I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 248 Bonding Time

Chapter 248 Bonding Time

Ashton instinctively jumped in front of Avalina, ready to fight Alucard.

[Oi, idiot, back off now. Did you forget what I said? He's more experienced than you.]

However, Ashton was not going to listen to anyone who tells him to back down, especially if someone close to him was threatened. Not to mention, his level was higher than that of Alucard, therefore he didn't have a reason to back down.

"Oh, protecting your mother huh? That's a praiseworthy thing to do." Alucard smirked and took his sword out, "I knew you were somewhat like me. I too killed the people who were responsible for my mother's death. Those were the times... but let's see what can you do first, shall we?"

Ashton did not waste any time and charged straight toward the overlord. As usual, he placed all his strength behind his swords and attacked. Spark flew in all directions as their blows connected with each other.

Ashton's attack was backed up by raw strength but Alucard had a century worth of skills on his side. The kid's attack might have forced him to take a step back, a feat not many on earth have achieved. But that was all there was to it.

"Your attacks are too simple and lack substance. It almost feels like a monklin stole a sword and decided to play the hero." Alucard mocked him before deflecting Ashton's strike and smacking him in the head, "You think you can protect someone like this? It's a miracle you have been able to protect yourself so far."

Ashton paid no attention to him and threw a tornado kick at Alucard. Since the latter was well aware of Ashton's brute strength, he didn't even try to block or parry the strike, instead, he ducked below and swiped Ashton's legs off the floor making him lose his balance and eventually fall.

With his trusty sword, Alucard tapped Ashton's neck.

"And you're dead, then I killed your mother and you wasted all of your talents. End of story." Alucard smiled putting the sword away, "Wanna have a go again?"


"Don't tell me... you thought I was going to kill you for real?" Alucard acted surprised, "I would never do something like that. If I did, my daughters would never forgive me and that's something I can't live with."

"So... what was this?"

"Hm... an impromptu sparring session, I guess?" Alucard replied, before pulling Ashton to his feet.

[Huh, you really thought he was fighting you? LMAO!]


With Ashton back on his feet, Alucard turn his attention towards Avalina, "Ava, you good?"

"Yes, your highness. Ashton saved me in the nick of time." She replied, "If it wasn't for him, I don't think I would be talking to you or to anyone in fact."

"I'm glad you were saved by your long lost son, although there are a lot of things he needs to learn. You might be a good brawler, but your swordsmanship is a bit lacking. Not that I blame you, those wolves think strength is the only thing that matters. Which also reflects in the way they handle their weapons."

"That I can't argue with..." Ashton scratched the back of his head.

He was feeling a bit embarrassed regarding how easily he lost his cool and fought Alucard, without thinking of the consequences. On top of that, as Astaroth reminded him of the things he said, Ashton couldn't help but cringe at himself.

'I really said such a thing in front of her?'

[Sure did, Mr self-proclaimed protagonist.]




"Well, it's a good thing my daughters chose you. Now I can teach you the way of the sword and hopefully make a great knight out of you. Only if you want of course."

Alucard left the ball in Ashton's court and Ashton wasn't a fool to decline the opportunity to learn swordsmanship from such a great swordsman.

"I'll be honoured to."

"Haha, consider it a father-in-law and son-in-law bonding activity." Alucard laughed heartily all the while patting Ashton's back.


"You will marry them, won't you?" Alucard brought his face eerily closer to Ashton, as the latter nodded vigorously, "Good, good. For a second I thought you were having cold feet or something."

[Damn, first he's gonna force you to marry them, then they'll force your virginity out of you... quite literally.]


Soon, cleaners were brought in and they cleaned up the mess inside the lab while Ashton, Avalina, and the sisters accompanied Alucard to his private chambers. Well, it was private chambers only in name, it appeared more like a treasury than anything else.

Once everyone had settled down, Alucard wanted to know more about Avalina and Ashton. He didn't have any reason for it, but since Ashton would one day become a part of his family, it was given that he wanted to know more about him.

However, Alucard could not believe his ears as Ashton and Avalina explained how they were separated from each other for about 12 years now. Irina, who barely ever showed any emotions had a sad look on her face, while Verina was trying her best to not hug Ashton.

They had no idea why Ashton was so cold-hearted but now that they were aware of his backstory, his hostile demeanour towards strangers made a lot of sense.

Once that was out of the way, Alucard turned their attention towards the real reason why he had invited them to his chambers... to discuss what happened in the lab.

"As far as we are aware, salt should be the weakness to the undead. However, it's an indisputable fact that the undead not only somehow managed to survive in seawater but also fool us into thinking it was 'dead'."

Avalina continued, "As for the reason for attacking me... I think we all know the answer."

She was obviously referring to the research she had been doing. If she managed to complete her research, not only would she find a cure to reversing the 'Coffin' effect, but the undead would also lose the one advantage they have over the vampires.

But she couldn't;t openly say it because Ashton was present there and the research was supposed to be kept a secret from everyone who didn't belong to vampire nobility.

"What answer?" Ashton looked at everyone as they silently nodded in agreement.

"All I can tell you is that it's related to research I have been doing for a decade," Avalina replied.

She did not state what kind of research, but Ashton was not a fool and immediately connected the dots.

"Is it about the weakness of the vampires against the undead?"

He asked them and all of them stared at each other, trying to figure out who could have told him that. But Ashton cleared the confusion before any of them blew things out of proportion.

"No one told me, so don't point fingers." Ashton smiled, "I'm part Undead too remember? On top of that, I have fought vampires before. Don't you think one of those times I would have discovered something like that on my own?"

"Aah... it does make sense." Alucard nodded, "But what doesn't is the fact how did the undead get to know about our plans?"

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