton chose to lie about the fire rather than some other way as it was the best way to explain the mystery of the missing corpse to them.

However, their reaction to Ashton's claim wasn't what Michelle had expected. As soon as he recounted the tale of fire consuming Camilla, Griffin smirked while the other counts and countesses began laughing like mad people.

"So, you used fire to kill Camilla. Are you sure that's the story you want to stick to?"

"Pretty sure." Ashton nodded his head.

Ashton was sticking to his tale because Griffin was about to fall into his trap. Despite what Mera had told him, Ashton had confirmed the fact with Celeste whether or not it was possible to kill a vampire using fire.

While it was true the flames could kill a vampire, Celeste informed him an ordinary fire won't be able to do much against them. Only fire imbued with mana, also known as Mystic Blue Flame, would be able to kill a vampire.

Ashton had intentionally left this part out in his explanation and didn't mention using the mystic flames, and just said he burned her using 'fire'.

"Then may I ask how did you obtain mystic blue flame to do so?" Griffin asked with a sudden seriousness on his face, but the seriousness turned to bafflement a moment later when Ashton just showed him how.

"I believe this device is capable of doing so?" Ashton took out a lighter from his inventory and threw it toward Griffin.

The latter was shocked into speechlessness. It was no ordinary lighter, but a magical weapon that assassins of their kind used to carry with themselves. It was their favourite way of committing suicide, just in case the enemies wanted to capture them and then torture them into revealing sensitive information.

In fact, Ashton had only picked one of those lighter to keep as memorabilia while he was busy decapitating the five mercenaries. But to his surprise when he showed it to Celeste, she revealed the true purpose of the device which then prompted Ashton to come up with the plan to cover up the mystery of Camilla's missing corpse.

"Do you have any other questions, great knight?" Ashton asked with a poker face, but on the inside, he was trying his hardest not to laugh there after seeing the faces of everyone there.

Griffin shook his head and stepped back. But now it was Ashton's turn to put the vampires in their place... verbally of course. If a fight was to break out then and there, then it wouldn't be in Ashton's favour.

He turned around and Michelle knew he was about to cause a scene there. While she was there to stop something like that from happening, after seeing how well Ashton had handled everything so far, she couldn't help but want to know what he was about to do next.

"I am well aware of the differences between the vampires and the werewolves. But when I saw Lord Kai being attacked by his own kind I realised something..." Ashton boldly began addressing the audience, "Maybe were aren't all that different."

He continued, "You will always look down upon those who are weaker than you. No matter what their actions show, you will always choose to believe whatever is convenient for you. Just like at this moment it was the need to prove me wrong."

Everyone was quiet as Ashton kept poking them over and over with his verbal sword. It hurt especially more to those who were trying to corner him a few moments ago. But other than them, someone else also took notice of his words and decided to interrupt him.

"There is one thing you still need to clear, sir Ashton." Verina, the first princess got up from her throne, "You proved the Vampires were behind the attack, but you never clarified how you managed to kill all of the assailants by yourself."

Ashton was secretly hoping someone would ask the question to him, but he hadn't hoped that the princess would be the one to question him out of everyone present there.

"Hm... considering I am the only witness, as Lord Kai was unconscious and the assailants are dead," Ashton mumbled, "I guess you will need to inject me with a truth serum to confirm what I already told you."

"That won't be necessary." This time Irina, the second princess spoke up, "We can know if you're speaking the truth or not, simply by testing your strength. If you manage to defeat both Verina and I, then you won't need to prove anything to anyone. Would you accept the challenge and prove your greatness?"

"Your highness, that's a bit-" Michelle tried to mitigate the situation but failed.

"I accept your challenge, your highness," Ashton said with a smile before thinking, 'What would be a better way to put these bloodsuckers to their place than by defeating the next rulers of the kingdom.'

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