I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 286 A Strange Reaction (1)

Chapter 286 A Strange Reaction (1)

The former chief's son, Janis, was one of the first people to fight against the Giholos. However, from the moment he saw them, he knew the fight wasn't going to end in his favour anytime soon. Yet he took the Hand Cannons and fired away at as many aliens as he could.

The aliens were firing their own mysterious weapons at them. They had no idea what kind of bullets they were using, but it definitely seemed a lot better than the ones they were. Their magic bullet tore through their metal armour.

Turning the armours that were supposed to protect them, into molten steel that burned through their skin and organs. The battle wasn't one-sided as it seemed the Giholos had underestimated their enemies. Still, as the momentary shock dissipated, the Giholos got stronger and stronger.

Janis was so focused on firing at the Giholos in front of him, that he completely forgot about a potential attack from behind. A stray plasma bullet hit his leg. The bullet melted his skin and seared the muscles within. Even the bones could no longer be seen and then he felt a punch in his chest.

The punch was enough to fling him toward the group of Giholos, whom he had been fighting. His vision blurred as he groped to feel the wound. His hands came away sticky with blood.

Yet surprisingly he couldn't feel any pain. Which was weird since blood was pouring out of his chest and leg at an alarming rate. All the adrenaline rushing in his body had made him numb to pain. He still wanted to fight, he had to fight if he ever wanted to see his wife again.

He had to live on to know he had got justice and the bastards who took his wife away had been punished. But the universe had different plans for him. He felt disoriented and confused. His head was buzzing crazily and he couldn't move, no matter how much he tried.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see a flurry of movement around him as armoured figures swarmed him as if he was an animal in a zoo. They had a weird four-jawed faces that made them appear terrifying.

If Janis had seen them before, he would have nightmares about them for the rest of his life. Yet at that moment he couldn't help but stare at them angrily. Their world already had too many problems of its own and yet these fuckers arrived there to add more shit on their plates.

The aliens appeared to be talking amongst themselves through weird screeching sounds. Janis' health was dropping rapidly and he knew he wasn't going to make it. While the aliens stared at him, he ignored them and focus on the photo of his wife that he always carried with him.

The photograph was the only remembrance he had of his wife and child. But now, even that was soaked in his blood.

"I'm sorry..."

That's all he managed to mumble before a Giholo snatched the photo away from him. Janis' vision narrowed as he struggled to get back the photograph, only to be kicked back down. The aliens were staring at the picture with puzzled looks.

"Give it back... you ugly bastards!"

Janis lashed out once again and this time... one of the Giholos pressed his gun against Janis' forehead and fired. Slaying the man in an instant. Once he was dead, they stored the photograph before continuing with their assault.

To them, Janis was just another low-levelled insect, whom they could just step on and continue without turning back. This behaviour was about to turn into a grave oversight by the Giholos.

They might have killed the werewolves, and their souls might have left their bodies, but as long as their corpses remain, they would rise to fight over and over. Just like Janis did.

Once the Giholos had discarded any thought about the person they had just killed, Janis rose back as undead and lunged at the Giholo's unsuspecting backs. His razor-sharp bony claws dug right into their flesh. It wasn't enough to kill them, but it was enough to make them turn their attention away from what was in store for them.

"Skeeereee!" A Giholo roared and all of them rained the undead Janis with Plasma bolts.

But Janis wasn't the only one there. A moment later Sven came charging toward them like a mad titan. The Giholos panicked and threw everything they had in their arsenal. However, much to their surprise and dismay, bullets just phased through him.

Sven ripped one of them in half by swinging his sword, before grabbing the head of another one and ripping it out along with the alien's spine. The aliens roared in surprise and anger as their comrades fell one after another.

All of them abandoned their weapons and charged at Sven with their hands. However, in a surprising turn of events, rather than facing them head-on, Sven crouched at the last possible moment.

As he did that, a hail of shadowy arrows brushed past him, splattering Giholo's blue gore all over the ground. Soon, a heap of alien corpses was found on the ground. Sven turned around and gave Celeste a thumbs up, who responded by throwing a flying kiss his way.

Soon the fallen Giholos rose up and joined Celeste's side. The duo was making a quick work of the aliens who invaded them from the south. In a distance, loud explosions could be heard, followed by sparks of black fire.

"Gokung is having fun on her own," Celeste said while staring in North, "I won't let her take my spot away!"

"It's a battle, not a game." Sven picked up the sword once again, summoning his own skeletal army to aid him.

"Tsk, what do you about the peril of a woman's heart." Celeste retorted while shooting arrows made of shadow at the incoming horde, "You died as a virgin, didn't you?"

"I have no recollection of my previous life. The only thing I know is to serve my master." Sven replied before swinging his sword, "Anything more than that is unnecessary information in my opinion. Here they come again..."

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