I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 239 Evolution (2)

Chapter 239 Evolution (2)

[Are you ready now?]

"I think so." Ashton nodded and sat down in the middle of the bunker that Baiter had built.

It wasn't supposed to be used for a purpose like this, but considering Ashton did not have any other options, the dungeon would have to make do for now.

As for choosing an evilutionary path, upon careful deliberation, Ashton had decided to go with Astaroth's advice. However, Astaroth made it clear anything could happen during the evolutionary procedure. He would be in his most vulnerable position, and could even unintentionally harm himself and the people around him.

His exact words were something along the lines of going mad because of the pain, similar to what happens whenever he goes berserk. But only it would be ten times worse since he wouldn't be in the right mind to control his body.

The more Astaroth talked, the more Ashton thought about whether evolution was a curse or a gift? Well, the after-effects of evolving were good and all but what was the point of it if there was a chance he could lose his crap even before he got to enjoy those 'gifts'.

Regardless, Ashton didn't want to injure someone. That's why Ashton decided to do it while inside the bunker as it should be strong enough to take care of his berserking self without causing harm to others around him.

On top of that, he had instructed everyone to stay away from the bunker till he comes out of there and no matter what, they were not supposed to get inside.

As even Astaroth didn't know how long the evolution process would last. Statistically speaking it could take anywhere between ten minutes to ten days. But hopefully, it wouldn't take so long.

[I just hope your people do not do anything stupid when they hear you screaming your balls out.]

"... they won't hopefully." Ashton replied, trying his best to ignore Astaroth's weird comment, "Even if they do, Sven and Celeste would take care of them."

Upon hearing his name, Sven proudly banged on his chest while Celeste gave a not so subtle look towards her master.

"Give me that look again and I'll rip your eyes out!"

"Master, I'll graciously accept all the pain you give to me and turn it into pleasure for you..." She winked in his direction.

As much as Ashton wanted to knock some sense into the bitch, he knew doing so would only make her behave even worse. After all, the pain was indeed a pleasure for her.

[I like her. If you don't want her, could you let me have some fun time with her? That should let her back off for a bit.]

"Get your own freaking body for that. I ain't going anywhere near that crazy bitch. Not after what she did back then."

[Dude, you've not sworn celibacy have you? I mean you do have a donger between your legs so that couldn't be the reason why you keep refusing these ladies. Or wait a minute... are you interested in guys? I'm not judging you or anything. Everyone has a right to pursue their sexual orientation.]

'I swear one more word and-'

[Well, it's not like you can do anything to me. But Sure... I'll stop. Hearing you scream should be the best moment of her life considering how much of a masochist she is.]

"... Let's just focus here, shall we?"

Ashton took a deep breath and made his choice. The following moment it felt as if he was deep within an ocean. But the feeling wasn't uncomfortable. He had expected pain, but instead, a soothing feeling washed over his body.

<All the skill effects have been deactivated till the evolution is completed.>

<All of the resistances have been deactivated till the evolution is completed.>

<This is to avoid any unnecessary complications during the reformation of the host's body.>

<Proceeding with evolution in... 3... 2... 1...>

He could no longer hear or see what was going on around him. Everything around him was perfectly fine. However, it all changed a moment later sudden pain crushed his bones. It felt as if someone was skinning him alive while pouring acid all over him at the same time.


[Hold it! Push through the pain!]

Astaroth's tried his best to calm Ashton down but failed miserably. The latter couldn't even hear him and kept screaming over and over again. Hundreds of veins within his body burst open, flooding his insides with his blood, but at the same time, the veins were continuously getting prepared by themselves as well.

It was an endless cycle of tearing the old body parts apart and replacing them with new ones. As a result, Ashton found himself in an endless sea of pain.

Nevertheless, as more time passed, the pain only got worse. The resistances he had honed for months were proving to be useless now that they had been deactivated. Thousands of veins bulged through his skin not, his muscles got leaner, countless bones within his body were shattered and reformed at an alarmingly fast rate.

