I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 600 Exiled Cousin (2)

Chapter 600 Exiled Cousin (2)

Ashton's curiosity burned within him as he watched the tense exchange between Adri and the Emperor. Unable to contain his intrigue any longer, he turned to Minister Theron.

"Who is that, talking to the Emperor so casually?" Ashton asked, trying to hide his annoyance.

Theron glanced at Ashton, a flicker of sadness passing through his eyes. "That 'lunatic,' as you so aptly put it, is Adri. He was once a candidate for the throne, but he fell out of favour with the former Emperor."

"Wait, what?" Anna interjected.

"That is true," Theron shook his head, his eyes growing sadder by the passing moment. "He was... exiled a while back. Those were the former Emperor's final orders as he passed away."

Ashton's eyebrows furrowed, his mind racing to piece together the puzzle. "Why was he exiled? What did he do to warrant such punishment?"

Theron sighed, his gaze fixed on the ongoing confrontation. "Adri's ambitions were great, but his methods were ruthless. He sought power at any cost, even if it meant sacrificing the kingdom's and its people's well-being. His exile became inevitable when he disobeyed a direct order from the former Emperor."

Theron continued, "In contrast to his nature, Adri wanted to protect a planet from an unknown enemy, but the former Emperor, his father, was against it. You could say the one time he showed compassion towards others, he got exiled."

Anna's eyes widened in realisation. "So, the current Emperor was chosen as the rightful successor?"

Theron nodded, his voice tinged with regret. "Yes, after Adri's fall from grace, the former Emperor recognised the current Emperor's fairness, compassion, and strong leadership qualities. It was a difficult decision, but the empire's well-being took precedence."

"So, his exile was his punishment for defying the Emperor's command?" Anna interjected, her voice laced with pity for Adri.

Theron nodded. "Precisely. The former Emperor saw his actions as a threat to the empire's stability, and thus, Adri was cast out."

Ashton's mind raced with possibilities. "If Adri was once a contender for the throne, could it be that he seeks to reclaim his position by framing me as the Emperor made me a court member?"

"If that were his intention, he could have made a move long ago. The court holds a significant number of sympathisers for Adri, and he knows it." Theron shook his head, dismissing the notion. "There must be another reason driving his relentless pursuit."

"But if he had sympathisers within the court, why didn't he attempt to seize the throne?" Anna pointed out the apparent mystery.

"That is a valid question and one that has puzzled many." Theron sighed, his expression thoughtful. "If Adri truly desired the throne, he could have made his move at any time with the support he had. But he never did, which suggests that his motivations may lie elsewhere."

Ashton's mind raced with possibilities. "So, if his exile wasn't a power play, what could be driving him to cause such a disturbance now?"

Theron's voice held a tinge of concern. "That question troubles me as well. Adri's actions are unpredictable, and he seems driven by a sense of purpose. If he truly wanted to protect the planet, why is he causing chaos in the Emperor's court now?"

As they spoke, the confrontation between Adri and the Emperor continued unabated. Nursing their bruised bodies, the guards exchanged glances of frustration and bewilderment. Adri's voice reverberated through the room, filled with intensity and conviction.

"Gabe, step aside. My problem is with Reaper, not you or this empire."

The Emperor, known as Gabe to his loved ones, stood tall and unwavering, his gaze meeting Adri's with a steadfast resolve.

"Cousin, you have caused enough chaos and turmoil already. I cannot simply step aside and let you have your way."

The room fell into a tense silence as the courtiers and guards watched the confrontation unfold. The air crackled with anticipation as if the very fabric of the space held its breath, awaiting the outcome.

Ashton, known as Reaper, exchanged a knowing glance with Anna. The situation escalated further, and the conflict seemed centred solely on him. He braced himself for whatever Adri had in store, his senses sharpened, ready for the challenge ahead.

Gabe's voice held a mix of caution and authority as he addressed Adri. "You know that I cannot allow a duel to occur within the palace grounds. The consequences of such an act would be dire for our empire. We must find a more civilised resolution."

Adri's eyes burned with intensity as he retorted, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Civilised resolution? Reaper deserves nothing less than a battle to the death. He humiliated my family, and I will not rest until justice is served."

While the eyes were focused on the relatives, Ashton thought it was the right time to step up and take care of the mess. However, he couldn't help but feel like the cult was behind in orchestrating the situation before him.

"Allow me to make something very clear to you, sir," Ashton called out to Adri. "I did what I needed to do to preserve my partner's honour. If your so-called family member wasn't a horn dog, I wouldn't have had to take such action."

He continued, "But let me clarify one thing, I will not back down from defending those I care about."

Adri's fists clenched, his body trembling with rage. "You think you can challenge me? I am a master martial artist, yet to be defeated-"

"Good, there's a first time for everything." Ashton's expression hardened, his eyes locking with Adri's.

Adri's nostrils flared, his pride wounded by Ashton's confident stance. The courtiers and guards held their breath, the tension in the room palpable. It seemed as though a confrontation between the two skilled fighters was inevitable.

But before the situation could escalate further, The Emperor's voice rang out, commanding attention.

"That is enough, both of you. We will not resort to violence within these walls. This court is a place of law and order. You both will stand down or live the rest of your days in prison!"

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