I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 604 A Master Always has His Apprentice’s Back (1)

Chapter 604 A Master Always has His Apprentice's Back (1)

As the trial continued, the tension in the courtroom escalated as Lord Callan's lawyer presented his witness - a woman who claimed to have seen Bella making suggestive glances at Lord Callan during the ball.

The courtroom hushed as the witness stepped forward, her eyes darting nervously between the council members and the spectators.

"Your Honors," the lawyer began, "this witness was present at the ball when the alleged incident occurred. She swears she saw the defendant, Bella, using her succubus powers to cast a seductive spell upon Lord Callan, luring him into a trap."

Murmurs of disbelief rippled through the courtroom as the witness made her bold claims. The council members leaned in, intrigued by the possibility of succubus powers being at play.

Minister Theron, standing beside Ashton and Anna, maintained his composure. He knew this was a critical moment and needed to handle the situation carefully. He rose from his seat and addressed the witness with a measured tone.

"Madam, could you please clarify how you came to such a conclusion about Bella's intentions? Are you certain of what you saw?" Theron inquired, knowing that discrediting this witness was crucial to Ashton's defence.

The witness nodded, her confidence unwavering. "Yes, I am certain. Theron arched an eyebrow, seemingly contemplative. "And yet, Madam, I must remind the court that appearances can be I saw Bella looking at Lord Callan with a suggestive expression. As a succubus, she must have been using her powers to manipulate him."

Theron arched an eyebrow, seemingly contemplative. "And yet, Madam, I must remind the court that appearances can be deceiving."

Theron continued, "As my previous witnesses have attested, Lord Callan has a history of predatory behaviour towards women. Could it not be possible that he misinterpreted Bella's actions to fit his own desires?"

The witness faltered for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Theron seized the opportunity and turned to the council members.

"Your Honors, if I may request to call upon another witness, a high-ranking lady who conversed with Bella during the ball. She can confirm that Bella was not engaging in any suggestive behaviour."

The council leader nodded, granting Theron's request. "Very well, Minister Theron. You may call the witness."

Theron motioned for the lady, Lady Genevieve, to approach the stand. Unlike the lawyer's unknown witness, Lady Genevieve was a respected court member known for her integrity and honesty. She took the stand and faced the council, her gaze unwavering.

"Lady Genevieve," Theron began, "were you present at the ball when the incident in question allegedly took place?"

"Yes, I was," Lady Genevieve replied firmly.

"And did you witness any behaviour from Bella that would suggest she was trying to entrap Lord Callan?" Theron asked.

"No," Lady Genevieve answered without hesitation. "I conversed with Bella that evening, and she conducted herself with poise and grace."

She further stated, "I was even surprised to know she was a mercenary, as the way she carried herself was befitting of royalty. There was nothing suggestive or manipulative about her actions."

The courtroom buzzed with renewed intrigue. Theron had effectively refuted the claims of the fake witness, bolstering Ashton's defence.

Lord Callan's lawyer attempted to interject, "Your Honors, with all due respect, Lady Genevieve may not have perceived any ill intent from Bella, but as a succubus, her species is known for-"

Before the lawyer could finish, a council member interrupted, "Indeed, we must consider the implications of her being a succubus. We have limited knowledge of their powers and motives. Perhaps it would be prudent to detain Bella for further study and understanding her kind."

A murmur of agreement spread among some council members while others remained undecided. Ashton's jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing in anger at the suggestion of imprisoning Bella to study her.

Minister Theron stepped forward, his voice firm and resolute. "Your Honors, it is true that succubi are a rare species, but it is not within our rights to imprison someone based solely on their race or species. Bella has committed no crime, and her actions have been solely in defence of herself and her loved ones."

"Your Honors, this is a grave violation of justice," the Emperor interjected, his voice laced with frustration. "Bella has done nothing to warrant imprisonment or scrutiny. She is an innocent individual who deserves fair treatment and respect."

The council members, swayed by their biased beliefs, remained unmoved. They ordered the soldiers to seize Anna, their intentions clear.

Before the soldiers could even lay a hand on Anna, a sudden surge of dark energy enveloped the courtroom. The air crackled with palpable tension as Ashton took centre stage.

His voice reverberated with an eerie calmness as he addressed the council directly, his smile chillingly serene. "Thank you for revealing your true nature, you cultists."

A moment later, the guards were knocked cold as Ashton called forth his summons to protect Anna. All eight summons, even Ember, emerged from Valhalla, causing havoc inside the courtroom.

The Emperor, taken aback by Ashton's statement, leaned forward in curiosity. "What do you mean, Reaper?"

Ashton's eyes gleamed with determination and revelation. "For years, the council has been infiltrated by the members of the Cult of Cosmos. They have been manipulating events like orchestrating this trial and seeking to take Anna and me with them."

"I shouldn't say this, but," Ashton continued as he ripped the 'cage' secluding him in half. "they are why I arrived at your empire, your majesty."

Whispers filled the courtroom as the gravity of Ashton's words sank in. The council members exchanged uneasy glances, their facades cracking under the weight of the accusation.

"You truly are an extraordinary liar," the Council leader commented while laughing. "Accusing us of such heinous crimes without putting up any evidence? Who do you think would believe your crimes?"

"I would," A resounding voice appeared in the courtroom as a well-known individual entered the fray.

"You sure took your sweet-ass time getting here," Ashton scoffed as Flintmace and Vulcan walked up to him along with all the mercenaries under the Tower.

"Is that the way to address your master?" Vulcan retorted. "Looks like we might have to revisit our training methods once we finish dealing with this mess."

Everyone went wide-eyed when Flintmace, arguably the strongest individual in the Orion belt of the galaxy, appeared before them. Even the Cultists were no exception as they drowned in awe of Flintmace's extraordinary aura.

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