I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 259 Heaven’s Downfall

Chapter 259 Heaven’s Downfall


[Heaven's Downfall]: A legendary skill born as a by-product of the angel Seraph's flames. Also well-known by the higher civilizations for its destructive power. Upon usage, summons a field of inextinguishable flames that will only obey the command of its summoner. The size and heat generated in the field will depend on the user's power.

Grade: Legendary

Proficiency: 0.00%

Cooldown: <The user needs to increase the proficiency of the kill by hunting creatures to unlock the skill to use.>

Cost: <The user needs to increase the proficiency of the kill by hunting creatures to unlock the skill to use.>

Can be used: <The user needs to increase the proficiency of the kill by hunting creatures to unlock the skill to use.>

Condition to upgrade the skill: A legendary skill can't be upgraded without being mastered (Obtaining 100% proficiency) first.


'A weird skill... well, it's a legendary skill so it's bound to be abnormal.' Ashton thought as soon as he was greeted by the skill's useless description, 'Astaroth should explain about this in detail later. For now, I just wanna go home and sleep...'

Ashton had no doubt if someone else were to get their hands on a legendary skill, they would have lost their shit over it. But Ashton wasn't all that impressed, mainly because there wasn't much information given to him to be excited about it.

But the more he thought about it, the more uses he could think of the skill. Since he had gained immunity from any kind of fire damage, he could use the skill both offensive and defensively. And a multi-purpose skill could never be useless.

'I'll wonder about the skill later. First I need to look around a bit more and go back to Livan.'

He slowly got back to his feet, all the heat and pain he was experiencing vanished as soon as he 'tamed' [Seraph's Flames]. He stared at the hand that was holding the crystal, only to see the crystal had embedded itself in the palm of his hand.

Along with it, a black tattoo of flames appeared to be appearing out of the crystal encircled around his right hand. As for the rock that the crystal was once a part of, it was nowhere to be found. It was almost as if Ashton had absorbed it as well.

"It won't bite me huh..." Ashton taunted his administrator who so graciously screwed him over, "I guess you were telling the truth, after all, it burned me instead."

[Oh don't be a baby, you'll get over it. I had to make sure you get your hands on this first before anyone else.]

"You knew this... crystal or whatever it is, was here?"

[Nope. But when I saw that Gorillan creature use fire such fierce fire, I knew it had to be somewhere close.]

"I should stop listening to you blindly..."

[Brat you're alive because of me. Also, you have no idea what kind of power you have obtained. Hmm... we should think of a way to conceal it. If a Xyran happens to come across you now, it wouldn't end up good for us.]

"Yeah yeah, I'll ask baiter to make a glove or something to hide it." Ashton sighed and went deeper into the underground city the gorillan had built, "Aah, I never gave you a name, did I? Gokung... that should be good enough I think."

The gorillan seemed receptive to her new name, but since she was essentially a slave, she couldn't express herself.

Sadly, there wasn't much to look for in the breeding grounds of the Gorillan. Without the crystal and all the eggs scattered around, the cave-like place seemed a bit empty.

Ashton was hoping he would be able to replace the Nemean armour he lost to the flames, but it didn't seem like that was going to be the case.

"Tsk, it was a great armour. Looks like I'll have to start using the armour that Mera gave me last year. That is, till Baiter makes me a new armour."

[Someone'e here.]

"Must be those guild bastards. Fuckers might have left some spies around to watch me."

He wasn't sure whether that was the case or not, but he was sure the guild must have been keeping an eye on him as he had already sensed their presence, even though they were trying their best to suppress their presence.

Ashton was hoping they would do something like that so they'll get to know exactly who they have threatened.

But he never thought they would actually have the guts to approach him even after seeing how he took care of the Gorillan. It was possible they were thinking he was weak from all that fighting and thus was an easier target to bully or negotiate with? Only time would tell what they wanted.

[Don't you want to recall your summons?]

"What's the point? If they were following me, then they must already be aware of them. As things stand, I might as well make a welcoming committee for them."

[Right. Maybe you could kill them and increase the proficiency of the skill a bit?]

"We'll see."

A few seconds later, around a hundred men entered the underground cave. All of them had equipped the best gear they could afford, not to mention, that about a third of their party consisted of 'Tanks' who could take a high amount of damage.

Half of the remaining team seemed to have been filled by healers and mages, the rest were a variety of other classes of warriors. All in all, it didn't seem like they were there to talk.

'No, taking harsh action here without thinking things through might cause me unnecessary trouble.' Ashton threw out the thought of killing them... for now, "What are you people doing here?"

"We're the backup the guild master sent to help you in case you needed it." A man with wavy red hair donning a silver armour was the one to speak, "Guess you didn't need it, after all."

"Yeah, it got over faster than I expect." Ashton replied sheathing Balmond, "Since you're here, I'll leave the clean up you if it's not much trouble?"

"It wouldn't be a problem." The man replied before extending his arm in Ashton's direction, "The name's Cecil Swan from the noble house of Swan."

Ashton was about to ignore the man but when he told him his name, Ashton decided to shake his hand, "Swan? Hm, are you related to Anna somehow?"

"Oh, you know her? She happens to be my talented half-sister." Cecil enthusiastically replied.

,m "Yeah, we happened to share a few months back when I was attending the academy. I'll take my leave now if you don't mind."

"Please do, and thank you for your hard work."

Ashton nodded and left the cave. As soon as he was out of sight, Cecil's second-in-command grabbed Cecil by the shoulder.

"What was that? We were supposed to get rid of him!"

"Didn't you see?" Cecil replied.

"See what? The guild master will annihilate us for not doing as he asked!"

Cecil simply shook his head while smiling. It didn't matter why their guild master had deemed Ashton to be a threat, but their plan of killing him wouldn't have worked. No matter even if the entire guild was there to fight him.

"He isn't someone any of us can kill." Cecil replied, "Not even the guild master."

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