I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 295 Hard Work? Nah, Smart Work (2)

Chapter 295 Hard Work? Nah, Smart Work (2)

The sky was spinning, the ground seemed to have shattered to pieces as the grade-A warriors got ready to have their second bout. It was clear that Beelzebub had the upper hand there. Still, the progenitors weren't backing down.

Lycaon looked around to watch his allies and knew none of them was in any shape to fight back. While Beelzebub's attacks might have seemed to be basic manoeuvres, those moves were enough to dismantle them entirely. That, by itself, demonstrated the kind of power the Xyrans possessed.

'If even Frank can't take the damage head-on, then none of us can.' Lycaon thought to himself, 'Not without proper weapons at least.'

He plunged his hands deep into his inventory and took three weapons out. Once for each of them. Call it overconfidence or negligence, Beelzebub did not attack them while they armed themselves. He might have stabbed his 'brothers' before, but at the end of the day, he was still an honourable member of the Xyrans.

But to his surprise, Beelzebub didn't think the pirates were taking him seriously. After all, the weapons they had brought out were antiques in terms of the weapons the Xyrans used.

"A hammer, a spear and swords... is that the best you fools could come up with?" Beelzebub mocked the trio who simply ignored his words.

At the same time, Dracula had used his psychic abilities to establish a three-way link between them. They did not have to speak a word to converse with each other anymore. Their thoughts would be enough to do the work for them.

"Prepare your strongest attacks." Frank spoke first, "I should be able to hold him down for about 5 to 7 seconds. You guys will have to do what you must in the meantime."

Lycaon and Dracula agreed in silence.

"But remember we can't kill him yet. We all know what will happen to the earth if we did." Lycaon reminded Dracula, "The entire reason why we left the planet, would get jeopardised."

Dracula nodded. If it had been some other planet, they would not have hesitated before killing Beelzebub. But Earth was a sensitive topic for them as well as those who were against the Xyrans in the first place.

If they killed Beelzebub, even accidentally, the council would know about it in an instant. As all of the members, no matter how big or small of a role they played, had their lives linked to each other. In the event one of them died, they would get to know immediately and thus the Xyrans would retaliate in kind.

To top it all off, it seemed the council or at least some of the members were already informed about Beelzebub's visit to the earth. That would make sense considering the number of soldiers he had under his command was more than his 'personal' forces.

Thus killing them then and there was out of the option. They had to subdue him somehow which was a much more difficult task to accomplish rather than simply killing him.

"Just stop him from using his cheat-like abilities and we just might be able to mortally wound him." Dracula reminded Frank.

A battle was a place where anything could change. People who seemed to be winning could lose in an instant and vice versa. That's why there was a saying: A battle is not over until one side had either surrendered themselves or their lives.

With new gauntlets in his arms, Frank charged at the Xyran like a mad bull. Beelze bub shook his head in disappointment. After all that hype, he had expected the pirates to do something he couldn't have predicted and yet, he was able to put a stop to Frank's charge by using just a hand.

Frank did manage to push Beelzebub about 5 feet backwards, but that was the extent to it. Beelzebub was putting enormous pressure on his head. The Xyran might not want to show it, but keeping Frank in place was taking him quite some strength.

"You should not have touched me."

Frank smirked before grabbing onto the hand Beelzebub was using to stop him. As soon as he did that, an electric discharge shot out of the gauntlet, paralysing Beelzebub.

Usually, no mortal being would have been able to survive such a strong discharge, but the Xyrans had high resistance to a lot of things. Electricity was one of them. That's why Beelzebub was merely stunned. As for Frank, well, he was undead so the electricity would not affect him.

Lycaon and Dracula did not waste a second before jumping the Xyran. Lycaon used his plasma swords and pinned Beelzebub's feet to the ground. Meanwhile, Dracula was holding his spear as he was about to throw it.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The next moment, the spear turned red as Dracula turned paler than he ever was. As for the spear, it grew bigger and bigger as more and more of Dracula's blood was syphoned off.

"Spear of Destruction!" He yelled at the top of his lungs before hurling it straight at Beelzebub.

Lycaon used his extraordinary agility to push Frank and himself away from the blast radius of the spear. After all, the spear was only a spear in name. It was more of an anti-matter weapon that could evaporate anything and everything in the blast radius.

But it was a weapon that would not have been able to kill Beelzebub. However, it should be enough to erase the demonic form of the bastard. Without the demonic form, they would have a fighting chance. Especially, since their army would probably be able to join them by then.

Beelzebub regained movement as soon as the numbness due to electric power faded away. And saw... something strange. He could see something was headed his way. But no matter how hard he tried to move, he couldn't. By the time he saw the swords pinning his feet to the ground, it was too late.

The spear met its mark, sending a shockwave throughout the continent. The spear hit him right in the chest. The loud sound of the collision was enough to make the entire continent shake as Beelzebub was trapped inside a crimson sphere.

Their plan was successful! The Progenitors had put a stop to the tyrant... for now. Or had they?

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