I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 60 - Brawl (1)

Chapter 60 - Brawl (1)

True to her word, Rose started acting as if she was Ashton's manager. There was no hope for Ashton to get any money out of her. Even though the money would 'rightfully' be his. However, there was one thing that Ashton liked about Rose.

Even though she showed as if she didn't care about him, she was helping him quite a bit. But then again, it could have also been because he was a golden goose for her. Thus better she took care of him, the more rewards she could later milk out of him.

Apart from all that... there was one thing Ashton was excited about. The use of the weapons. Since he could not use any weapons or armours he had gotten as a reward from the academy, it left him with one option. He would have to use the twin swords he took after defeating those bloodsuckers all those weeks ago.

It would be the first time since he would be using them. On top of that, since his identity would be hidden thanks to that mask of his, he saw no problems while using those.

'As for this mask... it's not ordinary either.' Ashton thought while touching the mask that looked like the front portion of a human skull, 'I wonder whether Rose knows about the hidden effects of the mask. If I had to guess, I would say... she doesn't. Or else she wouldn't have given it away so easily.'


Item: Mask Of Vampirism

Type: Armour/ Assassin Gear/ Enhancement Gear

> Defence: 37-45 HP per strike

> Stealth: +12 points

Stats bonus:

>> Armour: +10% while equipped for use (increases with user's level).

>> Reduces 2x damage taken from Night Creatures.

>> Reduces 1.2x damage taken from werewolves and undead.

>> Increases all stats by 10%

>> When equipped, enhance the levels of a vampire by 3 levels.

Rarity: Rare


A mask that's said to have belonged to Queen Dracula herself. It is unknown as to whose skull this mask has been carved out of, but the skull is definitely a human's. To think any human ever had powers like these was commendable. So much so that even the queen herself praised the man for his valour and efforts he made to put an end to the vampires.

Sadly, due to the shady and messy history of vampires, the identity of such a valiant man had been long lost. But one day, when the Queen wakes up again... that moment might once again reveal the identity of the human. Till then, the mask will serve its purpose and make its wielder invincible.

The weapon had been enchanted and imbued with unique abilities and effects.


> Protects the wielder from negative effects of psychic attacks such as Blindness, Confusion, Dizziness, and Paralysis.

> Increases the user's mental defence by one grade (when equipped).

> Grants the user the active skill: [One With The Shadow].

Allows the user to switch places with a shadow. However, the shadow needs to be attached to a sentient being. Immediately after switching places, the user will also receive a boost in movement speed by 20% which decays over a duration of 2 minutes.

This skill can be activated 5 times a day.

Cooldown: 2 Hours

Activation Radius: 20 metres


'Yup. She doesn't know a thing about this mask. Good for me though.' Ashton smiled absentmindedly, 'I came here to get one gear and might end up getting two instead.'

"The heck are you smiling for?" Rose was finally finished getting Ashton in a fight and placing her bets, "Don't be a fool to think you can win this easily."

"Believe me. Underestimating my opponents is not my fighting style." Ashton had a serious look on his face, "But will it be alright? I mean I'm a vampire in the middle of a city that's filled with werewolves."

"That's what you are worried about?" Rose ended up laughing so loudly everyone around them turned towards them, "Don't worry. This Black market is a place that cared more about their shit than who enters or leaves their premises."

She continued, "In other words, it does not matter who you are as long as you buy something or entertain them in a way. So make sure your fight is an entertaining one."

Ashton nodded and they made their way towards the arena. The arena was jam-packed with people of all colours, gender, and race. Unlike the environment on the outside, there was nothing quiet about this place.

Not a single person was holding their voices back and were continuously shouting at the two fighters inside the ring. All of these people had placed bets on these fighters and none of them wanted to lose their 'hard-earned' money.

Right now, the fight between two werewolves was going on. One of them was so buffed up that Ashton thought if someone were to stab the man, he'll explode like a balloon. While the other man had a considerably smaller frame but a highly agile body which was enough to ensure none of the bulky man's punches connected to him.

But the small man's punches were more or less useless against the big guy. Thus forcing the two of them into a stalemate. That was also the reason why the crowd was getting all riled up. They were there to get their money, not to witness their unnecessarily long fight.

Ashton fight was going to take place after a couple of fights. Which was good, considering that will give him enough time to get himself acquainted with how they fought with one another and analyse their movement. All in all, everything was going fine.

"Pretty wild isn't it?" Rose had to literally shout while sitting next to Ashton and yet he could barely hear her. But when that didn't work, they once again started communicating using telepathy.

"Wild doesn't even come close to describing this place. How the hell did we not hear any of this while we were outside?"

"These are no ordinary walls, boya. They have been made by the crystals found in night creatures and have noise cancellation properties. Sone one could make an explosion happen here, and the building would give out before any kind of sound would escape this place."

"I can't wonder why they would do something like this," Ashton said with a sarcastic look on his face.

There were two reasons why they would do that. Both of which Ashton was well aware of. Firstly, the noise would make sure that anybody who doesn't already know about the underground fight circuit, will never come to know about it on their own. Unless someone invited them over, as Rose invited him.

The second and final reason was to make sure that the business going above them was not inconvenienced in any form. It appeared that the mysterious owners of the place knew how to keep business and pleasure separate.

While Ashton was thinking all that, the excruciatingly long fight finally came to an end with the short guy taking the win. it would seem that no matter how bulky someone becomes... their balls are always susceptible to 'unintentional' low blows. Once the big guy was on his knees it was only a matter of time before the shorter guy ended the match.

"Are such moves allowed?"

"Anything is allowed once you're inside the ring. As long as you do not kill somebody." Rose replied with a wink, "Even sexual advances are not forbidden so might need to be aware of it."

"I'm fighting a woman?"

"Not just any woman, but an alpha amongst the brawlers. She had never been defeated in a match before. All thanks to her charm. But since you could resist me, who knows you might become the first one to defeat her and if you're able to do that, you can take any... rare grade weapon from the shops. So be sure to give it your best."

"So that's why you tested me back then. You wanted to see whether I was up for the challenge or not." Ashton had a moment of realisation before shaking his head, "All that aside, do you know anything else about the woman?"

"Nope. That's the point. No one knows who she is or where she came from. It's all shrouded in mystery. Even the information brokers don't have any on her. It's as if she's a ghost."

"A ghost you say.... interesting."

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