[Here it comes...]

Astaroth happily mumbled and a moment later a huge shockwave was sent out of Ashton's body, knocking over both Sven and Celeste as well as cracking the bunker in several places. It was a horror show all around.

By the time the evolution process came to an end, the room was barely standing. Ashton's blood was splattered all over. As for him, he was a sweating mess and for the first time in a long time... he felt weak and frail. Just like he had been while living within the enclosure.

[You good?]

"Be honest with me, the benefits weren't the only reason you made me choose space farer race, did you?" Ashton sighed, "Fucking hell, I feel as if I died a dozen times!"

[Well... technically you did. After all, you are quite literally a new being.]

"I'll take your word for it."

[You don't have a choice either way.]

Ashton nodded while panting as if he had just finished a run around the globe. Slowly but surely the pain subsided bit by bit. It took him a while, but managed to get back to his feet and was greeted by a plethora of notifications all of which he promptly ignored.

He needed a bit of time for himself before he could do anything. Which was given since the experience was traumatic, to say the least.

[How do you feel?]

"Surprising well after going through that hell," Ashton mumbled while throwing some punches, "I can't feel much difference, but my body feels lighter than before. So that's good I suppose."

[Great, now let's take a look at your stats, shall we?]

Ashton nodded but neither he nor Astaroth was prepared to see what they saw next.

"Didn't you say the stats would only increase by like 20%, then what's this?"

[That's what I'm trying to figure out...]


Name: Ashton Fenrir

Species: Human-based Tribrid (Active), Carbon-based Space Farer (Active).

Status: Zompirewolf

Class: Revenger (werewolf class), Blood Mage (vampire class), Necromancer (zombie class)

Subclass: ??? (Carbon-based Space Farer subclass) [Please complete the assigned quest to unlock the subclass.]

Title: [Defiant], [Novice Brewer], [Monklin Slayer], [Researcher], [Owner Of the Eastern Palace], [First Modern Space Farer of Earth]

Age: 16 years

Gender: Male

Grade: E-tier (Evolution is possible) [Get to level 60 with all your Genes to begin the second stage of the evolutionary process.]

Affiliation: Werewolves.


> Werewolf Level: 30 (0%)

> Vampire Level: 30 (0%)

> Zombie Level: 30 (0%)

Cumulative Level: 62


HP: 10500/10500

Mana: 5950/5950

Damage: 104

Armour: 99

Stealth: 101

Stamina: 95

Agility: 102

Intelligence: 165


Number of Summons: 2/10

Domain Authority: Wraith Wolf Dungeon (60%), Eastern Palace (10%)





Forgetting about the stats, his HP and Mana alone had increased by about five thousand and three thousand points respectively. It was unlike anything Ashton had expected, even in his wildest dreams. However, this wasn't the end yet.

<Resistance cap has been increased from level 15 to level 20.>

<Skill cap has been increased from level 10 to level 15.>

<All of your active skills have been upgraded by one level as a gift for successful evolution.>

"Um... is this normal?"

[Like hell it is!]

Whether it was normal or not didn't matter as Ashton was quite satisfied with what he was seeing. But he was the happiest when he saw his cumulative level.

'Wait, wasn't Alucard level 61? Does it mean I'm stronger than him!?'

[Don't even think so. You are stronger than him based on your genes and level, but unlike you, he does not blindly rush his levels to the maximum. He hones each and every single one of his skills to the limit before even thinking about levelling up more.]

[If anything it would take you at least a year of training before you reach his level of mastery. However, you are officially the strongest being in this country so I suppose that's something you can celebrate if you want.]


Author's note: (New novel announcement.)

First of all, I would like to say I'm adding this section after uploading the chapter so it wouldn't affect the cost of the chapter. Secondly and also the main reason I am writing this is to inform you all that I have released another novel called Tartarus Online and I'll be grateful if you guys could go ahead and drop some love on it. It would mean a lot to me.

As usual, thanks for all the love and support you have been showing me. Love y'all.

- Akshat Arpit.

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