I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 310 Planet Euphoria (2)

Chapter 310 Planet Euphoria (2)

"Next!" The alien lady at the counter yelled.

It had been an hour since Ashton and the girls joined the queue to get admitted into one of the 12 'training zones' spread across Euphoria. The planet's 'sun' was already nowhere to be found and they were still stuck in the outer sector of the planet.

At first, Ashton thought since the training was supposedly so tough, the number of people trying to get in would also be small. But that wasn't the case.

But when they landed, the reality was much different. The plaza around the landing zone was filled with a variety of noises. More than a thousand people were already waiting to get admitted inside. A thousand creatures per counter... so more than six thousand aliens were there.

It was a good opportunity for Ashton to learn about the creatures there, and Astaroth did not disappoint him. Some of the aliens had golden skin, much like that of the Xyrans but lacked the wings and the humanoid shape.

Instead, they appeared more like primates just a bit on the bigger side. These aliens were called Pseudic, highly intelligent species that specialized in weapon manufacturing. But the most bizarre alien species that Ashton saw would have to be the ones called Mukus.

These were shapeless gooey creatures that had no shape of their own. Instead, they had the ability to switch into the shape of the creature that came into contact with them. Thus they were often also called, Mimic Slime.

However, since they had to use their true identities in order to enter the training zones, they were being carried around in some sort of mobile container.

As for the girls, they were fascinated as well. After all, it was their first time seeing something like this and did not have an Administrator to help them get acquainted with everything. Their only source of information was the electronic tablet Aamon handed to all of them before they left the ship.

The tablet had all the information they would require on the aliens and the trial. It also had a built-in translator that helped them understand what the aliens were talking about. Aamon had also provided them all with weapons and necessary gear, which were stored in their inventories.

While Astaroth was telling him about the aliens, Ashton's perception kicked in. There were some hostile gazes on him. This confused him as he didn't know anyone there, therefore, none of them had a reason to be hostile. However, a moment later he realised why someone would be hostile toward him.

"Ugh... this smell, I told you I smelled some dog shit here."

As soon as they heard a familiar speech, Ashton and the girls immediately turned around to witness something they could never imagine seeing. Especially considering the fact they were so far away from earth.


Right behind them, Ashton could see a bunch of humans clad in their space suits. However, they didn't share many similarities with the humans on earth. It would seem a century in space was enough to evolve their physique.

Each of the half a dozen humans that were standing in front of them was at least 8 feet tall and built like some greek gods. Hell, their physique was enough to make a dent in a werewolf's alpha ego.

As for Ashton, he did not appreciate the gaze of the humans. Especially the way they were staring at the girls. As much as Ashton wanted to know more about them, considering he too was a human once, he knew these kinds of people were the right ones to quench his curiosity.

"Dang, you're right. I never thought I would see these dogs in space. What happened to animal cruelty?" The blonde woman lifted her helmet while she said that.

"Peta left the planet with us, remember? Haha."

"Let's go," Ashton told the girls and turned around to leave.

Sensing no good would come from indulging them, Ashton turned around and decided to switch queue. It was a minor inconvenience, but he could more or less predict that the humans would only want to cause more trouble.

'Hm... if these assholes were always this annoying then I think I know why the mutants drove them out of the earth.'

[You took the words right out of my mouth.]

However, the humans had other plans. As they were leaving, one of them caught Irina's hands ad pulled her towards themselves. Even though Irina was a vampire, she could not free herself from the man's clasp.

Verina immediately bared her fangs at them, but Ashton stopped her from doing anything rash. For once... the humans appeared to be stronger than them, but obviously, they weren't strong enough to last a minute against Ashton.

Moreover, the reason Ashton stopped Verina had nothing to do with their strength, but with the guards. Despite having its fair share of hardships, Euphoria had one of the strongest military strengths among the lower civilizations. At least that's what Aamon told them.

This meant, that the slightest instance of violence was strictly and swiftly dealt with. Ashton had already noticed that the guards had their attention on them, and expected them to resolve the issue. That's why he stopped Verina from doing something that might cause trouble for them.

But much to his surprise, the guards simply watched them and didn't lift a finger.

"Haha! The kid thinks the guards would defend them from mercenaries." The blonde woman scoffed, "Kid, we work alongside the guards, you think they would help you out?"

"Of course..." Ashton shook his head, "I just can't seem to wrap my head around your pettiness. You couldn't do shit to the mutants back on Earth so now you're resorting to bullying children?"

Trouble would always find its way to him. That had been the case ever since he was born. For once Ashton thought he could trust the authorities to do the right thing, only to be let down. If nothing else, it was a lesson for him.

"You sure have a big mouth for someone who can't even wag his tail properly." The bald man standing next to the lady threw a punch at Ashton.

All of them were laughing and smiling as they finally got a chance to do the mutants dirty. However, their smiles evaporated as the man's arm went flying in the opposite direction. The baldy clutched his severed arm and began flailing around. While the rest of them watched on... too dumbfounded to even speak.

"Children are often an easy target." Ashton spoke while sheathing Balmond, "Maybe a severed arm would change your opinion. Now, let the girl go and apologise, or I'll send you off to meet your ancestors."

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